Anderson County KS Archives History - Books .....Chapter XXX 1877 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher August 4, 2005, 11:53 pm Book Title: THE HISTORY OF ANDERSON COUNTY, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE FOURTH OF JULY, 1876. CHAPTER XXX. Putnam Township— Organization-—Prominent Settlers—First School District—First Church Building — Mount Carmel College—Successive Township Officers. PUTNAM TOWNSHIP was formed by the county commissioners, April 7, 1870, and named in honor of Leander Putnam. The township is bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Walker township, on the north line of the county; thence west to the line between ranges 18 and 19; thence south to the southwest corner of township 19; thence east to Ianthe creek: thence following the main channel of said creek to Pottowatomie creek; thence down the main channel of Pottowatomie creek to a point where it crosses the line of Walker township; thence north to the place of beginning; containing 30 square miles. The principal part of the lands of Putnam township are high, rolling prairie. It has, however, good valley lands, and timber along the streams forming its southern boundary. It contains some of the finest farms in the county. The first settlement in this portion of the county was made by the Rocker family, in 1855, on the north side of the Pottowatomie, and during the summer of 1856 several others came, among whom were Henry Feuerborn, Rezin Porter, Henry Ritter, Eli P. Bawgus, William Tull, Geo. W. Yandall, James McGue and Mrs. Totton. In the spring of 1857 there was a large immigration to the township. The Scipio colony, spoken of in another chapter, came in this year; as well as many others, who are mentioned elsewhere. The Saint Boniface church is situated in this township; also Mount Carmel college. The first school district in the county was organized in this township in December, 1858, with A. Garrett, James Farrah and M. Puett as a school board, who erected the first school house in the county. The Saint Boniface Catholic church was erected in 1858, and was the first church building in the county. In 1871 the Catholic church organized a college, known as "Mount Carmel," and erected a fine building, and have since maintained a good school therein. TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES. 1870, J. J. Spencer; 1871-2-3-4-5, Leander Putnam. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1870, G. W. Flint and J. M. Perrine; 1872, G. W. Flint and J. J. Spencer; 1874, G. W. Flint and F. Lichteig. TOWNSHIP TREASURERS. 1870, Leander Putnam; 1871-2-3-4, A. C. Messenger; 1875, A. R. Smith. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. 1870-1-2, Melvin Cottle; 1873-4, J. F. Ricketts; 1875, J. Taylor. Additional Comments: THE HISTORY OF ANDERSON COUNTY, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE FOURTH OF JULY, 1876. BY W. A. JOHNSON, CHAIRMAN OF HISTORICAL COMMITTEE. PUBLISHED BY KAUFFMAN & ILER, GARNETT PLAINDEALER, 1877. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1877, by KAUFFMAN & ILER, In the office of the Librarian of Congress,Washington, D. C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb