Marriages: Demars to Demik Submitted by   Ken Curtis Lake County IN Marriages                 Lake County, Indiana Marriage Records        1880-1920 This page was extremely difficult to read, so there are probably many names spelled wrong.  Also, when copied, the book and page #'s didn't reproduce, so they are not on this list.       -D- NAME of SPOUSE AGE COLOR LICENSE MARRIAGE BRIDE/GROOM   DATE   DATE Demars, Minnie E. William E. Schwartz  --   --     7/27/11  7/27/11 DeMars, Leah F. Hebert N. Bailey --   -- 8/26/07  8/26/07 DeMars, William May Berndt --   -- 11/18/20 11/18/20 DeMars, William F. Mildred E. Nelson --   -- 12/29/20 12/29/20 DeMarsh Hal A. Solma Lundberg 25   -- 10/15/00 10/15/00 DeMarsh, Josephine Elmer R. (R)oss --    -- 12/22/19 12/22/19 DeMarzo, Martire Mario Filotti --    -- 12/14/18 12/14/18 Demas, Peter S. Greeta Eppley         --    --    3/12/17  3/12/17 Demas, Sam              Amalia Poge         --    -- 8/18/20  8/18/20 Demblon, Joseph Ethel Walling         --    --  3/20/15  3/20/15 Dembosky, Anna Thomas P. George --    -- 3/26/15  3/26/15 Demlowski, Leon Lozefa Cicaulka         --    --    4/9/17   6/3/17 Dembrocz, Mary Jan Yomsczcstob         --    --    10/6/14  10/6/14 Dembroski, Joe          Anna Posona         --    -- 8/16/15  ----- Demcovska, Tokla Peter Hasiak         --    -- 5/6/19   5/6/19 Demecsek, John Susie H?illa --    -- 10/6/17  10/22/17 DeMeir?, Faulino Harry S. Leo 26    --    3/7/04   3/8/04 Demeker, Sza?Z          Terezia ?ekker      --    --    5/16/14  5/23/14 Demeenk, Augusta Joseph Peto (Poto?)     --    --    9/10/07  9/15/07 Demerest, Andrew Mary Fuller --    -- 11/5/88  11/5/88 Demerick Emma(?) Peter -ergereiter??     --    -- 2/15/06  2/15/06 Demerling, Carl Susanna Reder --    -- 2/3/82   2/20/82 Demerling, Charles Alice R. Lekotzke --    -- 11/26/20 11/26/20 Demerling, Eliza Clemons Hiller --    --    8/26/14  9/21/14 Demerling, Kate Otto August Lange --    -- 10/7/11  10/8/11 Demerling, Mary Rudolph Herlmer --    --    11/18/08 11/22/08 Demeres, Philip C.   Dora A McCarty --    --    12/11/20 12/11/20 Demeter, Julia Andrew Joby --    -- 11/11/20 11/20/20 Demeter, Julius Veron Galnacs --    --    9/3/20   ----- Demeter, Mary Julius Englis --    -- 7/20/07  7/20/07 Demeter, Sigmund -ori Horvath --    -- 12/22/09 12/22/09 Demetros, Gus Blancho Coffman --    -- 4/6/20   4/6/20 DeMetz, Cornelius Cordula V. Holle?       --    -- 4/21/17  4/21/17 DeMick, Dink ?? Dingozan P. Jabaay 24    -- 10/8/02  10/9/02 Demick, Johanna Leondert Klootwyk --    -- 5/31/98  6/1/98 Demick, Mabel C. John. W. Spinner --    -- 8/22/17  8/22/17 Demick, Nickolas Lanta Thilment --    -- 9/17/19  9/17/19 DeMion, Alice N. Roy Wm. Casperson --    -- 5/29/20  6/1/20 DeMion, Ethel Gr. Allon E. Veeder --    -- 4/10/20  4/10/20 Demik, Anna Arie Klcotwyk --    -- 12/28/16 12/28/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the submitter, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submitter - Ken Curtis Email -