Anderson County KS Archives History - Books .....Chapter XXXIV 1877 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher August 4, 2005, 11:55 pm Book Title: THE HISTORY OF ANDERSON COUNTY, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE FOURTH OF JULY, 1876. CHAPTER XXXIV. Indian Creek Township—Organization—First Settlement—Streams—Successive Township Officers. INDIAN CREEK TOWNSHIP was established by the board of county commissioners July 10,1873, and its boundaries fixed as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the county; running thence east along the south line of the county six miles, to the northeast corner of section 15, township 23, range 18; thence north nine miles, to the north line of Ozark township, at the northeast corner of section 3, township 22, range 18; thence west along the south line of Reeder township, to the west line of the county, at the northwest corner of section 2, township 22, range 17; thence south along the west line of the county, to the place of beginning; containing fifty-four square miles. The first election for township officers was at the general election in November, 1873. The township is composed of high, undulating prairie land, of average soil. Cedar creek rises in this township and flows northward. Indian creek runs across the township, furnishing plenty of stock water. Martin's creek rises in the southeastern part of the township and flows southward. This township has but little timber. It lies near the Neosho river, from which it gets most of its timber. The township includes some of the finest grazing country in the county. The first settlement in the township was made on Indian creek, in 1857, by Mrs. Margaret Wiggins and family. Soon after her come, John Stiginwalt, F. P. Whicher, A. P. Clark, Thomas Stiginwalt, and William Denny. Since the war the following gentlemen have settled in the township: Squire Worrell, E. W. Pomeroy, G. O. Howard, Allen W. Fox, C. C. Leach, Milton J. Boyd, Geo. W. McDaniel, M. N. Sinnott, A. L. Rogers, Richard Cave, Benj. Sharp, D. Mortimer and C. W. Spencer. TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES. 1873-4-5, M. N. Sinnott. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. 1873. John A. House; 1874, A. Babcock; 1875. A. L. Rogers. TOWNSHIP TREASURERS. 1873-4. Richard Cave; 1875, A. W. Fox. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1873, R. G. Ellsworth; 1874. Benjamin Sharp; 1875, C. C. Leach and C. W. Spencer. Additional Comments: THE HISTORY OF ANDERSON COUNTY, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE FOURTH OF JULY, 1876. BY W. A. JOHNSON, CHAIRMAN OF HISTORICAL COMMITTEE. PUBLISHED BY KAUFFMAN & ILER, GARNETT PLAINDEALER, 1877. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1877, by KAUFFMAN & ILER, In the office of the Librarian of Congress,Washington, D. C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb