Johnson County KS Archives History - Books .....Chapter X Overland Park 1915 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher August 22, 2008, 9:44 pm Book Title: History Of Johnson County Kansas CHAPTER X. OVERLAND PARK. Strang Line-Business Houses-Additions-Avation Park-Exposition Club-Bank. The building of the Missouri-Kansas interurban railroad, known as the "Strang Line" from Kansas City to Olathe, has joined the futures of the two cities. If one grows the other must as the business and social relations are so closely connected. The rise in land values along the line of the interurban from $100 to as high as $1,000 per acre has added millions of dollars to the wealth of the farmer residents in Johnson county. The interurban lines are naturally the farmer's lines as they bring a market to his very door and give him the conveniences of the larger cities, while still living in the free and open country. The Strang line has not a bridge on its entire line. It follows the high ridge along the historic Santa Fe Trail, now a rock road that parallels the Strang in the Overland district, and this drive is the delight of all motorists Overland Park is situated on a ridge 136 feet higher than the highest point in Kansas City, which is plainly visible in the distance and is nearer the postoffice in Kansas City, Mo., than Swope Park. Overland has natural gas, electric lights, septic tank sewerage, twenty miles of graded streets, shade trees, and about 100 buildings. It has a bank, lumber yard, and a number of important business institutions, as follows: Lon Cave, hardware, implements, garage; J. C. Conser & Son, general merchandise, coal and feed; J. E. Murphy, general store; Miss Fern Jessup, drug store; George W. Weimer, restaurant; Phil. Walker, feed barn and livery; Howell & Wilson, blacksmiths; Overland State Bank; Auto Restaurnt; A. M. Wood, real estate and insurance; Miss Ella Moreland, postmistress; C. B. Halliday, attorney and real estate; Dr. Stough. physician; Home Telephone Company, J. D. Givens, manager; Overland Park Lumber Company, Charles Braun,. manager; Overland Barber Shop. ADDITIONS. The entire town site of Overland comprises 500 acres, divided as follows: Overland Park is laid out in 233 choice building lots 50x140 feet, which lie just west of the depot at Overland on the Overland Park turnpike. The building restriction is $1,000. Overland Hill, laid out in ninety bungalow sites, lies just north of the depot. Kansas City can be plainly seen from every lot, and no more beautiful land can be found anywhere. The building restriction is $1,500. Overland Heights, which lies east of the depot, along the Santa Fe Trail Boulevard, is an ideal spot for a suburban home. It is laid out in 170 lots, and single acre tracts, fronting on winding roads to conform to the natural, contour of the grounds. A fine view of Kansas City, as well as of the beautiful Indian creek valley, can be had from this subdivision. The building restriction is $2,500. Overland View, which is laid out in single acre tracts, adjoins Overland Heights on the south, and commands an excellent view of the Indian creek valley from every point. The convenient and sightly location of this land, together with the richness of its soil, makes it very attractive for suburban homes. The building restriction is $1,000. Overland Place, which lies southeast of Overland Heights, is laid in two and one-half and five acre tracts. A fine view of Kansas City. as well as of the Indian creek valley, can be had from this subdivision, and it is especially attractive for those desiring a large country place for a home, or for truck gardening purposes. AVIATION PARK. Overland Park has an aviation school, a grand stand, and hanger or aeroplane garage, and all facilities provided for the housing of aeroplanes. Some of the world's now famous aviators made their first small beginnings at Overland, and its flying field is widely known in the world of aeronautics. Mr. Strang believes in Overland, works for it, talks for it, spends his money for it, and knows form his thorough knowledge of the United States, in which he has built railroads in nearly every State, that Overland, for a healthful place, a beautiful place, a moral place, and a good place for investment and home building, can not be excelled and proves his faith in the people and town by living here, himself, with them and being one of them. EXPOSITION CLUB. The Mid-Continent Exposition Club has been chartered under the laws of Kansas and Is organized to build and operate an extensive exposition plant and club on ground to be purchased in Overland Park district. A large tract of land, excellently situated for the purpose of a club, has been acquired It is well served by macadam, automobile roads, the Strang line, the St. Louis and San Frisco railroad, and is only eight miles from the union station in Kansas City. BANK. Overland Park State Bank was organized March, 1910, with a capital stock of $10,000. It has a surplus at present of $2,000, and deposits of $55,000. Its officers are John L. Pettyjohn, president; John Marty, vice-president; C. A. Pincomb, cashier. The directors are John L. Pettyjohn, John Marty, John Hyde, J. D. New, E. D. Cross, E. E. Voights, Willard James, C. E. Pincomb, L. D. Breyfogle, C. F. Pettyjohn, Frank Hodges. This bank has a neat building 24x60 feet, with basement under the entire building. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF Johnson County Kansas BY ED BLAIR AUTHOR OF Kansas Zephyrs, Sunflower Sittings and Other Poems and Sketches IN ONE VOLUME ILLUSTRATED STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY LAWRENCE, KANSAS 1915 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.1 Kb