Allen County KS Archives Marriages.....Massey, Gereldine - Brown, Lloyd Neff June 30, 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jennifer L. Neff July 1, 2006, 7:01 pm Iola Register, Iola, Allen Co. KS Sat, 5 July 1924 p2 Lloyd Neff Brown and Gereldine Massey Wed 30 June 1924 Iola Register, Iola, Allen Co. KS Sat, 5 July 1924 p2 Provided by Janet and David Brooks, 2003 and transcribed by Jennifer L. Neff Wedding Announcement Party Dr. and Mrs. H.A. Brown announced the marriage of their son Mr. Lloyd Neff Brown and Miss Gereldine Massey, of Chicago, at a party which they gave in their home Thursday night. The names of the guests were written on cards attached to strings depending from a curtain pole and leading to various and obscure places throughout the house. At the end of the strings were little boxes containing English walnuts in which were concealed the announcement, “Lloyd and Gerry, married June 30.” The announcement came as a complete surprise to the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, both of whom are on the faculty of the Chicago Musical College, played several selections on the violin and piano. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. L. Hobart, Mrs. Adah Davis and Mrs. Geo. McKinley, of Humboldt, in serving refreshments. The guests were: Miss Mary Wishard, Miss Marjorie Garringhouse, Miss Telline Evans, Miss Anna Davis, Mr. Lee Hobart, Mr. Glen Hobart, Miss Blanche Marmont , Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Kirk, Mr. Angelo C. Scott. Mr. Floyd Kelley, Mr. Everett Land, Harold Kelley and Mr. John Brown, of Chanute. Massey-Brown Mr. Lloyd Neff Brown and Miss Gereldine Massey, of Chicago, were united in marriage in the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Massey at Chicago on Saturday, June 30, at 9 o’clock in the morning in the presence of relatives. Dr. Andrew Zenos, president of the McCormick Theological Seminary of Chicago, officiated. The bride’s father gave her away: her sister, Mrs. L.A. Tibor, was maid of honor and Mr. Tibor acted as best man. Mr. Howard Newmiller played Lohengrin’s wedding march for the bridal procession, Nevin’s “Love Song” during the ceremony and the Mendelssohn wedding march at the close of the ceremony. The wedding took place in the bay window, which was banked with ferns and palms and baskets of syringas. Overhead was a bell shaped arch covered with syringas. The bride wore a white flannel sport suit and a corsage bouquet of orchids and lilies-of-the-valley. The groom was attired in a business suit and had the distinction of wearing the black satin wedding vest which was worn by his grandfather Neff, seventy-three years ago. Immediately after the ceremony a three course wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Brown departed the same morning for Kansas City where they spent their honeymoon and arrived in Iola Wednesday night where they will remain until September 1 with the groom’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. H.A. Brown. The bride is a post graduate of the Chicago Musical College and a violinist of renoun [sic]. She studied with Maurice Goldblatt, Leon Sametiai and the famous Prof. Leopold Auer. She has taught violin four years in the Chicago Musical college. The groom has been awarded the Bachelor of Music Degree from the Chicago Musical College and is on the faculty. He has played several times with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and besides having won two scholarships in music he won a $300 prize from the Chicago Musical College. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brown will remain on the faculty and will resume their work in September. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKinley, uncle and aunt of the groom, were the only out-of-town guests. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb