Gove County KS Archives History - Books .....Forewords 1930 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher July 22, 2005, 6:06 pm Book Title: History Of Gove County, Kansas FOREWORD This little History was started to while away some idle moments on a farm. Being the first History of Gove County ever written it is not obliged to conform to any established rules and is neither complete or exhaustive. Some time some one will write a bigger and better History and will use this little sketch as one of his sources. Part One was written in 1920, and brings the history of the county down to the time of its organization. Part Two is written in 1930, and Part One is republished with it. FOREWORD TO PART ONE, 1920 Though Gove county has had a place on the map for fifty-one years, and has been an organized and self governing body for thirty-three, its history has never been written. The writer several years ago began the collection of materials for such a history; owing to the War and other causes the task is still incomplete, but I have concluded to publish a part of the work and finish the book, perhaps, at some future time. The present part will deal with the history of the county from the earliest times till its settlement and organization in 1886. I realize that there must be many inaccuracies, misstatements and omissions in this narrative, and will welcome any helpful criticisms or corrections. For the benefit of those who do not already know, let it be said that Gove county is a part of the "Louisiana Purchase" bought by President Jefferson from France in 1803. It lies far out on the plains of Kansas, just west of the 100th Meridian, and is crossed by the 39th Parallel. Its altitude is about 3000 feet above sea level; its surface is a great plain somewhat broken in places by the Smoky Hill River and its tributaries which cross it. Additional Comments: History of Gove County, Kansas by W. P. Harrington Gove City, Kan. 1930 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb