Tipton County IN Archives Biographies.....Blount, Silas 1800 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher sdgenweb@yahoo.com April 11, 2007, 1:20 am Author: Charles Blanchard, Editor (1883) DR. SILAS BLOUNT, medical practitioner, farmer, minister of the Gospel and ex-County Judge, is a native of Ross County, Ohio, where he was born October 10, 1800. two years before Ohio was admitted into the Union. He is the son of Cyrus and Elizabeth Blount, the former of whom went to Highland County, Ohio, purchased land, and erected a house, but was prevented from removing to his new home by his death, which occurred in 1802. His widow and family of seven children removed to their Highland County home, and there our subject grew to manhood. He has been twice married, first, in 1822, in Highland County, Ohio, to Miss Elizabeth Miller, who died December 24, 1822; his second marriage occurred September 17, 1827, to Miss Barbara Miller, his present wife, who was born September 6, 1809. He remained in his native State until 1841, practicing medicine and engaging in agricultural pursuits. In 1841, he located in Tipton County, Ind., on 160 acres of land, which he had previously purchased. Since then he has added eighty acres, and is now the possessor of 240 acres in Section 22, Cicero Township, 120 acres of which are under cultivation, and the remainder in woods pasture. He is also the owner of two dwelling houses and lots in Tipton, and three houses and lots in the city of Indianapolis, situated in Butler's Division, on Broadway. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church, and are the parents of eight children living, and two deceased, viz., Brazilla M., Louisa J., Cyrus N., Mary M., Elizabeth M., Jacob B., Barbara P., and Alcinda T.; also Eli V., died October 29, 1859, aged twenty-two years, after having graduated at the Northwestern Christian University, completed his legal studies, and been admitted to the bar; and the other child dead is Mytelena, an infant. Dr. Blount has always been an enthusiastic supporter of higher education, and no pioneer of Tipton County ever made ampler provision for his children in that respect than he has. He has spent at least $10,000 in educating them, and every one of them, with perhaps one or two exceptions, are graduates of classical colleges. His occupations have been various. As above mentioned, he has practiced medicine for many years. He sold goods at West Kinderhook, and was for some time Postmaster at that place. He was one of the first Associate Judges of Tipton County, and served eleven years. He has never lost an opportunity to administer the Gospel. Politically, he is a Democrat. He is now in his eighty-fourth year, but, notwithstanding his advanced age, is in excellent health. Additional Comments: Extracted from: COUNTIES OF HOWARD AND TIPTON, INDIANA. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. ILLUSTRATED. CHARLES BLANCHARD. EDITOR. CHICAGO: F. A. BATTEY & CO. 1883. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/tipton/bios/blount873nbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/infiles/ File size: 3.3 Kb