Kosciusko County IN Archives Obituaries.....Hepler, Dora August 2, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly T beverlyjo@aol.com March 27, 2010, 9:12 am Milford Mail, 8 Aug 1907 "Let the county bury my daughter; I do not care to have anything to do with the matter," was the word sent to Coroner Parker, of Detroit, Mich., by George Hepler, of Leesburg, Kosciusko County, Indiana, when informed that pretty Dora Hepler, aged 22, was dead at Grace hospital from self-inflicted wounds. Miss Hepler had resided in Detroit for about a year. Unless the Indiana relatives claim the body within a few days the Michigan officials will look after the disposal of the remains. Before dying the girl admitted that she had run away from home because life was very dull at that place and was consequently disowned by her people. Milford Mail, 8 Aug 1907: DIED AT GRACE HOSPITAL - Body Removed to Morgue, but Later Claimed by Friend - Dora Hepler, daughter of Andrew Hepler of Milford died at the Grace hospital in Detroit, Friday of last week. Miss Hepler had been in the hospital for a week or more waiting for an operation to remove an abcess. The operation was performed Friday morning but the young lady never rallied from the effects of the chloroform, and died in the operating room. A message was sent at once to her father in Milford on Friday afternoon. No word being received from the father, the body was taken to the undertakers room, and from there to a city morgue. The lady with whom the young Miss Hepler was boarding went to the morgue claimed the body, and afterwards went to the Woodmere cemetery purchased a lot and on Saturday afternoon the body was buried. In the afternoon, on Saturday, the father, Andrew Hepler went to undertaker C. R. Brittsan of Milford and the two left on the eight o'clock car for Detroit. On Sunday morning it was their purpose to purchase a casket and bring the body to Milford, but after seeing the lady with whom the daughter boarded, they were informed that the body was buried the day before. They also went to the undertakers rooms, and to the morgue to determine whether the body had been interred, or whether it had been given to the medical fraternity. They found every statement correct. They went to the cemetery and also found her grave. After Mr. Brittsan and the father were thoroughly satisfied, the father paid for the cemetery lot which was $12.00 and what other expenses had been contracted and the two came home Monday morning. Miss Hepler was 22 years of age and highly respected in her home circle of friends. She had been in poor health for only a short time, but the abcess was of such character the physicians thought best to have it removed. Her father was to see her after she had gone to the hospital and much surprised when he heard of her death, but her heart power being weak could not stand the anesthetic. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/kosciusko/obits/h/hepler603gob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/infiles/ File size: 3.3 Kb