Here is a Estate Land Division for John Joyce 1845 Shelby Co. Indiana Judy Wright John Joyce Estate, Shelby Co. In.1845 Shelby Co. In. -Complete Probate Record D. p. 23 November Term 1845 Pleas held at the Court House in Shelbyville in and for the County of Shelby,State of Indiana before the Hon. William H. Sleeth --Judge of the Probate Court of Shelby County for the Nov. Term 1845 Sarah Joyce, Henderson Joyce and Winston Joyce vs. John W. Watkins, Caroline Watkins, Joseph Fee, Pauline Fee, Thomas Fee, Jane Fee, Granville Joyce, John L. Joyce, Alexander Joyce and Sarah Joyce. Be it remembered that on the 3rd day of June 1845 the above named petitioners filed their petition in the office of the Clerk of the Probate Court of Shelby County which is in the Words following towit-In the probate Court of Shelby County Indiana August Term 1845 To the Hon. William H. Sleeth Judge of the Court aforesaid Henderson Joyce, Winston Joyce and Sarah Joyce respectfully represent and show unto your Honor that John Joyce late of Shelby County deceased, former husband of your Complamant Sarah Joyce and father of your other petitioners Henderson and Winston was in his lifetime and at the time of his death seized in fee simple or of some other goods & estate of inheritance to him and his heirs of and in the following described tracts or parcels of land Towit. The E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 qr. of section 6 in Twp. 14 North of range 6 East , The NW qr. of section 12 in Township 14 North of range 5 east and the N 1/2 of the SW qr. of Section 12 in Twp. 14 North of range five (5) East containing in all about 311 acres all of which said tracts or parcels of land are situate lying and being in the said County of Shelby and the State of Indiana and being possessed he the said Joyn Joyce did on or about the day in the year departed this life intestate leaving your petitioner Sarah his widow him surviving and your petitioners Henderson and Winston and Caroline Wilkins wife of John W. Wilkins formerly Caroline Joyce, Pauline Fee wife of Joseph Fee formerly Pauline Joyce, Granville Joyce, John L. Joyce, Alexander Joyce , Sarah Joyce Jr. of the said County of Shelby and Jane Fee wife of Thomas Fee formerly Jane Joyce of Crawford County Indiana his only children and heirs and heiresses him surviving and upon the death of said John Joyce the before described tracts of land came to descended upon and vested in the heirs and heiresses subject that the said tracts of land ever since the death of the said John Joyce have been and still are holden and possessed by the said.... Complete Probate Record D p. 26 (Bottom)..... as follows: 1 Dower beginning at a point 100 rods south of the north West corner of the North West qr. of Section (12) in the Tp. 14 North of range (5) east and running thence East 160 rods across said qr. section thence south 60 rods to the south East corner of said qr. thence North on and along said line 15 rds. to the point of beginning, containing 42 1/2 acres together with all the improvements thereon: To John W. Wilkins as follows: Commencing at the South East corner of the NW qr. of Section 12 in Tp.14 North Range (5) East and running thence south 63 rods on the east line of said qr thence west 80 rods to the line dividing said qr. thence North 63 rods to the North end of said line thence East 80 Rods to the point of beginning containing (31 1/2 ) Acres. To Henderson Joyce as follows Commencing at a point 49 rods south of the North West Corner of the SW qr. of section 12 Tp. 14 North range 5 East and running thence 80 rods to the east line of said quarter thence south thrity seven rods to the NE Cor of the Dower thence west 160 rods to the west line of said quarter thence North 51 rods to the point of beginning... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Judy Wright (© 1997 Judy Wright)