Newspaper: Ottawa, Franklin Co., KS - 7 Dec 1865 Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Marysue Eulitz, ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ (Transcribed and excerpts from microfilm of the original record by Marysue Eulitz, 16 March 2000). Home Journal Newspaper Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas Dec. 7, 1865 - Thursday Ottawa, Franklin County Kansas has 600 inhabitants. A concert under the direction of Professor M.J. STIMSON, for the purpose of paying for the organ of the Baptist Church, was in every respect a perfect success. Prof. STIMSON is employed at the Ottawa University. Thanks to the community are also due to Orson KENT, Esq. and lady, for their presence and assistance in the entertainment. The quartette composed of Prof. STIMSON, Mr. BARNEY, Mr. DIMICK and Mrs. MAYHEW, should not be ashamed to sing anywhere. Miss Jennie WHETSTONE and Mr. LATHROP added materially to the evening. Rev. H.K. STIMSON is the agent of Ottawa University. I.S. KALLOCH and H.K. STIMSON are engaged in securing funds for all Christians and philanthropists who need aid. Distinguished visitor and our friend of the Lawrence Journal, pays his respects to Rev. Peter HUMMER, Dr. BROWN, Capt. BRINKERHOFF who have just paid a visit to that city. Mr. HUMMER has selected his home in Ottawa and Capt. BRINKERHOFF has long been one of our most worthy citizens. In town is Col. John B. VLIET, Chief Engineer and Superintendent of Leavenworth, Lawrence and Fort Gibson Railroad. Sangamon County Illinois is well represented in Ottawa and vicinity. Mr. William SHORT has sold his property there and is now prospecting here. Hon. Jesse PICKRELL, late President of the Illinois State Agricultural Society has selected a farm of one half section near the University and his son William PICKRELL has a farm of 480 acres on Mud Creek bottom. Abner RIDDLE, Thomas W. PICKRELL, Hugh DICKINSON, R. SMITH, John GARRETT, Franklin GARRETT are also from Sangamon Co. Ill. A Lodge of Good Templars under the name of Marais des Cygnes was organized Monday evening last by G.S. HOLT. There are 23 charter members. The following officers were elected: Mr. COBB, Mrs. A.S. HOLT, Dr. A.H. DOW, Mary A. SAWYER, A.C. DOW, C.L. ROBBINS, George COBB, M. BRIDGE, C.A. BUNTING, L.H. HOLT, D. BRINERHOFF and G.S. HOLT. The Masonic Lodge, No. 18, held a meeting at their hall in Ottawa Friday evening, Dec. 1st. Rev. brother P.M. Isaac SAWYER D.D. was appointed Chaplain and the following brethren were elected to serve during the next Masonic Year: John C. RICHMOND, Asa S. LATHROP, George S. HOLT, John WALRUFF, Herbert F. SHELDON, W.D. WALSH, Richard E. JENNESS and Thomas S. DURHAM. The new store of E.D. HALL and Co. is nearly completed. The store of Mr. PICKRELL is also nearly completed and is rumored that it will be leased to Orson KENT Esq. of Burlington. The store formerly occupied by J.T. JONES has been sold to BALDWIN, TAYLOR and Co. Among new homes attracting attention is that of Major P.P. ELDER; an elegant brick dwelling and will cost, we should judge, from six to ten thousand dollars. Mr. LAMB is also building a substantial and attractive house. On the subject of houses, we are happy to announce that E.H. DIMICK Esq., one of the very best architects of Western New York has decided to make Ottawa his home. John C. RICHMOND is starting a dairy farm. Married: At Ottawa, Dec. 6th by Rev. I.S. KALLOCH; Mr. Moses POLLER and the daughter of Mr. John WILSON, chief of the Ottawas. Died: In Wakarusa Twp. on Sunday 3d, Mrs. Harriet McFARLAND, wife of John McFARLAND, aged 25 years. Public notice: Catherine KORN, plaintiff vs. Magdalene ROBERLER and Ferd W. SCNNERWALD, def'ds. A case of promissory note due 14 day of April 1864. Magdalene owes the sum of $175.00.