Wayne County IN Archives History - Businesses .....Hagerstown 1868 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher sdgenweb@yahoo.com June 10, 2005, 8:37 pm Book Title: H. C. Chandler & Co.'s Business Directory For Indiana HAGERSTOWN. An enterprising town of about 1,200 inhabitants, situated on the Columbus, Chicago & Indiana Central railroad, ninety-six miles from Cincinnati, and sixteen miles from Richmond. There is also a branch road running from this place to Cambridge City, It has lodges of Odd Fellows, Masons and Good Templars, two church edifices, and another soon to be erected by the Christain denomination, which they design making second to none in Eastern Indiana. It has also a large flour mill, good hotel, etc. Agricultural Implements, Strode J W & Son, Perry Attorneys, MASON D W, cor Main and Washington Woods W W, cor Main and Washington Bakery, Houser A, Main Barbers. Outland A 0, Main Rollins T J, Perry Blacksmiths, Davis & Phares, Main Fish & Jewett, Main Jewett Parker, Perry Plummer O S, Walnut Boots and Shoes, Bedford C T, Perry Presbaugh Henry, Main Savoy G, Main Williams T N, cor Perry and Main Cabinetmakers. Castater E, Elm Maywood W, Elm Smith Jas, cor Walnut and Pearl Study Sam, Washington Carriages and Wagons, Dolly & Philabaum, cor Perry and Walnut Coopers, Geisler John, Perry Given V, near railroad McConnaughey & Dinsmore Stoltz F, Elm Dentist. Elliott S, Perry Drugs and Medicines. Lenardson H, cor Main and Washington Rodgers & Co, Perry Dry Goods. Anderson & Co, Perry Beck & Stonebraker, cor Main and Washington CHEESEMAN N, Main Stonebraker & Brumback, Main Express Company. American, C B Cooper, agt, depot Flouring Mill. Newcom R & F G, near railroad General Store. Jordan B D, Main Grain Dealers. Mathews H, cor Main and Plum Stonebraker & Brumback, Main Groceries. Dolley W M, Main Jenks F K, Main Lantz H, Perry Loutz John Mathews H, cor Main and Plum Hardware. Strode J W & Son, Perry Harness and Saddles. Bohrer J T, Perry Lloyd W E, Main Hotels. CHEESEMAN HOUSE, N Cheeseman, prop, Main Tremont House, Abraham Cox, prop, s Perry Justices of the Peace. Anderson T M, Perry Roberts J L, Perry Leather and Findings. Williams T N, cor Main and Perry Livery Stables. Bailey J W, Walnut CHEESEMAN N, Main Marble Works. Bowen & Sherer, Main Hathaway E B, Perry Meat Market. Sindlinger John, Washington Smith John, Perry Merchant Tailor. Slifer David P, Perry Millinery. Slifer Mrs M K, Perry. Notary Public. Lantz D M, cor Perry and Walnut Notions. Jenks F K, Main Physicians. Buchanan T J, Main Ford S J, Main Ginther H, Perry Lenardson H, cor Main and Washington Postmaster. Woods James, Main Railroad Agent. Cooper C B, depot Saloons. Fritz A, Perry Grebiell Geo, cor Main and Plum Lantz D M, cor Walnut and Perry Stoves and Tinware, Backinstow C, Perry Brown E, Main Tannery. Scheibler F, e of town Undertaker. Study S, Washington Wagonmaker. Wedekind T, cor Main and Washington Watches and Jewelry. Fleming H H, Main File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/wayne/directories/business/1868/hagersto130gms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/infiles/ File size: 3.5 Kb