MORGAN COUNTY INDIANA 1890 ENROLLMENT OF SOLDIERS Copyright 1996 Morgan County Public Library In 1886, 1890 and 1894 each Indiana county compiled enrollment lists of the soldiers, or their heirs, who were eligible for government pensions. This file lists the Morgan County soldiers who were eligible for pensions in 1890.

The original volume, on microfilm in the Genealogy Division of Morgan County Public Library, has additional valuable information such as type of injury and where the injury occurred. Contact: Morgan County Public Library, 110 S. Jefferson St., Martinsville, IN 46151, 317-342-3451. SURNAME FIRST NAME RANK CO REGT UNIT WAR TOWNSHIP ADAMS Nill A. Colonel 145 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson ADAMS William K. Private C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Green ADKINS Herod Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson ALBERTSON Jacob Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay ALBERTSON Joab Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg ALDRICH Barlow Private E 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison ALLEN Enos Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe ALLEN Newton Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe ALLEN Thomas J. Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay ANDERS John H. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland ANDERSON Andrew B. Corporal B 67 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland ANDERSON Charles M. Private G 38 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington ANDERSON John Sergeant E 16 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington ANDREW William H. Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown ARNOLD Michael F. Sergeant E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown ASHER Henry Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland BAILEY Jefferson Private A 77 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker BAILEY Moses 2nd Lt. A 68 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BAIN Jas. G. 2nd Lt. C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BAIN John 3rd Sgt. A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson BAIN William G. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson BAKER A. J. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray BAKER Harden M. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker BAKER Henry C. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BAKER Isaac C. Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BAKER Levi Private G 89 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay BAKER Levi Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BAKER Rawons Private H Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BALES James H. Private 32 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker BALES Stephen Private G 4 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BALLARD Henry C. Sergeant G 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown BALLENGER Jas. Private K 132 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson BANGE Lewis F. Private B 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson BANTA William C. Lt Colonel 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BARTON William H. Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray BASS George W. Private I 1 Missouri Vol. Cav. Civil Brown BASS George W. Private A 1 Missouri Vol. Cav. Civil Brown BATES William E. Private A 9 N.Y. Vol. Civil Washington BEACH William H. Private C 12 Mich. Vol. Civil Ray BELL Eli Private 78 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BELLOW W. R. Private K 1 Ohio Vol. Civil Harrison BENNETT William M. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BENTON George Private F 7 Ill. Vol. Civil Harrison BEOIS Andrew J. Private B 10 Ky. Vol. Civil Brown BEVERLY Ruel Private F 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray BLANA Jesse 2nd Cpl. C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BOLES William F. Private 24 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BOLIN Christopher Private B 67 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker BOWMAN Jno. Private F 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray BOWMAN William Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown BRADLEY William H. Sergeant H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson BRAGG Wiley Sergeant H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray BRASIER Jesse R. Private B 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams BREEDEN Jno. N. Corporal F 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray BREESE Andrew J. Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BREWER David 2nd Sgt. A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe BREWER Enoch H. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe BREWER Jesse Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe BRIANT George R. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg BRIANT Jas. S. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg BRICK Jas. A. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe BRISNEHON Jerry Private F 143 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland BROWN George M. Private B 67 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson BROWN Jacob Civil Gregg BROWN James K. Captain E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe BROWN Jns. A. C. Private H 6 Wis. Cavalry Civil Gregg BROWN Nathan L. Private D 26 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown BROWN William B. Corporal A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg BRUCE Willis Private F 90 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg BRUMNENER Jeremiah Civil Brown BUNTON William Private F 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson BURK Thomas Private F 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown BURKHART Henry Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland BURKHART William Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland BURNS Andrew J. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BURNS Harrison Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BURPO Jesse B. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BURPO Jesse B. Private F 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BURTON James W. Private K 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe BURTON Jas. E. Colonel 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BURTON Josiah L. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington BURTON S. G. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray BUSKIRK B. V. Private G 115 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker BUSKIRK James Private G 115 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker BUTTLER Tobias D. Private B 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray CALAHAN Michael Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg CALVERT Jarvis P. (James)Private I 63 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown CALVERT Jarvis P. (James)Private H 128 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown CAMPBELL Robert T. Private C 38 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson CASH George T. Private B 17 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington CHENOWETH S.H. Private B 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams CLAPP Thomas R. Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown CLARK Henry Private G 83 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington CLARK Jno. B. Private H 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington CLAVE Marvin Private 5 Md. Vol. Civil Monroe COLEMAN Jas. S. Private J 93 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson COLEMAN Jesse O. Colonel 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson COLLIER Jeremiah Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker COMBS Joseph Private Civil Green COMPTON Jonathan Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington COONFIELD Isaac N. Private H 121 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson COONS Philip Private E 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington COOPER Jacob M. Private K 63 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson CORDRAY William Private H 53 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay CORDRAY William Private L 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay CORNWELL Benjamin Private K 53 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg CORUS Smith Private B 31 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker COSTELLO John Sergeant A 35 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison COSTIN Granville Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland COSTIN Harvey Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray COSTIN Mathias Private B 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg COSTIN William O. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams COX Elias G. Private K 73 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington COX William R. Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe CRAIGEN James Private Ind. Vol. Civil Madison CRAMER A. S. Private A 4 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay CRAMER William S. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington CRANK John Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg CRARY Clark S. 2nd Lt. H 130 Ill. Vol. Civil Washington CRAVEN William E. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe CRAWFORD Thomas Private D 17 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington CRAWLEY Robert Private E 71 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington CRONE Henry Private G 43 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg CRONE Henry Wagon Sgt. H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson CRONE Henry Sergeant G 19 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson CUMMINGS John Private K 132 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay CUNNINGHAM C. F. Private K 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington CURRY Robert Captain A 53 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington CURTIS Wesley B. Private E 139 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson DAVIS Jonathan Private N.C. Vol. Civil Monroe DAVIS William Private I 7 Tenn. Mntd Infantry Civil Adams DAWSON Nathan M. Private F 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg DEWEES Leander Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe DEWEY Samuel Private B 67 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker DICKERSON Edward Private D 50 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown DICKSON Myron Private F 14 Ks. Vol. Civil Washington DICKSON Wallace E. 1st Lt. H 7 Ks. Vol. Civil Washington DILLY William A. Captain K 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson DILLY William A. Captain A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson DINKINS John H. Sergeant F 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg DOW David B. Private F 6 Iowa Vol. Civil Ashland DRYDEN William H. Sergeant C 15 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington DUNCAN Ernsley R. Private E 43 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe DUNCAN Jno. C. Corporal H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington EARL John J. A. M. Mate Navy Civil Brown EDWARDS Jasper A. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland EDWARDS Jasper A. Private H 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland ELKINS Charlie W. Private H 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison ELLIOTT John H. Private C 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington ELLIS Andrew H. Corporal G 115 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington ENNIS William N. Private F 5 Ind. Cavalry Civil Green ENNIS William R. Private J 54 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington ERNEST Hamilton Sergeant K 1 Ind. Civil Brown ESLINGER William H. Private K 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington EVANS Thomas D. Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington FANT Jackson Corporal 107 ? Vol. Civil Ray FANT Jackson Corporal 123 ? Vol. Civil Ray FARR Jas. B. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker FARR Nathan Private F 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker FARR W. H. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington FARRAN Isaac Private F 54 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington FAULKNER Squire Private B 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington FESLER Peter Captain G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson FESLER W. H. Captain C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson FISHER James Private H 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington FLEENER Jno. M. Private D 82 Ind. Vol. Civil Madison FLETCHER Vandeniver Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg FOSTER William Private Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson FOUGHTLY Samuel Private A 41 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison FOWLER Henry D. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson FOWLER William W. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson FOXWORTHY Enoch Sergeant A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray FRANCIS Jas. H. Corporal C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Madison FRANKLIN Reuben C. Private C 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe FREET George W. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown FRETTS John W. Private C 42 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington GAMBLE Levin Private A 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay GARDNER D. P. Private B 19 Ohio Vol. Civil Green GARRISON Joseph E. Civil Adams GENN Anderson Corporal 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams GERHOLT William Private K 99 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson GILLASPY Dudley Private G 115 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown GILLASPY Joseph Private H 43 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay GINLEY John L. Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington GIVENS A. W. Corporal E 98 Ohio Vol. Civil Clay GLIDDEN Marcis Civil Jackson GODSEY Joseph Private C 32 Ind. Drafted Civil Baker GOSNEY F. M. Private D 23 Ky. Vol. Civil Monroe GOSS Jas. A. Private G 115 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray GRAVE Thomas C. Private A Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe GRAVE Thomas C. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe GRAVIS Charles M. Private B 89 Ohio Vol. Civil Washington GRAY David M. Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland GREENVILLE Henry Corporal G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson GREENWOOD A. R. Sergeant K 13 Mass. Vol. Civil Washington GREESON William C. Corporal E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay GREGORY Jas. M. Private A 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray GREGORY John Private L 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe GRIFFIN Greenberry Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson GRIFFITT R. C. Private C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson GRINER Daniel Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington GRUBBS George W. Lt & Major F 42 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington GRUBBS George W. Lt & Major 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington GUTRIDGE J. N. Sergeant D 23 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson GUY Thomas A. Private F 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray HACKER William Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker HAGGART David Private 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson HAGGART Harvey Private K 63 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson HAGGART Jas. H. Private B 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson HAGGART William Private C 31 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson HAMILTON John T. Private D 19 Ind. Vol. Civil Green HAMILTON W. F. Sergeant E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland HAMMONS Jno. S. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington HAMMONS William Private J 124 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington HANIGAN William Corporal A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson HARDWICK John 1st Sgt. C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington HAROK Samuel Private 16 Ind. Bat. Civil Brown HARPER Jesse L. Corporal H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland HARPER John Sergeant E 26 Ky. Vol. Civil Monroe HARRAL William Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison HARRYMAN George W. Private Ind. Vol. Civil Washington HARRYMAN Henry Private E 9 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington HARRYMAN Jno. W. Private C 1 Ind. Vol. Civil Madison HARVEY James Private K 80 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker HASTINGS Nathan Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker HASTINGS William K. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington HAYDEN Jno. W. Private A 33 Ky. Vol. Civil Monroe HEADLEY Jas. M. Private D 161 Ohio Vol. Civil Washington HEDRICK Alexander Private F 148 Ind. Civil Jefferson HEDRICK Nathan Sergeant H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson HEINER Harrison B. Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown HELMS Wilson Private C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson HENLE Andrew L. Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray HENSLEY John Private J 145 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington HILL Cornelius Corporal D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington HINSON J. J. Private F 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson HITE Sanford C. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg HODGES Joseph Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray HODGES William N. Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker HOLMES John P. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland HOLSAPPLE Andrew J. Private J 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray HORNER Thomas Private D 54 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams HOWE Benjamin F. Private E 26 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison HOWELL Brice M. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson HOWELL Brice M. Private E 139 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson HOWELL Brice M. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson HUBBARD Harrison Private I 17 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown HUFFMON Jas. M. Private N 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson JACKSON Fant Private 107 ? Vol. Civil Ray JACKSON Fant Private 123 ? Vol. Civil Ray JACKSON Yaddock Private H 54 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe JOHNSON Asa Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray JOHNSON B. R. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe JOHNSON Jarvis J. Major H 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington JOHNSON Lawson Private K 7 Ill. Vol. Civil Jefferson JOHNSON Lawson Private F 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson JOHNSON Peter Corporal H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray JOHNSON Reddin Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington JOHNSON Silas Private B 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker JOHNSON Thomas W. Corporal A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe JOHNSON W. C. W. Private H 121 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington JOHNSON Civil Monroe JONES Benjamin F. Sergeant B 180 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown JONES Lewis Private D 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson JONES Lewis C. Private D 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray JORDAN Andrew Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe KALLUN Robert Private D 30 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KEIFER Julius C. Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KEISER William Civil Brown KELL William Private C 14 N.Y. Vol. Civil Clay KELLY Lewis S. Sergeant F 7 U.S. Vol. Civil Harrison KEMP Porter Private G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson KENNEDY Benjamin D. Corporal H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson KENNEDY D. P. Corporal H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KENNEDY James G. Private K 42 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown KENNEDY Jno. E. Corporal J 37 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KENNEDY Thomas A. Corporal C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KENNEDY W. W. Sergeant K 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KENNEDY W. W. Sergeant H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KENNEDY W. W. Sergeant I 8 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KENNETT James Private H 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay KENNY George W. Private H 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson KERR Jno. M. Private D 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KIDWELL Jasper Sergeant F 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Green KIMBALL Elijah Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Green KING John V. Private C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson KING Louis Private T 15 Ind. Bat. Civil Brown KIPHART John S. 2nd Lt. F 5 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson KIRBY H. H. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray KIRKWOOD Thomas Private J 123 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker KITCHEN David Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay KIVETT Daniel B. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson KNIGHT D. M. Private C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson KNIGHT Jas. H. 1st Lt. 3 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson KNOY Eph. R. Corporal H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington KOWNER James Private K 1 Ind. Heavy Artillery Civil Ashland KRINER Jno. C. Private G 38 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington LABERTEN Smith Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg LAFARY Henry Private E 62 Ill. Vol. Civil Washington LAKE William C. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington LANDIS Jno. H. Private E 5 Ind. Vol. Cavalry Civil Ray LANG Andrew J. Private A 77 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg LANG James M. Private B 123 Ill. Vol. Civil Clay LANGWELL M. V. B. Private C Drafted Civil Baker LANKFORD William Corporal H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson LAPOSSA Joseph Private H 29 Ind. Draft Civil Adams LASH George Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington LEACH F. M. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison LEACH William A. 3rd Sgt. L 5 Maryland Vol. Civil Adams LEMONS James Private C 149 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker LETTERMAN Baker Private F 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray LEWALLEN Alonzo D. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe LEWALLEN Alonzo D. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe LEWALLEN Jno. T. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe LEWIS Benjamin Private E 191 Ohio Vol. Civil Monroe LEWIS James M. Private F 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Green LEWIS Joseph Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker LINDLEY Jeptha Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe LITTELL Josiah T. Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe LITTELL Melo T. Private C 1 Ind. Heavy Artillery Civil Adams LOLLER William Private F 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker LUCAS William Private D 185 Ohio Vol. Civil Jefferson LUCE Robert Civil Brown LYON George W. Private E 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay MABEE William Sergeant B 15 Ohio Vol. Civil Washington MACKENZIE William N. Corporal C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison MAGER John Private 4 Battery Civil Washington MAJORS James Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson MAME Noah K. Private K 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe MANN K. K. Private H 18 Ky. Vol. Civil Washington MANNION Elisha Private D 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray MARRS William A., Sr J. M. S. 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MARSH Fielding Corporal B 4 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray MARSH Fielding Corporal F 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray MARSH William F. Private H 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray MARTIN Robert Private G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson MARTIN Shelby Private G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson MATTHEWS Seth 1st Lt. 1 Ind. Heavy Artillery Civil Brown MCCLELLAN David Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe MCCRACKEN C. A. Private K 132 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MCCRACKEN James Corporal D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe MCCRACKEN William R. 2nd Lt. D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe MCDANIEL Eli E. Civil Gregg MCDANIEL John Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker MCGINNIS Isaac Private D 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams MCGINNIS Jno. C. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MCGINNIS William H. Private D 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams MCILHENY Jas. K. Private D 82 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MCNAUGHT Robert W. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg MCQUISTON Hugh Private E 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe MEDSKER John Private F 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson MEDSKER John Private F 58 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson MILLER Andrew P. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay MILLER Andrew P. Private J 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay MILLER Henry W. Private F 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker MILLER William H. 1st Lt. E 132 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MILLS Edward H. Private H 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MILLS Henry C. Private K 132 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MILLS Henry C. Private H 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MILLS John H. Corporal E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown MILLS Thomas Corporal B 97 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams MINTON J. W. Corporal G 7 Kansas Vol. Civil Gregg MINTON Thomas Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg MITCHELL Albert S. Private K 7 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington MITCHELL George Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown MODREL Andrew H. Corporal B 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams MORRIS George W. Private H 121 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson MOSIER Jas. R. Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson MOSIER Jas. R. Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson MOSIER Jas. R. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson MOUNT William Civil Washington MURPHY Edgar Corporal A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland MURPHY William Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray MUSSER Jno. W. Private E 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Green MUSSER R. F. Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison MYRICK John B. Civil Adams NEELEY Jacob M. Private C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson NELSON George F. Private M 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown NORTHERN Louis G. Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington OHARROW Henry Private F 5 Ind. Cavalry Civil Green OLDS Henry H. 1st Lt. K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington OLIVER John J. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson ONEAL Willis Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson OWEN Daniel P. Corporal A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg PAGE Preston Private E 78 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe PAUL John Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison PAYNE A. J. Private J 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson PAYNE Jas. H. Private D 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson PAYNE Jas. M. lst Lt. D 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington PAYTON Harrison Private K 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker PAYTON William H. Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray PEARCE Nathan Private 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg PERCE Benjamin H. Sergeant E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown PETERSON Henry S. 1st Lt. J 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington PETIL Thomas Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland PHILLIPS David Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe PIERSON George H. Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray PIKE John B. Corporal D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams PIKE Moses B. Sergeant D 71 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams PITZLER Joseph Private G 6 Ky. Vol. Civil Clay POE Thomas B. Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown POINTER Benjamin F. Corporal C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay POLLARD Joshua Corporal H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington POOL William O. Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington PRITCHETT Greenbury Private F 11 Ill. Draft Civil Ashland PROCTOR George W. Private A 132 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington PROSSER Isaac Private L 9 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson PRUITT Benjamin A. Private D 54 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams QUINER Jas. H. Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown RABER Philip Private D 30 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay RANDALL Thomas R. Private D 149 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray RAWLINS Jas. P. Private K 63 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson RAY Thomas Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson RAY William Private G 16 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown RECTOR John Private H 63 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe REED David Private D 11 Ill. Vol. Civil Ashland REID Milton Private D 117 Ill. Vol. Civil Ashland RHEA J. C. 1st Lt. D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams RHEA J.C. 1st Lt. B 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams RHEA John L. Sergeant B 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams RHEA William C. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams RICHARDSON Robert M. Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Madison RILEY William Private B 124 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg ROBBINS Theo Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray ROBINSON J. C. Private K 67 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray ROCK Robert Private H 18 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray RODGERS A. W. Sergeant H 14 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington ROOKER S. M. Captain E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown ROSS Abs. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray ROSS Henry C. Private F 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray RUDD Huston Private B 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe RUDD Huston Private H 43 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe RUNDELL F. D. Lieutenant G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington RUNDELL S. U. Corporal C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Green RUNELLS George W. Private E 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington RUSHTON Caleb C. Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown RUSHTON George W. Private 53 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe RUSIE Jacob Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown RUSSELL Thomas G. Private H 29 Ill. Vol. Civil Ashland RYAN James G. Private B 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams RYAN James G. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams RYAN James G. Private H 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams SAILORS George W. Private K 132 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington SANDERFER Samuel Private 1 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson SANDY Jno. A. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray SARGENT James Private D 19 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown SARGENT James Private D 132 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown SARGENT Jas. L. Corporal F 57 Ind. Vol. Civil Green SARGENT Jas. L. Corporal B 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Green SAWYER William W. Private G 99 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe SAWYERS Leaneler Private E 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison SCOTT George A. Private D 54 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams SCOTT Jeff K. Colonel 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington SCOTT Job Corporal F 90 Ind. Vol. Civil Green SCOTTEN Enoch Private G 99 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe SEAMAN Jas. H. Sergeant C 40 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington SEATON Charles Captain A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington SEATON George P. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg SEATON George W. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg SECREST Thomas Private H 29 Ill. Draft Civil Ashland SEDWICK Jno. E. Private 19 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray SENITH Elias R. Private B 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams SENITH James H. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams SENITH William H. Corporal A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams SHELTON George W. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson SHEPHARD Joel Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown SHEPHARD William J. Private C 10 Ky. Vol. Civil Brown SHIPLEY Jacob A. Corporal A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson SHIPLEY Tilmon H. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson SHIPLEY Tilmon H. Private A 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson SHIPLOR S. B. Private E 54 Ill. Vol. Civil Ray SHORT Jno. W. Private F 130 Ill. Vol. Civil Monroe SHUMAKER William H. Private B 1 Ill. Heavy Artillery Civil Ashland SIMS William H. Private K 41 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray SINIS James E. Private B 67 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker SMITH Bart Private 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg SPAIN Peter D. Civil Adams SPINES Valentine Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray SPOON James Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown SPOON John Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown SPROGUE Jas. W. Sergeant D 67 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson STAFFORD Benjamin B. Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg STAFFORD Robert Private E 12 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay STAFFORD William Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown STALEY Hiram Corporal H 133 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams STANLEY Calvin Private B 75 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe STEPHENS John H. Private K 13 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington STILES Jesse R. Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray STILES Stokley Private F 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson STIMSON E. F. Private G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson STOKER Charles Sergeant B 3 Ind. Vol. Cavalry Civil Washington STRADER Branttry Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown STURGEON William T. Private A 33 Ill. Vol. Civil Ashland SULLIVAN Evan S. Private G 114 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington SUMMERS George T. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams SUMMERVILLE Thomas M. Lieutenant G 83 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington SUTER Andrew Private B 16 Ky. Vol. Civil Ray SUTER Andrew Private E 30 Ky. Vol. Civil Ray SWISHER Jacob R. Private E 145 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay SWISHER Sylvester Private E 145 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay TACKET Jno. N. Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray TACKETT Thomas Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington TANSEY Barclay Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe TATUM Squire Private F 6 Ind. Vol. Cavalry Civil Washington TAYLOR Hezekiah Private E 145 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker TAYLOR Jacob Private H 2 Ohio Vol. Civil Jackson THACKER George W. Private 4 Ind. Vol. Artillery Civil Washington THACKER Jacob Private H 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington THACKER John F. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson THOMAS Eli Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington THOMAS Eli, Sr Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington THOMAS George W. Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Clay THOMAS J. N. Private B 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker THOMAS Richard W. Private 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe THOMPSON George P. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson THOMPSON Jno. S. Private H 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe THOMPSON William Corporal D 75 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe THOWNSEND Thomas J. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington TINCHER Jno. D. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe TONSEY Charles Private B 139 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland TOWR Jas. E. Private D 19 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington TROGDEN B. F. Private L 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown TROXELL Jacob Private F 12 Mo. Vol. Civil Jackson TRUSTY Elijah Private E 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Green TURNER Samuel N. Private D 31 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson TURNER Thomas J. Private C 134 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington VANSICKLE A. R. Sergeant G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington VARBLE Henry Private C 22 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson VINCENT Jerry K. Asst. Sgt. 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Harrison VOGUS William Private B 71 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe VOILES R. R. Private G 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson VOSHELL Eph. U. Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland VOSHELL Levi J. Private F 25 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray VOYLES Albert Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WAKELAND Samuel B. Private F 150 Ind. Vol. Civil Green WALKER Benjamin L. Private G 43 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown WALKER George M. Private F 54 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WALTERS Henry Private B 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray WALTERS McDonald Private B 59 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams WALTERS Thomas Private H 82 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson WARD Iram H. Corporal D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe WARD John Private G 121 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson WARE William Private E Ind. Vol. Civil Clay WARTHEN Jas. J. Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray WARTHEN William S. Private H 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray WATSON Eli H. Private D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Adams WEAMER George Private G 27 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson WEAVER John M. Private C 32 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker WEBB John C. 3rd Class 12 Ind. Vol. Musician Civil Brown WELLMAN William D. Private H 43 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe WEMER Frederick Private H 90 Ind. Vol. Civil Green WESTMORELAND A. C. Private B Mo. Vol. Civil Gregg WHETSTINE George W. Private C 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Jackson WHILTOW Eli Corporal D 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland WHITAKER Eli D. Surgeon 38 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray WHITE C. F. Private A 117 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe WHITE C. F. Private E 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe WHITE James J. Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland WHITE Jonathan Private H 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WHITE William F. Private H 10 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown WHITE William F. Private F 123 Ind. Vol. Civil Brown WHITEHEAD Jacob Private C 29 Ind. Draft Civil Brown WHITESITT William H. Private H 79 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray WHITSTINE Perry F. Private L 121 Ind. Vol. Cavalry Civil Washington WIGAL John W. Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland WILCOX Jno. C. Private D 124 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WILHITE Michael Private E 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg WILHITE Thomas J. Sergeant B 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg WILHITE William W. Private D 70 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe WILLIAMS William Private B Mo. Vol. Civil Gregg WILSON David Captain H 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WILSON J. C. Private F 29 Ind. Vol. Civil Baker WILSON Jno. S. Private C 32 Ind. Vol. Civil Ray WILSON John A. Private L 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg WILSON John A. Sergeant H 11 Ind. Vol. Civil Monroe WINOUS Isaac A. Private B 31 Ind. Vol. Civil Green WINTERS Hanibal Private K 21 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WINTERS William Private H 13 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WIRTS Charles Private A 8 U.S. Civil Ray WOODS Andrew Private Civil Ray WOODS James Private H 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WOODS Samuel Private D 19 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson WOODY E. M. Captain F 21 Ill. Vol. Civil Washington WOODY E. M. Captain B 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Washington WRIGHT John Private D 148 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland WRIGHT William Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Ashland YOUNG Hannibal Private H 33 Ind. Vol. Civil Gregg YOUNG R. M. Sergeant I 18 Ind. Vol. Civil Jefferson YOUNGER Jas. C. W. Private D 99 Ohio Vol. Civil Jackson All information in the Gen-Assist indexing system is copyrighted property of the Morgan County Public Library, which has authorized the use of it and the associated data files for the purpose of research for private or home use only. Any other use including copying, reproduction, or publication is an infringement of copyright and may result in civil liability or criminal prosecution as provided by law.