Marshall County IN Archives Obituaries.....Snyder, Henry February 9, 1908 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly T December 31, 2010, 11:11 am Argos Reflector 13 Feb 1908 Argos Reflector, 13 Feb 1908: PROMINENT RESIDENT DEAD - The Messenger Calls at Another Walnut Township Home and Henry Snyder Answers Summons to Final Rest - Henry Snyder died at his home southeast of Argos Sunday after an illness of over a year, aged 60 years, 7 months, 2 days. For several years the deceased had been afflicted with a very painful and trying illness and for several months had been confined to his home. When the final call came to him Mr. Snyder was standing on his feet and the change was sudden and apparently painless. Obituary - Deceased was born in Starke county, O., July 9, 1847 and when one year of age came to Indiana with his parents, the family settling in German township, this county. In April 1870 he was united in marriage with Catherine Huff of near Bremen and to them were born nine children, three being called in the other life in infancy. With the widow living are six sons and two daughters, Simon, George, Elsworth, Benjamin, Drew, Russel, Mrs. Lenora Bodey and Mrs. Minnie Zehner. Henry Snyder was one of the most successful farmers of the county, a half section of well tilled, well kept and magnificently improved land reaching out in each direction from a splendid farm home standing as a monument to his untiring industry and thrift. For about ten years he was engaged in partnership with his brother, Benjamin in the sawmill business. In German township, though in 1870 he retired from this, moving to an eighty acre farm 4 1/2 miles east of Argos where he has since lived and labored for those he loved. In 1896 he was elected to represent the third district in the county commissioners court and served two terms in this capacity, though his highest aim and interest was centered in his farming and stock raising and the continual improvement of his country surroundings. How successful he has been and with what well directed efforts these improvements went forward as the years passed may be seen in the magnificant home from which he was called just when, really, he was in position to enjoy the fruits of his toil. Funeral services were held yesterday at the M.E. church in Argos conducted by Rev. D. A. Rodgers and interment at Maple Grove cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb