USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. ========================================================================== D. B. BEATY This is quoted from the book "History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties,Indinana" D. B. BEATY, Sparta Township, a farmer and dealer in agricultural implements, Moore's Hill was born in Ohio County,Ind. February 14, 1842. His parents were William and Mary A. (HERRON) BEATY, natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio respect- ively. The former was a son of Hugh BEATY, a native of Ireland, and from thence, in an early day, immigrated with his parents to the state of Pennsyl- vania, where he married Margaret SMITH, a native of Pennsylvania and afterward settled in Lancaster County, where they resided until about the year 1815, at which time they immigrated to what is now Randolph Township, Ohio Co., Ind. entering land and afterward resided there until death. They were the parents of eight children, viz.: Jane, Rosanna, John, George, Mary, Margaret, Nancy and William the father of our subject. He was born in Lancaster County, Penn., in the year 1805, and come with his parents to Ohio County, Ind., in 1815, where he and the above Mary A. HERRON, were united in marriage and afterward purchased a farm in Randolph Township and remained there until 1855, when he removed to Dearborn County Ind., and from thence, in 1859, to Harrison County Ind., where he afterward resided until death, which occured in July, 1865. The following spring of 1866, his widow removed to Aurora, Ind., where she resided until 1881, when she went to live with her daughter at Johnson City, Mo., where she still resides. Ten children were born to them, viz.: Hugh S., John H., Lydia, David B, Elisha, William E., Margaret J., Mary E., Jesse T., and an infant son, who died in infancy and unnamed. D.B., our subject, in 1866 began the tinner's trade, but continued the business only about ywo years, when he and his brother purchased the harness shop of I.T.Campbell, of Aurora, Ind., which they continued together for about one year, when our suject, purchased his brothers interest and carried on the business himself until 1872 at which time he sold out and in the following spring turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, which he has since continued. He was united in marriage near Aurora, Ind., December 19,1872, to Nancy M daughter of Edward T. and Elizabeth (DOWDEN) HUBBARTT. She was born in Dearborn County, Ind., December 4,1850. Three children bless their union, viz.: Carrie M, Walter E, and Edith L. In the spring of 1885, Mt BEATY purchased a farm in Section (Sparta Twp), where he removed and has since resided. He owns ninety-five acres of fine land which is well improved and under a high state of cultivation. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a member of the Order of Odd Fellows. THE END! Tami Bearden