Allen County KS Archives Obituaries.....Neff, Nancy Nee Barnes November 28, 1910 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jennifer Neff June 30, 2006, 8:27 pm Humboldt Union NEFF, Nancy nee BARNES [Mrs. Eli Neff] 17 Mar 1825 to 28 Nov 1910 85y 8m 11d Humboldt Union, Sat, 3 Dec 1910 p2 Humboldt, Allen Co. KS PASSING OF THE OLD SETTLERS Mrs. N. B. Neff died at her home in this city Sunday evening, after an illness of one day. Cause of death was acute pneumonia. On Saturday she was around as usual, but took with a chill towards evening, and by Sunday morning pneumonia developed, of an acute form, which she was unable to withstand. Mrs. Neff was in her eighty sixth year, and has been a strong active woman, of a cheerial disposition who took considerable interest in the passing events around her home and elsewhere. With her husband and family she came to Kansas in 1874, and has lived in Humboldt a greater part of the time since coming to the State. Her husband, Eli Neff purchased a large tract of land on the Verdigris river bottom, where Mrs. Neff used to spend the summers. Her husband died in August this year. She leaves one son, Homer Neff, who is in California; three daughters, Mrs. Cora Young, and Mrs. George McKinley, of this city, and Mrs. Dr. H.A. Brown, of Iola. The funeral services were held at her late residence Wednesday at 10 a.m., Rev. Todd officiating, and burial took place at Mt. Hope cemetery. A large number of friends were present at the service and burial. The relatives have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this bereavement. Mahoning Dispatch, Looking Backwards 50 Years Ago, 9 Dec 1960 [for 1910] Mrs. Nancy Barnes Neff, 85, former resident of Canfield, died in Humboldt, KS after illness of only one day. BURIALS Eli Neff was buried on 30 Aug 1910 and Nancy Barnes Neff was buried on 30 Nov 1910. Both were interred in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Humboldt, Allen Co. KS Additional Comments: Our interest in Eli and Nancy Barnes Neff has always been strong. Conrad and Magdalena Weaver Neff, our original Canfield, Ohio ancestors named their youngest son John. John Neff and his wife, Elizabeth Kline Neff, were the parents of Eli, Mary, Martin, Edward, and John. The latter two died in 1836, victims of scarlet fever. We knew quite a bit about Martin, our ancestor, and always wanted to know more about his brother, our Great Uncle Eli and his wife, Nancy Barnes Neff. Dr. Jackson Truesdale, a Canfield historian, wrote, “Eli married Nancy, a daughter of Jacob Barnes, and for many years owned and resided on the farms now occupied by Joshua and William Kyle, and likely built the large dwelling in which Joshua resides. Eli, while a resident of Canfield was a stirring money-making farmer and cattle dealer. For some time before leaving Canfield he commenced loaning money with Kansas lands as mortgage security and finally somewhere near 1873 sold his land and other property here and moved to Kansas and engaged extensively in the loaning of money. As a result, word has come back that Eli now owns more land than he can profitably handle. Some of his relatives here place his real estate possessions at from 7,000 to 10,000 acres. Eli is said to have five living children.” From Mahoning Dispatch, Fri, 8 April 1898 Article No. 6 The Conrad Neff House to the Barnes Farm to Loghurst In 1805 Conrad Neff, built the oldest remaining log home in the Western Reserve. Located in Canfield, Mahoning Co. Ohio, today it is known as Loghurst and is under the management of Western Reserve Historical Society [WRHS] and is included in the National Register of Historic Places. Conrad Sr. sold the home to his son Conrad Jr. in 1818 and then in 1826, Jacob Barnes purchased the Neff property. Upon Barnes’ death in 1848, his wife and son continued to operate the farm until the late 1800s. Jacob Barnes was a well known abolitionist and for a period of time used the home as an underground railway. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.4 Kb