Posey County IN Archives History - Businesses .....Mount Vernon 1868 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher sdgenweb@yahoo.com June 16, 2005, 1:38 pm Book Title: MOUNT VERNON The county seat of Posey county, a beautiful and thriving city on the Ohio river, forty miles below Evansville and twelve above the mouth of the Wabash. It is high and healthy, being fifty feet above high water mark. It is to be the river terminus of the proposed Mount Vernon & Grayville railroad, connecting at the latter place with the Indianapolis, Vincennes & Cairo railroad. Its population has doubled, in the last three years, and now numbers 5,000. It has several churches, five school houses, a number of large manufacturing establishments and business houses, and enjoys an extensive Southern trade, shipping an immense amount of pork, corn, grain and produce generally. The item of corn alone shipped during the past year was over 700,000 bushels. The surrounding country is exceedingly fertile, and capable of vast improvement. Agricultural Implements. BACON & KING, cor Water and Store. See card BARTER JOHN W, 17 Main Cook Charles & Co, 35 Main Attorneys. Burleson J H, Third Campbell James B, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth EDSON WM P, cor Walnut and Third. See card HARROW WILLIAM, Third, bet Main and Store HOGGATT WILLIAM M, Third, bet Main and Store. See card Laird James H Larkin L J McCann R B Pearse Milton, cor First and Main Pitcher John & H C SPENCER & LOUDON, cor Fourth and Main. See card Welborn & Pearse, cor First and Main Auction and Commission. Jenkins James E, 19 Main Larkin W H Bakery. Dexheimer Henry, 9 Main Banks. First National, John M Lockwood prest, John B Gardiner cashier, M A Weir asst cashier, cor Main and Second Mount Vernon Banking Co, James F Welborn, S M Leavenworth, E T Sullivan; Charles A Parke cashier Barbers. Feldman Geo A, 53 Main Henrich George, 40 Main Stritter William L, 13 Main Blacksmiths. Acuff William, First BARTER J H, Second, w of bridge Brinkman Henry, Water Buckhanon & Bro, Seventh, bet Main and Store HANCOCK A J, First Magill Bros, Store bet Seventh and Eighth Mills Frank, cor Main and Fifth Sheldon James, Third, bet Store and Mill Sheldon Morris Wilsey M V Books and Stationery. Cawson James, 16 Main Moore Joseph, 5 Main Boots and Shoes, Adelmann Charles, 46 Main Bruce B, Second, opp Bank row Chase & Bloomer, 69 Main DECKER & BRO, 36 Main Leukroth George, 22 Main Murray E W, 54 Main Rickart Frederick Stallman C, 51 Main Wittmer Charles, First Zimmerman John, 56 Main Breweries. City Brewery, Appel & Son, props, cor Water and Main Ziegler & Riekert Brickmakers. Mann & Milner Meier Henry Schamberger & Co Brickmasons. Allen J T Foshee Wm Todd John Builders' Material, BACON & KING, cor Water and Store See card Cabinetmakers, BROWN EDWARD, Third, bet Mill and Store Deitz& Philip Dexheimer Christ Doerr J, Water Quenzer Adam, cor Store and Fourth Scheiler Charles, Water Schneider John, Store, bet Seventh and Eighth Weisenger & Co Carpenters and Builders, Bloomer Smith BROWN EDWARD, Third, bet Store and Mill Brownlee W Cralley L B Davis John S Davis Samuel Davis Zephaniah Dunovan James Hancock John Harris & Erwin Houts J G Hendricks Wm Munsey Jesse, cor Eighth and Mill Newman W Patterson John Reagin Harvey Schneider John, Store, bet Seventh and Eighth. Zimmerman Wm Carriages and Wagons, BARTER J H, Second, w of Mill creek bridge BARTER J H & E F, Second, bet Store and Mill Brinkman Henry, Water Gemplar Amand, cor Seventh and Main HANCOCK A J, First Koener Gottleib, First Milner W C Schauber Otto, cor Main and Fifth China, Glass and Queensware. DECKER & BRO, 36 Main TENTE C F & CO, cor Main and Third Cigars and Tobacco. Fogas Andrew, 15 Main Smith John A, 6 Main Clothing. DECKER & BRO, 36 Main Kincaid S, 10 Main Rosenbaum & Harlam, 14 Main Coal Dealers, Templeton James M Wolfin Geo Commission Merchants, BACON & KING, cor Water and Store See card Thomas G W & Son Confectionery, GERDING C H A, 5 Bank row Test J D, 21 Main Coopers, Dietrich Matthew, cor Eighth and Main Gronemeier Henry, Water Hoffman John, Eighth, bet Mill and Niggut Moeller John, Water WOLFLIN GEO & CO Moye George Schelhorn P, cor Walnut and Seventh Swenney William Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, BARTER JOHN M, 17 Main Dentists, Harper John H, 58 Main, up-stairs Hollingsworth John W, cor Main and First Distillery, WOLFLIN GEO & CO Dressmakers. Avery Miss Fannie Cralley Mrs Rosa Stewart Mrs A, 23 Main Drugs and Medicines, Conyngton & Black, 47 Main McArthur Wm M, 7 Main Simonson & Co, 8 Main Weir D T, 3 Bank row Dry Goods, DECKER & BRO, 36 Main Express Company, Adams, E E Thomas, agt Flour and Feed, Evertson J R, Store, bet Third & Fourth Flouring Mills, FAVORITE MILLS, A Fus & Co, props, bet Second and Third POCKET MILLS, Geo Wolflin & Co, props Furniture. BARTER JOHN M, 17 Main Kissling George, Second General Stores, Blockley Russel, Mill, bet Seventh and Eighth Cronbach Marks, 45 Main DECKER & BKO, 36 Main Larkin W H, 39 Main Leonard Jones, cor Main and Third McCallister A C, 20 Main Noel & Milner, cor Main and Second Rosenbaum & Bro, 66 Main Roser L & L, cor Water and Main Sullivan, Fuhrer & Co, 24 Main Gents' Furnishing Goods. DECKER & BRO, 36 Main Kincaid S, 10 Main Rosenbaum & Harlam, 14 Main Grain Dealers, BACON & KING, cor Water and Store. See card DECKER & BRO, 36 Main McAllister A C MANN & BARTER Rosenbaum Bros Sullivan, Fuhrer & Co, mouth of Vine, s of Water WOLFLIN, GEO & CO Groceries, Bacon I & Co, cor Store and First BACON & KING, cor Water and Store. See card Baldwin John, Water Bischoff & Co, cor First and Store Burlison A H, 70 Main Burtis John, 38 Main Fuhrer Chas & Co, 4 Main Groenland H, Store, bet Third & Fourth Hartung L & N, 68 Main Hinch J D, 48 Main Koerner & Oldham, cor Main and Sixth Leunig Charles & Co, 64 Main Mutz & Yunker, cor Water and Main O'Bannon H, cor Main and First PATMORE & KING,cor Main & Fourth Rosenkrans E W, 50 Main Schamberger J G, cor Water & Mulberry Schrader H C, 49 Main Steckler F & Co, cor Main and Fourth TENTE C F & CO, cor Main and Third Weilbrenner M, Main Gunsmiths, Ries Thomas, Main Schneider Charles, 43 Main Hardware and Cutlery, BARTER JOHN M, 17 Main Cook Chas & Co, 35 Main Kissner John, First TENTE C F & CO, cor Main and Third Harness and Saddles, Liichteberger Gillian, 19 Main Scheidel Michael, 41 Main Steffan Chas R, 65 Main Hats and Caps, DECKER & BRO, 36 Main Hotels. Central Hotel, Nolte & Buger, props, cor Third and Store NELSON HOUSE, I Matt Neson, prop, cor Store and Water Overton House, Benj Overton, prop, Walnut, bet First and Water Union Hotel, E B Schenck, prop, cor Main and Third House Furnishing Goods. BARTER JOHN M, 17 Main Cook Chas & rio, 35 Main Ice Cream Saloon. GERDING C H A, 5 Bank row Insurance Agents, Burtis John, 38 Main Cook Chas & Co, 35 Main Finch Virgil Lockwood John M Mann John A SPENCER E M, agt Evansville Ins Co, cor Main and Fourth. See card Sullivan E T Justice of the Peace. Campbell James B, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Livery Stables, Duckworth & Gregory, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Quick, Peter & Co, Wilsey George, Store, bet Second and Third Wilsey & Johnson, near Nelson House Lumber Dealers, BROWN EDWARD SPRINGER CHARLES Marble Works, Loerch C & G, cor First and Main Meat Markets, Pfeffer John, 63 Main Schesley John B, 44 Main Wolf E, 12 Main Merchant Tailors, Fuelling C L, 31 Main Kincaid S, 10 Main Mann Philip, 11 Main Moll & Maier, 37 Main Rosenbaum & Harlam, 14 Main Millinery and Notions, McCleskey Mrs M J, First Rector Mrs & Hume Miss, 30 Main Stewart Mrs A, 23 Main Ferrell Miss M A 32 Main News Depot. Moore Joseph, 5 Main Newspapers, MOUNT VERNON DEMOCRAT, Thomas Collins, editor and prop. See card MOUNT VERNON UNION, C L Prosser, prop, cor Main and Fourth. See card Notaries Public, LOUDON WM, cor Fourth and Main. See card Mann John A Pearse Milton, cor First and Main SPENCER E M, cor Main and Fourth. See card Notions, Fancy Goods, ftc, Moore Joseph, 5 Main Whittelsey R B, 21 Main Oyster Saloon, GERDING C H A, 5 Bank row Painters, Allen Robert Cherry J Heslie J Holl J H Larkin Theodore McClesky J A Stuart Armstrong Weever Chas C Weever Horatio Wilson J Photograph Gallery, Morgan C P, 20 Main, up stairs Physicians, Blunt M 3 Conyngton John, 47 Main Farrell A, 46 Main Harper John January P Knowles D McArthur W M Pearse S H, Third, bet Mill and Store Spencer & Ressegue, 34 Main WEEVER JOHN B, 18 Main Planing Mill, SPRINGER CHARLES Plasterers, Gill Isaac & Bro Sloat Jos Wright F O Plated Ware and Fancy Goods, Whittelsey R B, 21 Main Plow Manufactory, BARTER J H, Second Pork Packers, BACON & KING Greenland H Leunig Charles MANN & BARTER Rosenbaum Bros Sullivan, Fuhrer & Co Postmaster. Moore Joseph, 5 Main Printers, COLLINS THOMAS, Store, bet Third and Fourth PROSSER C L, cor Main and Fourth Produce Merchants, DECKER & BR.O, 36 Main Real Estate Agents. Haas Charles Mann John A SPENCER & LONDON, cor Main and Fourth. See card Welborn Jos T Restaurants. GERDING C H A, 5, Bank row Test J B, 21 Main Saloons, Bacon I & Co, cor Store and First Baldwin John, Water Bischoff & Co, cor First and Store Fuhrer Chas & John, 4 Main Greenland H, Store, bet Third & Fourth Koehner & Oldbam, cor Main and Sixth Leunig Charles & Co, 64 Main Nolte & Ruger, cor Third and Store Mutz & Yunker, cor Main and Water PATMORE & KING, cor Main and Fourth Schamberger J G, cor Water & Mulberry Schrader H C, 49 Main Steckler F & Co, cor Main and Fourth TENTE C F & CO, car Main and Third Wasem Charles, 29 Main Salt, Lime and Cement. BACON & KING, cor Water and Store. See card Sash, Doors and Blinds. BACON & KING, cor Water and Store. See card BARTER JOHN M, 17 Main Saw Mills. Hironimus & Smith, McFossen's creek SPRINGER CHARLES Stone Mason. Trimpe Frederick Stoves and Tinware. BARTER JOHN M, 17 Main Cook Chas & Co, 35 Main Tannery. Steffan Chas R, 65 Main Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Lovier I M, 52 Main Whittelsey R B, 21 Main Wharf Boat. Thomas G W & Son Wood and Willow Ware. BARTER JOHN M, 17 Main File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/posey/directories/business/1868/mountver221gms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/infiles/ File size: 10.9 Kb