Jefferson County KS Archives Military Records.....Brennan, Thomas J. 1865 Civilwar 153rd Regiment Company H ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kathie Rondeau January 11, 2007, 10:06 am TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: KNOW YE, that Thomas J. Brennan, a Private of Captain A. Stewarts Company,(H) 153rd Regiment of Indiana Infantry VOLUNTEERS who was enrolled on the eighteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve one year or during the war is hereby DISCHARGED from the service of the United States this eleventh day of ay 1865, at Louiseville, Kentucky by reason of "G.O.N." 27 1865, Ald. quarters, Dept. of Kentucky (No objection to his being re=enlisted is known to exist*) Said Thomas J. Brennan was born in Bartholomew in the State of Indiana, is 18 years of age, five feet 10 1/2 inches high, Dark complexion, Blue eyes, Dark hair, and by occupation when enrolled a Farmer. GIVEN at Louiseville, Ky. this Eleventh day of May 1865,. F (?) F(?) F(?)lint, Lieut. Col., E,Me, Dept. of Kentucky Additional Comments: The document is in very good condition, but does have a few creases due to folding. It is stamped on the back side "Union ...(illegible-smeared) Indianapolis, May 1865. TJ Brannan lived in Jefferson Co., near Grantville with his wife Louisa Calrk Brannan, Farmed and raised stock (see Andreas History of Kansas) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Photo has been resized/compressed for use in the USGenWeb Archives Project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb