Johnson-Miami County KS Archives Biographies.....Hancock, James Harvey 1850 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 19, 2009, 5:19 pm Author: Ed Blair (1915) James Harvey Hancock, familiarly known throughout Oxford township and vicinity as "Uncle Harvey," is an early settler of Johnson county, and comes from a family of American pioneers. James Harvey Hancock was born in Marshall county, Illinois, May 27, 1850, and is a son of William and Emily (Shepherd) Hancock, natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively. The Hancock family dates back to Colonial days in this country, and is of Irish descent. William Hancock, the father of James H., went from Virginia to Ohio when a young man, and there married a Miss Tarbitt. She died before they were married very long and Mr. Hancock wedded Emily Shepherd, a daughter of Jacob Shepherd, of Ohio, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and a descendant of English aristocracy. William Hancock and his wife immigrated to Illinois after their marriage, and in 1866 came to Kansas, and on May 19, settled in Oxford township, about a mile and a half west of Stanley, on a farm which is now owned by Fred Richardson. It was unbroken prairie land and here William Hancock located and followed farming until his death. William and Emily (Shepherd) Hancock were the parents of the following children: Isabella, Florella, Thomas, Emily, Sarah Helen Noble, Kansas City, Mo.; Malinda Caroline, William Edwin, James H., and Elizabeth, all of whom are deceased except Sarah Helen and James H., the subject of this sketch. James Harvey Hancock remained at home until he was about nineteen years of age when he began business for himself. His first venture was to go in debt for a half interest in a threshing machine and team, and began business on July 4, 1869. In 1870 he rented land and at the same time continued the threshing business in connection with farming, and soon bought eighty acres. This was the beginning of his career as a land owner. He has added to his first purchase from time to time until he now owns two good farms which comprise about 236 acres. His places are well improved, good buildings, fine shade and among the finest places in the county. Mr. Hancock has become a well-to-do and influential man and his success is due to his own unaided efforts. He never had a dollar given to him by his father, nor anybody else, and never owed a dollar that he hasn't paid. Mr. Hancock was united in marriage in 1876 to Miss Serilda Franklin, a daughter of James and Elizabeth Franklin, natives of Kentucky who came to Missouri at an early day and removed from there to Johnson county. Mrs. Hancock was born in 1849. To Mr. and Mrs. Hancock were born the following children: Benjamin Harvey, a Colorado ranchman, married Nina Weldon and they have two children: Weldon and Sherilda; and Albert Cecil at home. The wife and mother of these children departed this life in 1900. She was a high type of American womanhood and lived a consistent Christian life. Mr. Hancock deeply felt the loss of his helpmate. Mr. Hancock has an extensive acquaintance throughout Johnson and Miami counties and is held in the highest esteem by his friends and neighbors. Only recently his neighbors gave him a birthday party at which about 150 were present, and the real good fellowship and friendly feeling that prevailed towards Mr. Hancock on that occasion is ample evidence of the esteem in which his friends and neighbors hold him. Those who know him best love him most. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF Johnson County Kansas BY ED BLAIR AUTHOR OF Kansas Zephyrs, Sunflower Sittings and Other Poems and Sketches IN ONE VOLUME ILLUSTRATED STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY LAWRENCE, KANSAS 1915 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb