Brown County KS Archives Obituaries.....Bruce, William May 13, 1918 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lyle Hinz September 13, 2012, 9:38 am The Hiawatha Daily World, May 13, 1918 AUTO ACCIDENT RESULTS IN DEATH The auto accident six miles wet of Hiawatha Friday evening resulted in the death of William Bruce. The World of Saturday told of the accident. Mr. Bruce was bringing his family, consisting of wife and three children, to their new home in Hiawatha. About six miles west of Hiawatha a dog ran under the wheels of the car, which was turned over. Mr. Bruce did not see the dog. Mr. Bruce received a broken hip and internal injuries and Mrs. Bruce received a bruised arm. The children were not hurt. Mr. Bruce was brought to Hiawatha by T. L. Crowe. It was not at first thought he was dangerously hurt, altho his injuries were painful. However, Mr. Bruce never rallied and he died at 11 o'clock Saturday evening. He was unconscious most all the time after the accident. Physicians say his death was caused more from the shock than from the injuries. William Almon Bruce was born June 29, 1868, in Doniphan county. He came to Brown county when he was eight years old and lived in Fairview many years. In 1901 Mr. Bruce was married to Miss Minnie Jacobia. He owned a plumbing business in Fairview. Nearly two years ago he sold it and the family moved to Centralia. Recently Mr. Bruce arranged to move to Hiawatha and the family was just on the way to the new home when the accident took place. Mr. Bruce was a Christian man. He united with the Baptist Church in Fairview when he was 18 years old. Besides his wife he is survived by three children, Helen Maria, Opal Launnie and William Jesse. The body was taken to Fairview where the funeral was held in the Baptist church Monday afternoon. Arthur Jacobia and Mrs Flora Lefler came from Auburn for the funeral. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb