Vanderburgh County IN Archives Obituaries.....Robinson, Henry January 7, 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kathy Stinson November 26, 2013, 9:59 pm Daily Evening News, Jeffersonville, Indiana January 3, 1890 Daily Evening News Jeffersonville, Indiana SH0T THROUGH THE FOREHEAD Murderous End of a Case of Social Depravity and Scandalous Rivalry EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 8, 1890 -- George Williams, yesterday morning, shot and instantly killed Henry Robinson at saw mill six miles from the city. The cause which led to the difficulty is a woman, who formerly lived with Williams, but who forsook him for Robinson, being fascinated by the superior charms of the latter and the inducements he held out in the way of easy living. Williams has been trying to win back the love of his faithless companion, and when Robinson heard of it he sent his rival a message, threatening to kill him on sight. A week ago Robinson went to Miner’s mill, where Williams is employed, and with an ax chased Williams all around the premises. Finally the latter procured a shotgun, and if it had not been for the interference of the engineer, he would have killed Robinson on the spot. Since this time both men have been armed for each other. Yesterday morning the two men met in the woods near the mill. Robinson was in his wagon. A quarrel was started, and in the midst of it Robinson grabbed up a shotgun, which was on the seat of the wagon, and jumped to the ground. Williams clinched Robinson and a rough and tumble fight ensued, in the course of which Williams drew a revolver from his pocket and shot his adversary through the forehead. After the shooting Williams came to town and surrendered himself, claiming to have acted in self-defense. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb