Franklin-Neosho-Shawnee County KS Archives Obituaries..... MUTH (Flora), Sarah Catherine December 21, 1877 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bill Boggess August 26, 2006, 12:11 pm Minutes of South Kansas Conference of the Methodst Episcopal Church Mar 1878 (Transcribed 08-26-06, WSB) Source: Minutes of the Fifth Session, of the SOUTH KANSAS CONFERENCE, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held at Garnett, Kansas, March 6 - 1, 1878. Report of Committee on Memories, by A K Johnson, Chairman. Furnished by Kim Baker, Topeka, KS             <>----------<>----------<>                     SARAH C MUTH Sarah C Muth, wife of Rev H K Multh was born in Harrison Co Ind, Oct 4th, 1836. She professed religion in early life; was married to her now bereaved husband Dec 26th, 1856. For nearly 20 years she trod the path of life with her husband in all varied relations, its trials and its joys, sharing its burdens and duties as a helpmate indeed. All this time, as the faithful wife of an intinerant minister; she never detained her husband from an appointment. During her last illness she spoke frequently of her approaching dissolution, and expressed a desire to depart and be with Christ. She arranged for her funeral services as far as possible, requesting Rev W A Dotson to preach her funeral sermon from Prov 27, 1. As she neared the close, she rejoiced much in God her Savior, and when near the river's bank, she saw the smiling Redeemer waiting to receive her. She thus fell asleep in Jesus on the 21st of December last, aged 41 years, 2 months, and 17 days. So past away a faithful Christian -- a good wife -- a kind neighbor -- and a tender and affectionate mother. Additional Comments: Sarah Catherine Flora was one of four girls, and the third know of seven children of Rev John Flora and Amanda Lentz's union, married day following her brother Wolney Pulaski's wedding Christmas Day. See: and Sarah was mother to at least five Indiana born children ranging from 19 to 10 years of age at her death. She lost her mother in Jan 1862, her father Oct 1876. Surviving besides her husband, were, one brother in Kansas, two in Colorado, and two sisters in Missouri(ah). File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb