Sullivan-Vigo County IN Archives Biographies.....Briggs, John C. 1841 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher June 16, 2006, 3:56 am Author: Goodspeed (1884) CAPT. JOHN C. BRIGGS was born in Carlisle, Sullivan County, September 2, 1841. In the spring of 1849 the family moved upon a large farm near Carlisle, where the subject of this sketch lived until the spring of 1856, when the family moved to Sullivan, where he attended the seminary until the civil war began, and then enlisted in the Fourteenth Begiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He served with his regiment in the East until December 13, 1863, when he was commissioned as Quartermaster of cavalry, and came West, serving with Gen. Wilson's division of cavalry until after the surrender, when he resigned in June, 1865. He was with the Fourteenth Regiment at Rich Mountain, Cheat Mountain, Winchester, Malvern Hill, the second battle at Bull's Bun, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsviile, Gettysburg and Mine Run, and with Gen. Wilson's cavalry at Franklin and Nashville. After the war closed he located at Eastport, Miss., where he cast his first vote in 1866, with what was then called the Conservative Democratic party. He enlisted a Republican, and came out of the army a Democrat. In the winter of 1867-68, he returned to Sullivan and went into the dry goods business with James W. Hinkle, and at the same time began reading law. The 1st of October, 1869, he went to Terre Haute, and entered the law office of Hon. D. W. Voorhees, where he read until the fall of 1870, when he was admitted to practice. At the October election, 1870, he was elected Prosecutor of the Circuit, then composed of Vermillion, Parke, Vigo and Sullivan Counties, and was nominated for re-election in 1872, but was defeated at the October election by a small majority, although he ran ahead of his ticket. From the time he was admitted to practice until 1873, he and Hon. Daniel W. Voorhees practiced law together in Terre Haute under the firm name of Voorhees & Briggs. On the 15th of November, 1873, Capt. Briggs moved to Sullivan and opened a law office, and has resided here ever since. For two or three years after he came to Sullivan he and Mr. Voorhees were partners, under the firm name of Briggs & Voorhees. In December, 1876, he was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Indiana, and a short time afterward was licensed as a member of the bar of the United States Circuit and District Courts, for the District of Indiana, at Indianapolis. In 1878, he was elected from Sullivan County to the Lower House of the General Assembly of Indiana, and served with more than ordinary ability in the regular and special sessions of 1879. He is the author of the law that requires the pay of special judges to be taken from that of the regular judge, except in certain cases, and saves to the people of the State about $20,000 per annum. He is the author of three acts that became laws at that time. He was active in working and speaking in favor of every bill passed by the Legislature in the interest of the people. He declined a re-election to the Legislature, and devoted himself to his practice. In 1880, he was the Democratic Elector for the Second Congressional District, and canvassed the entire district at his own expense. Since 1868, he has been active in politics, rendering his party great service. He is an eloquent and forcible speaker, and one of the best and most successful lawyers in Western Indiana. He has a fine practice, and he and his partner, Charles E. Barrett, have the best law library in the Wabash Valley. Additional Comments: Hamilton Township Extracted from: HISTORY OF GREENE AND SULLIVAN COUNTIES, STATE OF INDIANA, FROM THE EARLIEST TIME TO THE PRESENT; TOGETHER WITH INTERESTING BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, REMINISCENCES, NOTES, ETC. ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO: GOODSPEED BROS. & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1884. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.3 Kb