HISTORY OF PARKE COUNTY, INDIANA Union Township p. 196 ...”Other early settlers were John Blake with a large family, John McGilvery, John Noble, Robert Broaddus, Samuel Harlan. All these were here prior to 1830.” MILLS ...”In 1829 was built the Noble mill on the Big Raccoon, south of the present site of Hollandsburgh.” P. 207 JAMES NOBLE, farmer, Hollandsburg, was born July 20, 1829, in Shelby county, Kentucky. He is a son of Joseph and Sarah (Nay) Noble, both born in Kentucky, and came to Parke county in 1829. James can entertain one very pleasantly in relating stories of the early times. He has grown with the growth of Parke county, and there is but little difference in their ages. He attended school and recited when his turn came. He always enjoyed the hunt with his father. When twelve years of age he hauled grain to Chicago, and was gone twenty-one days on the trip. James was married to Martha Stagg in 1851, and had a family of four children, Sarah J., John R., Benjamin F., and Mary F., by this marriage. His wife died, leaving a family of small children. Mr. Noble married again in 1863, taking to himself Margaret J. Homan. The fruits of that bond are four children: Rachel, William P., Sidney A., Laura Nay. He is democratic through and through, and whenever he runs for office both parties vote for him. He has served three terms as justice of the peace, and has been assessor. He is comfortably wealthy, owning 435 acres of land. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Phyllis Hill