Barton County, KS 1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll Contributed by Kay Mason, Dec 5, 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No. of Date of Certif- Name of Pensioner Post Office Cause for which pensioned Monthly original cate Address Rate allowance 76,508 Kelso, John R. Bloomingdale inj. to adb. & w. l. hand $17.00 Dec., 1869 18,112 Acton, Andrew J. Dundee g. s. w. rt. hand 10.00 .......... 70,587 Mathias, Hans Ellenwood wd. l. leg 8.00 .......... 166,675 Barr, Rob't W. do injury ot adbomen 8.00 Apr., 1880 108,809 Reaugh, James M. do do 8.00 .......... 165,935 Van Nest, Henry D. do dis lungs & spine 10.00 Mar., 1880 160,359 Shannon, Wm. W. do injury to adbomen 4.00 June, 1879 66,472 Butler, Jonathan do g. s. w. rt. breast & arm 18.00 .......... 16,253 Montgomery, Chas. D. do wd. both thighs & rt. hip 10.00 .......... 181,195 McDowell, John do chr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis 4.00 June, 1881 37,361 Risley, Ezra B. do loss of rt. eye 7 sig't of l. im. 16.00 .......... 22,025 Hare, John do contused wd. rt. side 18.00 .......... 99,080 Strong, Aaron W. do shell wd. rt. knee & g. s. w. l. thigh 18.00 .......... 70,172 Zuriseller, Frank do loss rt. ind. fing. & ulceration 4.00 .......... 81,746 Fiege, Christian do wd. l. thigh 4.00 May, 1867 145,100 Moore, Benj. F. do shell wd. rt. leg 2.00 May, 1867 195,379 Ward, Mahlon do dis. lungs from measles 2.00 Sept. 1881 154,209 Hartman, Henry A. C. do chr. rheumatism 31.25 .......... 221,545 Horner, Geo. D. do chr. diarrh & rheum 6.00 Dec., 1882 203,091 Blair, Thomas do chr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.. 8.00 Feb., 1882 151,403 German, Andrew A. do g. s. w. rt. forearm 4.00 .......... ....... Roessler, Franz do g. s. w. rt. breast 5.00 Dec., 1882 96,167 Ira, John B. do g. s. w. l. leg 10.00 .......... 147,274 Wickham, James M. do lung disease 8.00 July, 1887 42,889 White, Wm. A. Great Bend g. s. w. l. rt. leg 8.00 May, 1865 76,709 Smith, Chas. M. do wd. left arm 17.00 .......... 44,809 Caldwell, Fred'k B. do ...................................... 24.00 Sept.,1874 133,644 Long, Wm. do ulcer lt leg 8.00 .......... 141,608 Bevis, Levi W. do g. s. w. rt. leg 6.00 .......... 121,786 Watt, Wm. do loss rt eye & imp'd left eye 8.00 .......... 25,363 Pfister, Daniel do inj. to adbomen & hip 2.00 .......... 22,076 Pike, Ann J. do widow 8.00 .......... 131,194 Curl, Wm. do frac. l. leg 12.00 .......... 44,952 Gillmore, Myron do wd. left leg 7.00 .......... 118,453 Corbin, Parker do rheum. rt arm & leg 18.00 .......... 89,195 Everett, John do wd. face 6.00 .......... 72,789 Freeman, Philander do wd. hand. aff. brain & ear 12.00 .......... 149,101 Savage, John W. do wd. abdomen & chr. rheum 18.00 .......... 32,261 Simpson, Lewis E. do wd. rt. hip 4.00 .......... 196,349 Bunting, Lucius S. do minor 10.00 June, 1882 172,370 Fudge, David M. do incised wd. l. foot 4.00 Aug., 1880 210,527 Wilson, Hugh S. do g. s. w. rt. arm 8.00 June, 1882 212,391 Whitcomb, Alonzo L. do chr. diarr. & chr. rheum. 8.00 June, 1882 76,118 Thornburgh, Evan do wd. left arm 18.00 .......... 58,867 Tyler, Edwin do ophthalmia 10.00 .......... 179,357 Brown, Joshua P. do inj. to hand & dis. heart & lungs 12.00 .......... 179,568 Anderson, Martin V. do crh. diarr. and dis. eyes 8.00 .......... 202,040 Alefs, John do dis. throat, lungs, & breast 12.00 June, 1882 16,597 Brougber, Ira D. do loss rt. arm above elbow 24.00 .......... 54,818 Lacey, Patrick do g.s.w. of body 8.00 .......... 27,951 Briggs, Mariah do widow 1812 8.00 Nov., 1879 195,545 Norris, John do chr. diarr. & inj. to abdomen 6.00 Sept.,1881 188,084 Nickerson, Nelson do g.s.w.rt. leg 6.00 May, 1881 215,645 Phinney, Edson do dis. of heart & liver 8.00 July, 1882 151,629 Payne, Edwin C. do g.s.w.r.thumb 2.00 Mar., 1878 125,372 Hills, Julia A. do widow 8.00 Mar., 1869 103,435 Johnson, Mary A. do do 8.00 .......... 170,223 Schridde, Henry do chr. diarrh. 4.00 June, 1880 46,790 Evans, John do g. s. w. l. foot 8.00 .......... 168,109 Daum, Fred'k do do 2.00 May, 1880 222,538 Diehl, Henry C. do shell wd. head 2.00 Dec., 1882 36,017 Slack, Rachel do widow 17.00 Dec., 1864 43,174 Dawson, James G. do g. s. w. rt. hand 10.00 .......... 59,719 Hitchcock, Richard do chr. bronchitis 18.00 .......... 117,674 Kuhn, Samuel do g.s.rt. arm 6.00 .......... 82,498 Lewis, Benj. S. do chr. diarrh. 12.00 .......... 208,576 Howard, John W. do saber we. heard & g. s. w. lt. forearm 6.00 May, 1882 221,121 Harris, John M. do chr. pleurisy, res. of pneu. 4.00 Nov., 1882 215,947 Humphrey, John K. do g. s. w. l. thigh & inj. to abd. 11.25 July, 1882 208,354 Bloss, Wm. R. do dis. of heart 6.00 May, 1882 170,448 Graves, Narcene do injury to abdomen 8.00 June, 1880 220,912 Blum, Philip do g. s. w. rt. hand 4.00 Feb., 1882 131,469 King, William B. do w. l. hand 4.00 .......... 185,171 Morris, Matilda do widow 8.00 Aug., 1879 130,986 Sala, Emory B. do chr. diarr. 18.00 .......... 103,623 Jones, Chancy L. do wd. l. thigh 12.00 .......... 129,714 Wood, Horace do di. of eyes 8.00 .......... 124,362 Page, Michael do wd. r. thigh & varicose veins 8.00 .......... 147,240 Gray, Geo. C. Millard dis. rt. tibia 5.00 .......... 193,918 Fesris, Sam'l do var. vieins both legs 8.00 Aug., 1881 201,347 Cossenan, Nicholas do g. s. w. l. forearm & rt. abod. 6.00 Jan., 1882 205,209 Thatcher, Geo. W. do shell wd. l. arm 4.00 Mar., 1882 192,544 Bett, Fred'ck do dis. lungs 4.00 July, 1881 155,619 Hayes, Nathan S. do g. s. w. of head 6.00 .......... 169,553 Lynch, Daniel do loss part lt. thumb 4.00 June, 1880 112,660 Degarmo, Sam'l Odin g.s.w.rt. forearm, lt. thigh and rt. hip 8.00 .......... 148,233 Wunderlich, Carl Olmitz g.s.w. l. forearm 4.00 Oct., 1877 50,431 Vosburg, Chas. W. Pawnee Rock g. s. w. r thigh 2.00 .......... 218,269 Goodrick, Benj. do g. s. w. head and back 6.00 Sept.,1882 19,824 Vanborn, Margaret do widow 1812 8.00 Mar., 1879 112,366 Van Aken, John do wd. rt. let 4.00 .......... 149,695 Deal, Jacob Pride g.s.w.l.side, face, neck, and l. shoulder 6.00 Dec., 1877 105,081 Clark, Benjamin F. State Center ch. pleurisy 6.00 .......... ....... Fenno, John B. Verbeck g. s. w. rt. foot, loss 2d toe 4.00 .......... ....... Lindley, Mary J. do widow 20.00 .......... 73,041 Lawrence, Mackson B. do inj. to spine and l. side 8.00 .......... 221,326 Van Vleet, Wm. H. do g. s. w. l. leg 4.00 Nov., 1882 141,547 Rockwell, Edwin R. do w. of face 12.00 .......... 74,098 Tatman, Joseph Webb g. s. w. left thigh 8.00 .......... 7,442 Hays, Nancy do widow 8.00 Sept, 1878 143,021 Hays, George do deafness 12.00 .......... 79,345 Warren, James B. Zion Valley disability 8.00 Apr., 1867 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. -----------------------------------------------------------------------