Butler County KS Archives Obituaries.....Crooks, William Henry June 9, 1933 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ks/ksfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Peggy Luce pegsue59@cox.net and December 14, 2006, 7:17 am The El Dorado Times, June 9, 1933 William Henry Crooks Is Dead William Henry Crooks, well known El Doradoan, died at his home, 120 North Washington Street, shortly before 8 o'clock this morning following an illness of three months. Mr. Crooks, who was 70 years old had been associated with the Tolle Furniture Exchange here for many years and was known to hundreds of El Doradoans. He had resided in El Dorado for the past 13 years and previous to that time in Adair, Iowa, where he was postmaster for eight years. Mr. Crooks was born on May 7, 1863, at Yreka, Calif., and was married to Miss Clarabelle Libby, in 1891, at Adair. She died on November 5, 1924. The El Doradoan was a ember of the I.O.O.F. and Modern Woodmen of America. Surviving are his widow; two sons, W. D. and G. H. Crooks, born of EL Dorado and two grandchildren, Lynn and Evelyn Crooks, also of El Dorado. Funeral arrangements will be announced through the Byrd Funeral Home. The El Dordo Times, June 10, 1933 Crooks Funeral To Be Tomorrow Funeral services for William Henry Crooks, who died here yesterday morning, will be held at the Byrd Funeral Home tomorrow afternoon at 3:30. Rev. W. D. Jackson rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, and Rev. J. W. Abel, pastor of the Methodist Church, will officiate. The casket will be open to friends tomorrow from 10 until 2 o'clock but will not be opened after the service. Interment will be made in West Cemetery. In addition to the survivors announced yesterday, a sister, Miss Lizzie Crooks and a brother, Bert Croosk, both of Greenfield, Iowa, also survive. The El Dorado Times, June 1, 1933 Crooks Funeral Held Yesterday Funeral services for William Henry Crooks, who died here Friday, were held at the Byrd Funeral Home yesterday afternoon with Rev. W. D. Jackson, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, and Rev. J. W. Abel, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. A mixed quartert, composed of Mrs. Gene Hudson, Sarah Alice Young, Oscar Cooper and Dr. Floyd E. Dillenbeck, sang "Abide with Me" and "The Old Rugged Cross." Pallbearers were: Luther Tolle, Roscoe Earp, William Witt, W. H. Noble, Leonard Tietz and Harry Tolle. Interment was made in West Cemetery. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ks/butler/obits/c/crooks469ob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ksfiles/ File size: 2.8 Kb