Allen County KS Archives Obituaries.....McKnight, Sadie [Sada] Nee Neff March 12, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jennifer Neff June 30, 2006, 8:11 pm Humboldt Union McKNIGHT, Sadie [Sada] nee NEFF [Mrs. Charles Lorne McKnight] 1868 to 12 Mar 1907 39y Humboldt Union, Humboldt, Allen Co. KS, Sat, 16 Mar 1907 Provided by Janet and David Brooks, 2003 and transcribed by Jennifer L. Neff, 2006 Mrs. Sadie McKnight Dead. Mrs. Sadie McKnight, wife of C.L. McKnight, died at her home in this city Tuesday night. She had been in failing health for a long time, and while her death was not unexpected yet it came suddenly and her devoted husband, parents and sisters and a large circle of friends were over whelmed with grief at the sudden ending of her life. Miss Sadie Neff came to Humboldt from Ohio, with her parents when she was a little girl, and had grown to womanhood in this city, and was highly respected by all who knew her. She had a large circle of friends in this city and elsewhere and was a general favorite among them. Her marriage to C.L. McKnight was a happy union, and the devotion shown to each other was observable at all times. She was a loving and faithful wife, daughter, sister and friend, and will be sadly missed by all. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church, Friday afternoon, Rev. B.C. McQuesten officiating and were attended by a large number of friends. The floral offerings were beautiful and appropriate. After the church services a large number of friends followed the remains to Mt. Hope cemetery where the last sad rites were preformed and the body laid to rest. The relatives have the deepest sympathy of many friends in the severe affliction. Burial - Fri, 15 Mar 1907, Mt. Hope Cemetery Humboldt, Allen Co. KS File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb