Brown County KS Archives Obituaries.....Lyman, J. N. November 17, 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lyle Hinz May 3, 2010, 4:18 pm The Fairview Enterprise, Fairview, KS, November 25, 1920 On Wednesday morning at 1:30 o'clock, J. N. Lyman, familiarly known as "Daddy" passed out of this life. His age was 77 years, 7 months and 11 days. At the age of 18 he enlisted in the cause of his country in Co. I, 20th Reg., Illinois Infantry, 15th Army Corps and served four years under such men as Generals Grant, Sherman, McPherson and Dodge. After an honorable discharge he spent a few years in travel. About 45 years ago he came to Brown county and bought a farm. In these early days he worked hard and lived a simple life. He moved to Fairview 23 years ago and has lived in the same house all his life. In a family of ten children he is the last, as his brother Al died in December, 1911, and Mrs. George in June of last year. After his sister located in Fairview, he took his meals with her and after her death, her daughter, Anna has gladly cared for him. He has always been a strong and vigorous man, physically, and apparently had never been sick much in his life. Last winter he was sick with the "flu" which left him weak. About a month ago he suffered a hemorrhage, and from that date his health declined rapidly, terminating in his death. His mental faculties continued to function until a short time before his death. Altho he lived alone and was never actively engaged in the many interests of life, yet he was well informed and read a great deal. He was a real patriot and citizen, in a sense that he felt it a duty one owed to his country never to neglect the privilege of the ballot, and on Nov. 2 he cast his last vote. He was always a lover of flowers and an admirer of children. Kindness toward all was one of characteristics. He gave quietly and without display and helped friends and relatives alike. He will be missed by a host of friends and was among the last of the pioneers to go. There are 21 near relatives living. It was request that he be buried by his brother Al in Mt. Hope cemetery. We were informed that he wished the remainder of the lot planted in flowers. Funeral services were conducted at the Reform Church Friday afternoon, Rev. Naefe, pastor of the church, officiating. The remains were laid to rest in Mr. Hope Cemetery at Hiawatha. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb