Allen County KS Archives Obituaries.....Banta, William May 22, 1897 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mike Sweeney January 21, 2016, 9:40 am Iola Register, Iola, KS, Friday, 28 May 1897, page 7, col 4. OBITUARY Died: At Wise, Allen county Kan., May 22, 1897, William Banta. He was born near Franklin, Ky., Nov. 35, 1817, aged 79 years, 5 months and 7 days. He was married to Eleanor Coffland, April 5, 1858, who died August, 14, 1892. To them were born five sons and four daughters, seven of whom servive them, Mrs. Leota Thompson, Byron, Mrs. Rhoda Smith, Albin, Mrs. Alice Jones, Eligah and Mrs. Pearl Cox. He went from Kentucky lo Indiana In 1853 and from there to Kansas in 1865 and settled on a farm near the Neosho river, south of Geneva thirty-two years ago. He lived there until twelve years ago when he moved near Wise, Kan., where he and his wife died. He was converted when about sixteeu years of age and united with the Presbyterian church and by his devotion and faithfulness to his christian duties endeared himself to his church and was elected superintendent of the Sunday school and later to the office of Elder, which position he held for years. It was his delight to associate with christian people and converse on subjects from the Bible and study the Bible, and when he became almost [blind] some years ago the family had to read to him from the Bible and when sight was restored he more than ever devoted himself to reading his Bible. A few weeks before his death he asked for the Bible and took it and held it awhile and then placed it on his pillow and laid his head upon it. His recent sickness was only six weeks duration in all of which he was fully resigned to the will of God. His funeral took place last Sabbath at Diamond from the home of his son-in-law, G. W. Smith and his remains were interred beside his wife in the cemetery at Geneva. Services by C. H. Gramly, paster of the M. E. church at l.aHarpe. Iola Register, Iola, KS, Friday, 28 May 1897, page 7, col 4. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb