Marshall County IN Archives Obituaries.....Richard, Catherine Lolmaugh May 7, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly T December 16, 2010, 1:09 pm Plymouth Democrat 7 May 1907 Catherine, wife of Peter Richard, sr., died at her home in this city, Tuesday, May 7, 1907, after an illness of five days. Deceased was the daughter of Jacob and Susan J. Lolmaugh, was born in Green township, Marshall county, Ind., and was the eldest of a family of twelve children. Her mother, Mrs. Susan J. Lolmaugh, is still living at Newton, Kansas. She was united in marriage with Peter Richard, Feb. 4, 1858, and was for more than 49 years a devoted wife and mother and a true helpmeet in the fullest sense of that term. She was in everyway fitted for pioneer life and for the rearing of a large family. Here was a field of unusual activity; she could not live without work, and she was always ready to assist friends and neighbors as well as her own family. She was a good woman, one whose place in the community will be hard to fill. She leaves a husband, ten children, thirty-two grandchildren, five brothers and two sisters, besides her aged mother and many friends to mourn her death. Her ten children are all married. They are Peter, John and Andrew, of this city, and Jacob Richard of Green township, Mrs. Shirar, of Monterey, Mrs. John Widman, residing east of this city, Mrs. Frank Houin, Mrs. Jacob Hartman, Mrs Christian Hoover and Mrs. John Miller, who reside south of the city. These with the aged husband have the sympathy of the entire community. Funeral services will be held at the Catholic church at nine o'clock Saturday morning and the remains interred in the Catholic cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb