Marshall County IN Archives Obituaries.....Bellman, Christopher February 7, 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly T January 6, 2010, 2:46 pm Bremen Enquirer 10 Feb 1921 Christopher Bellman Old Resident Dies Monday - Christopher Bellman, seventy years old, a life long resident of this community, died at his home, six miles southwest of Bremen, Monday morning, after an illness of less than two weeks of pneumonia. Funeral services were held yesterday morning at the church of the Brethren, Rev. Chas. C. Cripe officiating. Burial was in Bremen cemetery. Christopher Bellman was born in Germany, April 18, 1850 and came to America with his parents when he was only three years old. The family settled near Bremen, and Mr. Bellman has lived here continuously ever since. He died Feb. 7, 1921, at the age of seventy years, nine months, and twenty- four days. On April 21, 1879, Mr. Bellman was united in marriage with Lovina Troup, who with three children survive him. The three children are John and Earl Bellman and Mrs. Emma Middaugh, all of this vicinity. He also leaves one brother, Wolfgang Bellman, also of Bremen. There are twelve grandchildren, three great grandchildren, and a large number of more distant relatives. Mr. Bellman acted as a father to Charles Detlinger who was taken into his home as an orphan and reared to young manhood. p.4 Card of Thanks - We wish to thank the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and following the death of our beloved husband and father. The floral gifts were especially appreciated. Mrs. Christopher Bellman and children....p.5 Relatives and friends here for the funeral of Christopher Bellman yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shell, and Elias Weaver and family, Plymouth, and Samuel Troup and family of Wakarusa. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb