Washington County IN Archives Military Records.....Brock, George October 14, 1832 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jerry Taylor http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00011.html#0002716 July 13, 2007, 6:20 pm Pension Application George Brock, Declaration of Pension, Oct 14, 1834 Declaration of George Brock in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th of June 1832 - State of Indiana Washington county } Washington County Probate Court On this 14th day of October 1834 personally appeared in open Court before the Judge thereof now sitting it being a Court of Record George Brock a resident of the said County of Washington and State of Indiana aged 72 years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the pension of the Act of Congress of the United States some time in the summer of 1789 at Shenandoah county in the State of Virginia when he then resided as a drafted militia man that he was drafted for the term of 2 months and served as a private for said term of time in the company of Capt George Rinker which belonged to the Regiment commanded by Co. Jacob Rinker. That afterwards and between that time and the summer of 1782 he performed for other tours of duty in the militia then of which were for 2 months each and performed by him as a private drafted militia man in the same company of Capt. George Rinker and under Col. Jacob Rinker that the other tour of service he performed as a Volunteer which was for three months and was rendered as a private in the company of Capt Sharp which was under the command of C ol Booth - Welch was Major - that his whole services rendered on him sated and within the time stated amount to not less than 11 months - that he marched to Richmond and traversed the country between that place and the sea shore & was stationed at different places on James River and on the Chickahomine and marched through a portion of North Carolina about the sea shore was in many skirmishes and was in the battle at Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered _ the last service which this declarant performed consisted in assisting to guard the prisoners taken on the surrender of Cornwallis at the Carmack near Winchester He further states that he has no documentary evidence and that he knows of no testimony person whose testimony he can produce who can testify to his service. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or in annuity, except the present and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any Agency in any State Sworn to and subscribed the day the day & year aforesaid his George X Brock mark The following was the interrogation propounded by the Court to the said Applicant as prescribed by the War Department with his answers thereto_ 1 Where and in what year were you born? A. I was born in Shenandoah County in the State of Virginia in August 1762, or near on I can recollect 2 - Have you any Record of your age? A. No 3 - Where were you living when called into service, where have you lived since the Revolutionary war and where so you now live? A. In Shenandoah County Va when called into service; Since the Revolutionary war I lived in the same County for 7 years, then moved into the waters of the Holstein in Va & lived there about 18 years, then moved to Kentucky and lived there 3 or 4 years then moved to this County where I have lived ever since & still live _ 4 How were you called into service; were you drafted did you volunteer or were you a Substitute? And if a substitute for whom A. I was drafted at 4 different times for 2 months each time and three months I served as a volunteer as I have above stated. 5th State the names of some of the Regular officers who were with the troops when you served such continental and militia Regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your service - A. I recollect Genl Washington Lafayette and Genl Stephens, but by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory I cannot recollect the officers the Continental and militia Regiments and the general circumstances of my service more particularly than I have stated above except that during the time I was performing the service as I have stated I was frequently sent out with small detachments and in scouting parties and in this way I was under different Captains their names I cannot now recollect _ 6 Did you ever receive a discharge from the service, and if so by whom was it given and what has become of it? A. According to my best recollection I rec'd discharge at the end of my several tours of service from the Captains under whom I serve but I considered them of no consequence and have long since lost, or destroyed them _ 7th State the name of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who can testify as to your character for veracity on and then belief of your services as a Soldier of the Revolution _ A. Nicholas Hubbard, Adam Barnett, Hugh W Rhuters, Eli W. Malott Adam Camble Jonathan Lyon, Christopher Harrison, John Flienor _ & from this state that there is no Clergyman in my neighborhood sufficiently acquainted with me to testify as to my age character for veracity & belief of my services in the Revolution _ The Adam Barnett and Nicholas Hubbard residing in the County of Washington and State of Indiana do hereby certify, that we are well acquainted with George Brock who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be 72 years of age; that he is reported and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion - Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid Adam Barnett Nicholas Hubbard Application for Pension by Barbara Barnett, daughter of George Brock, taken July 16, 1853 Know all men by these present, That I, Barbara Barnett formerly Brock and heir of George Brock of the county of Washington, and State of Indiana, do hereby constitute and appoint Thomas S Donoho & John W. Magill, of Washington D.C., jointly or severally my true and lawful attorneys, for me and in my behalf to prosecute my claim for Pension for the service of George Brock my deceased father in the Revolutionary War and to receive such certificate as may be issued, hereby revoking any power of attorney which may have been heretofore given and confirming all things that my attorneys, the said Donoho & Magill, or either of them, may lawfully do in the premises. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this sixteenth day of July A. D. 1853 Attest her John H. Booth Barbara X Barnett [seal] mark Acknowledged before me the day and year last above written Daniel Knight J. P. [seal] State of Indiana County of Washington I, Washington C. D Paven clerk of the court of Common Pleas, within and for the county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Daniel Knight Esq., before whom the foregoing acknowledgment was taken; was at the date thereof an acting justice of the peace, duly commissioned and sworn. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, this sixteenth day of July, A. D. 1853 W. C. D Paven clerk File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/washington/military/revwar/pensions/brock62gmt.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/infiles/ File size: 7.8 Kb