Tippecanoe County IN Archives History - Businesses .....Lafayette 1868 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher sdgenweb@yahoo.com June 12, 2005, 12:34 pm Book Title: H. C. Chandler & Co.'s Business Directory For Indiana LAFAYETTE. The capital of Tippecanoe county, is situated on the Wabash river, the Wabash & Erie canal, the Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette, the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago, and the Toledo, Wabash & Western, railroads. It is one of the most important cities in the State, and does a very large commercial and manufacturing business. Possessing unlimited advantages for transportation, and backed by a country of, great productiveness and wealth, its growth has been rapid and its improvements substantial. It contains various extensive mills and manufacturing establishments, and a large number of lesser factories and shops. It has several large wholesale houses, which do as much business as any in the State, and supply a large part of the trade of western Indiana and eastern Illinois. Its church and school facilities are excellent, and its citizens are enterprising, intelligent and refined, Its population is not far from 20,000. Agricultural Implements. Lafayette Agricultural Works, John Purdue, pres't, Geo Rogers, treas'r, John Levering, sec'y, H M Carter, sup't, s side Third, s of Alabama Johnson, Beach & Reule, 11 Purdue's block, Second Wagstaff H C & Son, 3 Columbia Attorneys. Behm, Godlove S & A Orth, over National State Bank Blodgett Henry F, n w cor Main and Fourth Chase & Wilstach, Main, in National Bank building Carnahan James R, Third, w side public square Dehart R P, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth, 2d floor Dresser Jasper M, Columbia, s side public square Ellis William R, cor Columbia and Fourth Embree A S, s side public square, 2d floor Everett & Carnahan, Third, w side public square Gaugar John D, over National State Bank GREENLEE E A, Main, State National Bank building Huff & Langdon, Main, in National Bank building JONES, MILLER & STALLARD, n side public square Pettit J W & Son, Columbia, bet Third and Fourth STEIN JOHN A, s side public square Taylor & Matler, s e cor of Fourth and Ferry Ward Thomas B, cor Columbia and Fourth WATSON J F, 2 McCormick's block, Fourth. See card Auction and Commission Merchants. Dodd J H & Co, 2 Reynolds' blk, Main Freese & Hart, s side public square Koffman A & S, Fourth, bet Main and Columbia Bakeries. Clark J & P, s side public square Cobler & Ewry, Fourth, e side public square KICHLER JOHN A, cor Third and Ferry Ruger John B, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Sherer C, cor Second and Chestnut UNION BAKERY, George Weigele & Bro, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth— See card Zeis Conrad H, Ninth, bet Brown and Cincinnati Banks and Bankers. Coleman & Co, cor Main and Fourth First National Bank, Martin L Peirce, pres, William A Potter, vice pres, David McBride, cash, Main, bet Third and Fourth National State Bank of Lafayette, M Fowler, pres, J C Brockenbraugh, cash, cor Main and Fourth Second National Bank, Joseph Brown, pres, H S Mayo, cash, cor Columbia and Third Union National Bank, J L Reynolds, pres, C Ball, vice pres, J B Earhart, cash, Main, bet Third and Fourth Barbers. Bertling Philip, Third, bet Columbia and South Excelsior Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon, Charles A Harnes, prop'r, n w cor Fifth and Columbia Giles J W, 107 Main, opp Lahr House Hill & White, Main, bet Second and Third Lorcher John, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth May J W, 2 Orth's block, Fourth Zimmermann H, Fifth, under Lahr House Basket Factory, Force, Tanner & Co, cor Main and Ninth Billiard Rooms, Mandler Henry, cor Main and Fifth, Lahr House Nugent John, cor Main and Second Schaible George & Co, cor Main and Fourth Star Billiard Hall, R A & P E Howell, prop'rs, s e cor Columbia and Fifth Blacksmiths, Biehn & Bougher, Third, bet Main and Ferry Rank Geo W, Second, bet Main and Columbia Shoemaker Joseph, cor Third and North Shruben Nicholas, Second, bet Chestnut and Green Stitz Rudolph, South, bet Second and Third Welsh Thomas, Third, near North Bleachery. READ B H, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth. See card Bone Turner, Munz E, e side Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Book Binders and Stationers, COURIER BOOK BINDERY, W S Lingle, proprietor, Courier building, Third, bet Columbia and South.— See card JOURNAL BOOK BINDERY, James, Emmons & Co, prop'rs, cor Third and Ferry. See card Rosser, Spring & Co, cor Third and Columbia, opp Earl & Hatcher's block Books and Sttaionery, [sic] Crause W O, 4 O'Ferrall's block, Main Tuttle C C, Main, opp public square Wilks Frank, cor North and Ninth Wilson A, opp court house Wilstach, Bro & Co, Main, opp public square Boots and Shoes, Archibald Robert, Sixth, bet Salem and Tippecanoe Bass S, n side Columbia, bet Second and Third Brommer C, Second, near Walnut Buscher Henry, Fourth, bet Columbia and South Carnahan, Bro & Co, 2 Earl & Hatcher's block, Third Charllis J R & Son, Lahr House, Main Comstock, Howard & Co, 6 and 7 Hanna's block, Second Deichmiller Chr, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Dienhart Peter, South, 2 doors e of Second Durivage Joseph, Fourth, bet Columbia and South Falley L & Co, 9 Purdue's blk, Second Goodwin C S, s side public square Haff Ed L, Ninth, bet Brown and Cincinnati Hoover & Co, 1 Ferrall's block, Main Howard T N & Co, Fourth, e side public square Jenks C H & Co, n w cor public square Mehegan Dennis, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth Mohan Nicholas, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth PALMER C, cor Salem and Thirteenth Rouse Jonathan, w side Third, bet Main and Ferry Ryan M H, Third, bet South and Alabama Simler H & Co, Columbia, s of public square Sleeper Z C, Main, 2 doors west of public square Tullis James, Third w side public square Wieners Joseph, 4 Fourth bet Columbia and South Yopst John, Ferry bet Fifth and Sixth Bowling Alley. Harding & Woodman, Third bet Main and Ferry Breweries. City Brewery, Emdee J & H, Third bet Ramsy and Alabama LAFAYETTE BREWERY, Thieme & Wagner props, cor Fourth and Main. See card Wabash Brewery, Frederick Newman, prop, cor Canal and South Broom Factory. MARTIN W Z, w side Third bet Main and Ferry Cabinet Makers. Cabinet Makers' Union, A. Niemeyer treasurer, ware rooms cor Main and Second Ostendorf & Son Main bet Second and Third Canal Collector. Ten Eyck George T, foot of Main Candle and Soap Factory. Sheehan & Kurtz, props, cor of William and Front Carpenters and Builders. Campbell Robert, Sixth bet Tippecanoe and Salem Crager Theodore, Brown bet Fourth and Fifth Fielding S A, cor Fifth and Ferry Carpets and Oil Cloths. Ward J H & W L, Earl & Hatcher's blk. cor South and Third Carriages and Wagons. Clemens & Weik, cor Main and Second Lehnen Peter, Second bet Chestnut and Green Metzger A & I, Fourth bet Alabama and Romie Shoemaker Joseph, Ferry bet North and Brown Stitz Rudolph, South bet Second and Third Tengin & Gosling, cor Main and Eighth Vollman & Conrad, cor Main and Tenth Carriage Trimming. Heath John W & Co, Main opp public square Cattle Dealer. Smith J K, Columbia near Third China, Glass and Queensware. Ewry J & Co, cor Columbia and Second Harris & Perrin, cor Main and Third McCormick Peter, cor Main and Fourth Cigars and Tobacco. Danzeger A, Fourth e side public square Kennedy John, s side Columbia bet Fifth and Sixth Kuehner Frank, Fourth bet Columbia and South McGinley F E D, Main n side public square Markley & Bro. 8 Orth's block, Fourth Schamaltz F, Main bet Sixth and Seventh Star City Cigar Factory, Joseph Breckweg, prop, n w cor Main, and Fifth Steele T R, Columbia bet Fourth and Fifth Wagner John B, 90 Sample's new blk Clothing, Amberg M, cast side public sq, Front Gavan Frank, 8 s side public square Hollstein M & Co, Fourth, e side public square Klein D A, Third, w side public square Lean Hyman & Co, Main opp court house Littledike T A, Main bet Second and Third Mayer & Ullman, Main opp public sq Sattler & Nehreg, e side Fourth, bet Main and Ferry Shively William, Third, w side public square Stoy Garrison, cor Main and Third Strauss H, Fourth, e side public square Cloths and Cassimeres. Littledike T A, Main bet Second and Third Coal Yard. Cowles H & Co, near depot T W & W R R Collecting Agents. Everett & Carnahan, Third, w side public square Gougar John D, over National State Bank Commercial College. Gundry & Hollingsworth props, L B Edwards principal, cor Main and Fifth Commission Merchant. Weaver E M, cor First and Columbia Confectioners, Bemmes W & E, s side public square Cobler & Ewry, Fourth, e side public sq Hamlin C & Co, 3 Purdue's blk Second Jakes & Castater, Fifth bet Main and Columbia KICHLER JOHN A, cor Third and Ferry Ruger John B, Main bet Fourth and Fifth WEIGELE GEORGE & BRO, Main bet Eighth and Ninth. See card Coopering, Abbott Arthur, head of Sixth Abbott A W, Sixth, north of Hartford Peck & Co, n end of Ninth Strawbringer H, Fourth Vorhis & Sample, Second, near Ellsworth Corsets and Fancy Goods. Sempliner W, Third, near Columbia Cracker Manufactories. Bayle & Co, 5 Purdue's blk, Second Kuger J B, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth WEIGELE GEORGE & BRO, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth. See card Cultivator Manufacturers. Tengin & Gosling, cor Main and Eighth Dentists. FAHNESTOCK J W, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth, 2d floor Pifer W H, s side Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Snoddy J S, n side Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Dress and Cloakmaking. Cowan Miss Kate, Fifth, bet Columbia and South Denny Mrs Mary, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth Richardson Miss J C, s side Columbia, bet Fifth and Sixth Drugs and Medicines. Abery & Tyler, Third, w of public sq're Cuming Geo E, 105 Main, cor of Fifth Fowler J W & Co, Ninth, bet Brown and Cincinnati Fowler J W, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth McPherson & Schrader, 3 O'Ferrall's blk, Main Shalter U S, s e cor Columbia and Fifth Terry, Jennings & Hervey, 92 Main, and 5 Market space Tenney, Moore & Co, Fourth, e side public square Wilstach, Bro & Co, Main, n side public square Weakly & Brown, Fourth, e side public square Weakly 0 K & Co, Main, n side public square Dry Goods. Curtis, Earl & Co, 3 Earl & Hatcher's blk, Third Ewry J & Co, cor Columbia and Second Gordon Ross, Third, w side public square Groenendyke John & Co, Columbia, s side public square Hesse & Gormly 82 Odd Fellows' blk, Main Howe, Moore & Co, cor South and Second Leonard, Hesse & Co, Third, w side public square McGoldrick Mrs M, s side pnblic [sic] square McHugh K J, s side public square Mug & Zinn, Third, w side public square Pyke & Co, Third, w side public square Royal J, 3 Commercial blk, s side public square Shockey R C, cor Main and Second Smith & Allin, 20 Ferrall's blk, Main Wise S & Bro, 4 Earl & Halcher's blk, Third Wise & Wiler, s e cor public square Woodworth & Son, Main, bet Third and Fourth Dyers and Scourers. Cassel M, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth De La Croix Jacob, Third, bet South and Columbia Elevators. PIERCE GEO & JAMESON, elevators and warehouse, 1 Weaver's blk, bet Columbia and South Toledo & Wabash Grain Elevators, Robt Marey, prop, cor Cincinnati and Erie VENCILL A & CO, Second, bet Main and Ferry Express Companies. Merchants' Union, John M Kerper, agt, 3 Milwaukee blk, Columbia United States, B F Bruff, agt, Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Flouring Mills. Lafayette Flouring Mills, Breckenridge & Jenkins, props, foot of Union, on canal STAR CITY FLOURING MILLS, Geiger & Cobler, props, foot of Alabama, w of canal UNION FLOURING MILLS, Daggett, Martin & Co, props, cor Columbia and canal Flour and Feed. Cole James A, Ninth, bet Cincinnati and Brown Ensminger P & Co, cor Main and Sixth Jones John, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Paige & Roads, Ninth, bet Cincinnati and Brown Sullins C & G W, foot of Main, McCormick's blk Flour, Salt and Fish. Weaver E M, cor First and Columbia Foundries and Machine Shops. McGrath R M & Co, cor Third and Romig Temple 0 H, Second, bet Alabama and Walnut Fruits, Canned and Dried. Blair T W, Main, opp Lahr House Clark John H, Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Hamlin C & Co, 3 Purdue's blk, Second Furniture Dealers, Scudder M S & C R, 109 Main, opp Lahr House SHEERN JOSEPH, 12 Purdue blk, Second. See card STRAUB F, e side Third, bet Main and Ferry Ostendorf & Son, n side Main, bet Second and Third Steam and Gas Fitters, Wallace Wm & Bros, Fourth, bet Ferry and North Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hengstler C, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Hollstein M & Co, Fourth, e 'side public square Klein D A, Third, w side public square Schench Fred H, First National Bank bldg, Main Snyder H C, s w cor public square Stauss H, Fourth, e side public square Stoy Garrison, cor Main and Third Van Reed Byron, n w cor public square Grain Merchants, Chute James T, cor Brown and Third Godman R H, cor First and Columbia Marey Robert, cor Cincinnati and Erie PIERCE GEORGE & JAMISON, First, bet Columbia and South VENCILL A & CO, Second, bet Main. and Ferry Weaver E M, cor First and Columbia Grass Seeds, DAGGETT MARTIN & CO cor Columbia and canal Groceries and Provisions, AYLWARD THOMAS, cor Columbia and Second Balfe G & J, n side Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Ball James & Sons, Milwaukee blk, Columbia Ball Owen, 7 Commercial blk, s side public square Beck Jas & Bro, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Beers Chas, cor Sixth and Salem Brown & Spear, cor Seventh and Union Callahan & Bro, 5 Ball's blk, Columbia Clark J & P, s w cor Third & Columbia Clark Philip'cor Second and Chestnut Clark W R, 101 Main, near Fifth Cole James A, Ninth, bet Cincinnati and Brown Coyle James, cor Second and Walnut Crain W S, Fourth, e side public square Donaher J, cor Second and Chestnut Dondican James, 111 Main Downey P D, cor Fourth and Cincinnati Drees Alexander, cor Main and Eighth Earl & Hatcher, n w cor South and Third Elisha William, cor Second & Columbia Feely Patrick, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth Ferrell Michael, cor Second and Mulberry Flanagan M H, n side Main, bet Second and Third Hamlin C & Co, 3 Purdue blk, Second Hanley John, Fourth, bet Columbia and South Korty Anthony, cor Main and Eleventh Learning & Kirkpatrick, Fourth, bet Columbia and South Leuke Charles, cor Ninth and North Lloyd J M & Co, cor Fifth and Wall McCormick Peter, 4 Ball's blk, Columbia McKane Thomas, 4 Purdue's blk, Second McNair T J, 1 Orth's blk, Fourth Mausemer, Bro & Co, 10 Purdue blk, Second Mertz Christian, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Miller & Kerckhoff, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth MILLER WM M, cor Main & Seventh Murdock J & Bros, s side Columbia, bet Second and Third Murray Patrick, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth Nevin Patrick, Sixth, bet Salem and Tippecanoe Oilar & Jamison, Hurd, bet Main and Ferry Paige & Road, Ninth, bet Brown and Cincinnati Peirce O W, & Co, n side Main, bet Second and Third Pence & Gladden, cor Fourth and South Reitemeiter John, 112 Main Schilling Wm, cor Ninth and Union Schilling Wm, 99 Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Sherer C, cor Second and Chestnut Shockey R C, cor Main and Second Sullivan John, 4 Main Walsh M M, South, bet Second & Third Wilke Frank, cor North and Ninth Winder John, Main, opp Seventh White E C, 84 Odd Fellows blk, Main Woollen S T, cor Columbia and Fifth Zeis Howard H, Ninth, bet Brown and Cincinnati Guns and Pistols. Bixler & Iddings, n side Columbia, bet Second and Third Gunsmiths. Bixler & Iddings, n side Columbia, bet Second and Third Berg Henry, e side Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Hair Jewelry. HARMS H J, n e cor Columbia and Fifth Hardware and Cutlery. Atkinson & Garland, s side public square Bradfield A J, s side Columbia, bet Second and Third Falley & Beach, Main, opp public square Falley & Beach, 7 and 8 Perdue’s blk, Second Gregory W L & Co, Fourth, bet Main and Columbia Heath John W & Go, Main, opp public square Johnson, Beach & Reule, 11 Purdue's blk, Second Pattan Jacob, 88 Main Snyder H C, s w cor public square Wagstaff H C & Son, 3 Columbia Harness and Saddles. Case W & J, Third, bet Columbia and South Erisman Joseph, Columbia, bet Second and Third Kienly A & Bro, s side Columbia, bet Second and Third Noble Alexander, n side Columbia, bet Second and Third Strobel L, s side Columbia, bet Second and Third Wurster Godfrey, Main, bet Seventh and Eighth Hat and Bonnet Blocks, READ B H, Coliimbia, bet Fourth and Fifth. See card Hats, Caps and Furs, Handley D & W, n side Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Hunt M G, Main, bet Second and Third Levering & Co, Earl & Hatcher's blk, Levering & Co, 10 Columbia, s side public square McCarthy J R, 5 O'Ferrall's blk, Main Hides, Felts and Furs, Johnson John, foot of Main Ullmann & Co, s side Columbia, bet Second and Third Hoop Skirt Factories, Frank J H, s side Columbia, bet Fifth and Sixth Sempliner W & Co, Third, near Columbia, and Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth Horse Collar .Manufacturers, Erisman E & Bro, Main, opp Galt House Kienly A & Bro, s side Columbia, bet Second and Third Hotels, American House, Mrs J J Griffin, props, cor, Columbia and Fourth BAKER HOUSE, T Baker, prop, Fifth, bet Columbia and South Bramble House, Reuben Taylor & Son, props, cor Third and South Dell House, John A Ries, prop, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth Galt House, Nicholas Grebling, prop, Main, bet Second and Third International Hotel, European style, John O Ruby, prop, e side Fourth, bet Main and Ferry Junction House, John McKenster, prop, junction I C & L and T W & W railroads Lahr House, R L Browning, prop, s e cor Main and Fifth New York House, J A Borden, Main, bet Tenth and Eleventh Sheehan House, Philip Biehn, prop, cor Second and Green Wabash Valley House, Frank Bernhardt, prop, Ferry, near T W & W railroad House Furnishing Goods. Ward J H & W L, Earl & Hatcher's blk, cor South and Third Insurance Agents. Beckner Samuel H, s side public square COMPTON W K, e side Fourth, two doors s of postoffice, second floor. See card Dresser Jasper M, Columbia, s side public square Levering Bros, Third, w side public square Underwood Thomas, Third, w side public square Gates & Rugg, one door e of State National Bank Moore E, Turner's Bank Ward & Ellis, cor Columbia and Fourth Insurance Company. UNITED STATES MUTUAL LIFE, R H Melroy prest, Joseph Brown vice-prest, George Williams secy, Robert Heath treas, cor Fourth and Ferry Intelligence Office, COMPTON W K, e side Fourth, two doors s of postoffice, second floor. See card Internal Revenue Collector. Williams John S, s side, public square Iron, Steel and Nails. Falley & Beach, 7 and 8 Purdue's blk, Second Weath John W & Co, Main, n side public square Justices of the Peace, Ten Eyck George T, foot of Main Wilmes Henry, w side Fourth, bet Columbia and South Wilson William M, Fifth, opp Market space Knitting Factory. Newmeyer Mrs C, Columbia, bet Fifth and Sixth Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Wilmes Mrs F, w aide Fourth, bet Columbia and South Land Agency, Ellsworth Land Agency, Peckham & Smith agts, Third, w side public square Lard Oil, Soap and Candles. Jenks E T, n of city, on canal Ostendorf John, on canal, n e of city Leather and Findings, Falley L & Co, 9 Purdue's blk, Second Monnig G H, 114 Main, bet Fifth and Sixth Sample H T & Co, Third, w side public square Lime and Coal, Morrison & Bros, on canal, n of city Taylor William, cor Third and North Linseed Oil DAGGETT, MARTIN & CO, cor Columbia and Wabash & Erie canal Liquors, Wholesale and Retail. AYLWARD THOMAS, cor Columbia Bell & Shepard, 4 and 5 Hanna's blk and Second Flanagan M H, n side Main, bet Second and Third Kenedy John, s side Columbia, bet Fifth and Sixth Lammers & Metzger, cor Main and Second McGinley F E D, Main, n side public square Miller & Kerckhoff, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Toberty Thomas, 6 Purdue's blk, Second Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, BAKER T, cor South and Fourth Baird James W, cor South and Third Godman & Pancera, foot of Main Hankes Nicholas, South, bet Third and Fourth Hart Bros, Third, bet South and Alabama Jamison J, Third, bet Main and Ferry Taylor S O, South, bet Third and Fourth Washburn N & Son, cor South and Fourth Locksmith, Berg Henry, e side Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Marley & Paige, cor Cincinnati and Erie SNYDER & PARKER, cor Brown and Third. See card Taylor Henry, cor Third and North Machine Works, Union Machine Works, Gray & Mills, proprs, cor Elizabeth and Fifteenth Marble Works. Duffy F, cor Fourth and Ferry Henderson A & Co, Third, bet Main and Ferry Dampel & Co, Fourth, bet Ferry, and North Mattress Manufacturers. Ayres Edwin, 2 Purdue's blk, Second STRAUB F, e side Third, bet Main and Ferry Meat Markets, Fuhs & Kurtz, Columbia, bet Fifth and sixth. Kurz J D, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Mayer & Kurtz, Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Meyer & Kurtz. Ninth, near Union Mueller & McMahan, Ninth, bet Cincinnati and Brown Noth Andrew, Main, near Fourth Smith J K, Columbia, near Third Sumalt John, n side Main, bet Fifth and Sixth Winton Henry, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth Youngmeyer John, cor Sixth and Salem Merchant Tailors, Friedlinger Stephen & Co, Third, bet South and Columbia Gaven Frank, 8 s side public square Hengstler C, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Hutchinson P B, Main, bet Second and Third Linbrock & Mueller, e side Fourth, bet Main and Ferry Littledike T A, Main, bet Second and Third Mayer & Ullman, Main, opp public square Sattler & Nehrig, e side Fourth, bet Main and Ferry Stoy Garrison, cor Main and Third Strauss H, Fourth, e side public square Millinery Carson Miss F M, s side Columbia, bet Fifth and Sixth Clarke Mrs I, Fifth, bet Main and Ferry Denney Mrs Mary, Columbia bet Fourth and Fifth Eldridge Miss E E, 3 Heath's blk Fifth Gamble L S, 1 Heath's blk, Fifth Markham Miss L, Milwaukee blk, Fifth Mug & Zim, Third, w side public square Richards Mrs J C, Main opp Seventh Waldron Mrs M, 2 Milwaukee block, Fifth Monuments and Tombstones, Duffy F, cor Fourth and Ferry Henderson A & Co, Third bet Main and Ferry Moulding And Brackets, Snyder & Parker, cor Brown and Third Music and Musical Instruments, Chizum J M, 1 Lahr house, Main Newspapers and Periodicals, LAFAYETTE DAILY AND WEEKLY COURIER, W S Lingle prop, Courier buildings, Third bet Columbia and South, See card LAFAYETTE DAILY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL, James, Emmons & Co, props, cor Third and Ferry. See card Notaries Public, JONES MARK, n side public square STALLARD S T, n side public square Notions, Danforth S, Main opp public square Emerson T P, Third, w side public sq Frank J H, s side Columbia bet Fifth and Sixth HARMS W J, n e cor Columbia and Fifth Laeb & Hirsh, s e cor public square McPherson & Schrader, 3 O'Ferrall's block, Main Sampliner W & Co, Columbia bet Fourth and Fifth Shalter U F, s e cor Columbia and Fifth Snyder H C, s w cor public square WEIGELE GEORGE & BRO, Main bet Eighth and Ninth. See card Wilstatch B R U, Main near Ninth Oculist and Aurist, Felix Mrs J C, s side Columbia between Fifth and Sixth Omnibus Line, STAR CITY OMNIBUS LINE, T Baker, prop, Baker House Oysters, Fish and Game, Blair T W, Main, opp Lahr House Clark John H, Fifth bet Main and Columbia Howell I & Bro, e side Fifth bet Main and Columbia Ruger John B, Main bet Fourth and Fifth Painters and Grainers, Burch O M, 119 Main opp Lahr House Clark & Ridgely, cor Main and Fifth 3d floor Crapo John B, Main bet Fourth and Fifth, 3d floor Felix W H, cor Fourth and North Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Avery & Tyler, Third, w side public sq Fowler J W, Main bet Eighth and Ninth McPherson & Schrader, 3 O'Farrell's block, Main Ferry, Jennings & Harvey, 92 Main and 5 Market space Weakly & Brown, Fourth, e side public square Weakly O K & Co, Main, n side public square Wilstach B R U, Main near Ninth Wilstach Bro & Co, Main, n side public square Paper Hangings. Burch 0 M, 119 Main opp Lahr House Straub F, Third bet Main and Ferry Paper Mills. Lafayette Paper Mill Company, A Gaddis agent, w of canal, foot of Alabama Pawnbrokers, Lutz J B & Co, 4 Lahr House, Main Photographers, Clark D R, s side public square Evernden Wm, n side Main bet Fourth and Fifth Smith W H H, cor Main and Fourth, 3d floor Wolever Peter W, Ball's block, Columbia, 3d floor Physicians Barnes A Z, Fourth, 1st door n of post office Beasley G F, s e cor Ferry and Fourth, opp Opera House Brittingham W B, s w cor Columbia and Fourth Cady W F, w side Fifth bet Columbia and South Chesnut Thomas, s e cor Ferry and Fourth, opp Opera House, Fahnestock P, Fourth bet Columbia and South Isler John, Fifth between Columbia and South Keiper C B, Fourth, e side public sq LEARY E D, South bet Fourth and Fifth NEVILL JAMES, office South, bet Fourth and Fifth O'Farel, office South, bet Fourth and Fifth Powers E D, office cor Columbia and Second Reed P W, office s e cor Fourth and Ferry Rutherford C E, office s w cor Columbia and Fourth Seawright S R, office Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Weyburn 0, office s side Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Wright I H, cor Main and Fifth Yeakel D T, office cor Columbia & Fifth Planing Mills, Morley & Paige, cor Cincinnati and Erie, near round house I W & W railroad SNYDER & PARKER, cor Brown and Third Taylor Henry, cor Third and North Planemaker. Coddington J, Ninth, bet Brown and Cincinnati Plowmakers. Jenners Albert, Ferry, bet Third and Fourth Metzger A & I, Fourth, bet Alabama and Romie Xxxxxxxxx p 12 Teaqui [?, ink smudge] & Gosling, cor Main and Eighth Vollmer & Conrad, cor Main and Tenth Pork and Beef Packers. Sample H T & Son, office Main, National Bank bldg Telford J H & Co, office Second National Bank, cor Third and Columbia Powder and Shot. Bixler & Iddings, n side Columbia, bet Second and Third Printing, Franklin Job Printing Office, Salem F Fry, prop, Main, opp public square Rosser, Spring & Co, cor Third and Columbia, opp Earl & Hatchers' blk Produce Dealer. Comstock A S, Third, bet Main & Ferry Pump Manufacturers. Durbon R A & Co, cor Main and Ninth Railroad Agents. Clement C T, 1 C & L and T W & W, office at Junction Forbes Harvey, I C & L, office, I C & L dep Richardson E B, I C & L, office cor South and First Sexton 0, Jr, T W & W, office dep Waldron E H, L N A & C, office dep Real Estate Agents. BALL & GREENLEE, office State National Bank bldg, Main COMPTON W K, office e side Fourth, two doors s post office, 2d floor. See card Hine John, s side Main, 2d door from Fourth Levering Bros, Third, w side public square Peckham & Smith, Third, w side public square Underwood Thomas, office Third, w side public square Repairing and Cleaning. Kreiter C H, Fourth, bet Columbia and South Restaurants. European Restaurant, Knowlton & Ruf, props, e side Market space Great Eastern Restaurant, W C Reynolds & Bro, props, cor Fourth and Main Jakes & Castator, « side Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Kreis & Mueller, cor Main and Eighth Michel Max, 6, 7 Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Moran & Powers, 95 Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Omara Richard, Third, bet Columbia and South Pfrommer John, Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Reynolds W C & Bro, s side public square Tippecanoe Dining Hall, John Doffin, prop, Main, bet Fifth and Sixth Saddlery Hardware. Heath John W & Co, Main, opp public square Sample H T& Co, Third, w public square Saloons. Boetsch Charles & Bro, Fourth, bet Main and Ferry Boetsch Louis, Fourth, bet Columbia and South Bunce Chas F, Third, bet Columbia and South Burns & O'Mara, cor North and Thirteenth, near T W & W depot Burwell J, Main, bet Second and Third Burwell John, cor Columbia and Second Crystal Palace Saloon, W C Reynolds & Bros, props, s side public square Daly Owen, Third, bet South and Columbia Douphin John, Fourth, bet South and Columbia Dells Mrs A, cor Columbia and Second Eitel John, 93 Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Fitzgerald William, cor Columbia and Third Golden Gate Saloon, John Klumpe, prop, e side Fourth, bet Columbia and South Golden Eagle Saloon, H W Schultse, prop, e side Market space Great Eastern Saloon, W C Reynolds & Bro, props, cor Fourth and Main Great Western Saloon, George Schaible & Co, props, cor Main and Fourth Harding & Godman, Third, bet Main & Ferry Heitzman George & Co, cor Main and Fifth Kloetzle L, Fifth, bet Main & Columbia Kreis & Mueller, cor Eighth and Main Lynch John, Columbia, bet Second and Third Mandler Henry, cor Main and Fifth May Michael, cor South and Second Meyer Wm, Market space, Fifth Michel Max, 6, 7 Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Moran & Powers, 95 Main, bet Fourth and Fifth Milwaukee Lager Beer Saloon, M C Hummel, prop, Main, bet Sixth and Seventh Nugent John, cor Main and Second O'Connor Daniel, 2 Market space Omara Richard, Third, bet Columbia and South Pfrommer John, Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Pollett Henry, Salem, near Fifth Schenkenberger & Cuppy, Columbia, near Dell House Star City Exchange, John Blood, prop, Ferry, near railroad Swearingin B, Third, bet Columbia and South Swift & Drew, cor Third and South Welschbillig P I, Harmonia Hall, Main Willman John, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Salt Dealers, VENCILL A & CO, Second, bet Main and Ferry Sash, Doors and Blinds, Smith H W & Co, Third, bet Main and Ferry SNYDER & PARKER, cor Brown and Third. See card Saw Filing, Coddington J, Ninth, bet Brown and Cincinnati Shannon John S, Ferry, bet Fifth and Sixth Second Hand Clothing, Rosenzweig Henry & Son, Fifth opp Baker House Wolf Elias, Fourth, bet Main and Ferry Sewing Machines, Florence Sewing Machine Co, L S Gamble, agt, 1 Heath's blk, Fifth Howe Sewing Machine Co, Daniel Brawley, agt, cor Fourth and Columbia, 3d floor Singer Sewing Machine Co, Thomas E Hunt, agt, 3 Heath's blk, Fifth Silver Plated Ware, Emerson T P, Third, w side public sq’re Rose M, 2 Ball's blk Soda Water, Howell R A, Fifth, bet Main and Columbia Stamping and Embroidery, Wilmes Mrs T w side Fourth, bet South and Columbia Stoves, Tin and Copperware, Atkinson & Garland, s side public square Bradfiel A J, s side Columbia, bet Second and Third Falley & Beach, 7 and 8 Purdue's blk, Second Falley & Beach, Main, opp public sq're Gregory W L & Co, Fourth, bet Main and Columbia Ireland John, Main, bet Second and Third Kruse & Cassell, Main, opp Lahr House Mug Joseph, Main, bet Seventh and Eighth Patton Jacob, 88 Main Stackhouse N G, Columbia, bet Second Third Straw Goods, McCarthy J R, 5 O'Ferrall's blk, Main Levering & Co, 2 Earl & Hatchers blk, Third READ B H, Columbia, bet Fourth and Fifth. See card Stair Builder. Hutchens George W, First, bet Chestnut and Green Stave Factory. STAR CITY STAVE FACTORY, Geiger & Davenport, props, w of canal, bet Columbia and South Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Manufacturers. Broadfield A J, s side Columbia, bet Second and Third Falley & Beach, Main, opp public sq're Gerlach Wm, Main, bet Sixth and Seventh Gregory W S & Co, Fourth, bet Main and Columbia Ireland John, Main, bet Second and Third Kruse & Cassell, Main, opp Lahr House Mug Joseph, Main, bet Ninth and Eighth Patton Jacob, 88 Main Sale A C, Ferry, bet Third and Fourth Stackhouse N G, Columbia, bet Second and Third Trunks and Valises. Schenek Fred H, First National Bank bldg, Main Umbrella Maker Munz E, e side Fifth, bet Main, and Columbia Undertakers. Scudder M S, & C R, 109 opp Lahr House Upholsterer. Ayers Edwin, 2 Purdue's blk, Second STRAUB F, e side Third, bet Main and Ferry Vinegar Manufacturers. Hedges & Cordrey, n side Columbia, bet Second:and Third Wagon and Plow Factory. Martin William cor Main and Eighth. Wall and Window Paper. Burch 0 M, 119 Main, opp Lahr House McCormick Peter, cor Main and Fourth Ward J H & W L. Earl & Hatcher’s blk, cor South and Third Warehouses. Farmers' Warehouse, E M Weaver, prop, cor First and Columbia Wabash Agricultural Warehouse, Johnson, Bach & Reule, props, 11 Purdue's blk, Second Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Burwell John, Main, bet Second and Third Danforth S, Main, n side public square Emerson T P, Third, w side public sq're Hull G H, 86 Heath's blk, Main Rose M, 2 Ball's blk Salfinger Joseph, Main, bet Eighth and Ninth Water Cure. Artesian Water Cure, G H Stockham prop, Main, bet Second and Third Wigmaker. HARMS J W, cor Fifth and Columbia Wooden and Willow Ware. Gilmore E G, 2 Heath's blk, Fifth Ten Eyck Geo T, foot of Main Wool Dealers. Ewry J & Co, cor Columbia and Second Ullmannn & Co, s side Colujnbia, bet Second and Third Woolen Factory. Ewry, Robinson & Co, Green, bet canal and river File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/tippecan/directories/business/1868/lafayett163gms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/infiles/ File size: 33.2 Kb