Marshall County IN Archives Obituaries.....Voreis, Thomas L March 3, 1896 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly T December 16, 2010, 2:51 pm Argos Reflector, 7 May 1896 Death of Thos L. Voreis - The death of Thomas L. Voreis occurred at his home four miles west of Argos, Sunday evening, May 3rd. He had been failing in health for more than a year, and spent the winter of '95 in Florida, hoping that the change would prove beneficial. He returned no better, and continued to fail until after much suffering, he finally passed away. Thomas L. Voreis was born in this county February 2, 1848, being the son of James Voreis, one of the county's early settlers. He was reared and educated on a farm, and remained with his parents until his twenty first year, when he began life upon his own responsibility. March 7, 1869 he married Harriet S, daughter of Aden and Elizabeth Clevenger, who has born him the following children, Howard F., Nora M., and James A. (deceased). After his wife's death Mr. Voreis was for some time unsettled, traveling from place to place, principally in the West. Later he returned to his home, and on the 26th of June 1879, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Hattie DeLine, daughter of Henry and Hannah Warnes. Since his second marriage Mr. Voreis has continued on his farm in Green township, and was one of the thrifty farmers of that part of the county. He was a Democrat in politics, and as such was elected trustee in 1890. In addition to this position he was for four years Deputy Sheriff of Marshall county, during which time he resided in Plymouth. Fraternally he was a member of Plymouth Lodge, No. 139, F. & A.M. The funeral was conducted at the house by Elder Wagoner, Tuesday morning; interment at Maple Grove Cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb