A few articles from Lowell 1925 Submitted by nlamon@netnitco.net  Nancy Amon Lake Co Articles 1925 BAUGHMAN-MACY Announcements have been recieved here of the marriage of Miss Henrietta Baughman and Paul E. Macy. The wedding took place at Waukegan, Ill. Nov.7, 1925 and the young couple kept it a secret from their friends until a few days ago.     The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs H. L. Baughman and is a most highly esteemed young lady the groom is an instructor at the Great Lakes Navel Training Station, where he will remain for sometime yet.Those who know him speak of him in the highest terms of praise. At the present the young couple are making their home in Waukegan, Ill. We join the many friends of the bride here at her home in extending congratulations and best wishes.   FARM HOUSE FIRE The fire department was called to the home of Mr.and Mrs Thuel Hayden last saturday when their house was discoved to be on fire. Mr and Mrs Hayden had just started for town when they looked back and saw the house was on fire. They hurried back and with the help of neighbors soon had the fire out very little damage was done. MARRIED TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Dec. 19th being the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Addison Clark, fifty neighbors and friends surprised them and helped celebrate the occasion. The evening was spent in visiting with old friends and playing cards. At a late hour everyone departed wishing Mr and Mrs Clark many more years of happy wedded life.   C.P. Pixley, of Hammond, was here Monday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs Palmer Edgerton. SOCIETY ENTERTAINED   The Y.W.F.S. met at the home of Mrs E. J. Pixley Monday evening, Dec. 14. Committees were appointed and work planned for the year's work. Mrs Felter, leader of the Y.W.F.S. society at Hebron, gave a very interesting talk on aims of the society and encouraged diligent work along these lines.   An informal and interesting meeting was followed by light refreshments and social hour. Mrs Pixley was assisted by Misses Aline Scritchfield and Anita Daum. Monday evening Jan.4th 1926, will be the next meeting, place to be announced at church service Sunday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submitted by Nancy Amon Email -nlamon@netnitco.net (Nancy Amon)