Allen County KS Archives Obituaries.....Neff, Selby August 29, 1859 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jennifer Neff June 30, 2006, 8:17 pm Canfield Twp. Cemetery and Death Records NEFF, Selby 1856 – 29 Aug 1859 3 years 2 months and 27 days Burial - Section C Row 2 Canfield Village Cemetery, Canfield, Mahoning Co. OH Canfield Twp. Cemetery and Death Records, Mahoning County, Ohio ps 38 & 114 NAFF, Selby s/o Eli & Nancy B. Canfield Village Cemetery, Section C Row 2 b. c 1856 d. 29 Aug 1859 ae 3y 2m 27d Mortality Schedule NAFF, Selby, Ae: 3m B.OH Cause: croup Days ill: 24 hrs. Note: latter entry age 3m is in error & should read 3y Comment: On 31 Oct 2003 I [Jennifer Neff] visited Selby Naff’s gravesite. The day was warm and balmy. A small purple flower bloomed beside the marker. The stone was easy to find - just to the east of the Barnes’ Monument. Selby was laid to rest with his maternal grandparents. The inscription on the small white stone was hard to read and a verse that had been written on the bottom of it is illegible today. His name was spelled NAFF. The front of both stones face west. On the east side of the Barnes monument are the inscriptions for B.S. and Lois Hine, Selby’s uncle and aunt. B.S. Hine was one of Canfield’s most well-known citizens. [It should be noted that in old records, although his full name was Benjamin Selby, he went by “Selby”. Most likely Selby Naff was named for him.] Today they are still close, lying next to one another. In an Odd Fellows’ memorial to B.S. Hine, who had no children, it is written, “He had a kind heart for all. Children were his pets, and their companionship was a delight to him and them.” File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb