Logan County KS Archives News.....Notice--Intent to Prove Claim, Frank P. DODDS; 1891 March 27, 1891 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ks/ksfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cic. Stetter TimeTraveler303@aol.com December 15, 2007, 11:43 am The Oakley GRAPHIC, Oakley, Logan County, Kansas; March 20, 1891 March 27, 1891 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at WaKeeney, Kan., No. 6312 March 2, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the probate judge of Logan county, Kan., at Russell Springs, Kan., on April 25, 1891, viz: Frank P. DODDS homestead application No. 11486 for the southwest quarter section 4, township 12 south, range 32 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation on said land, viz: El_on LAKIN, William COMPTON and Daniel GERHART, of Oakley, Kan, and Charles C. GILMORE, of Russell Springs, Kan. This notice, as illegally (sic) published in the Winona Clipper, is signed by Lee MONROE, register of the WaKeeney and office. _______________ Source: The Oakley GRAPHIC, Oakley, Logan County, Kansas; Friday, March 27, 1891; Volume II No. 19, page 1 column 4. Microfilm available at Oakley Public Library; filmed by/for Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas. Additional Comments: Notes: LAKIN name unclear, possibly Elton LAKIN. The editor of the GRAPHIC seems to have republished this notice and has written numerous comments over several months about Lee MONROE and included transcriptions of letters (sent and received) and brochures from Lee MONROE in WaKeeney and the commissioner in Washington, D. C. relating to the notices being withheld, misdirected to other newspapers. The GRAPHIC was not sent these items to publish. Personal politics of Mr. MONROE was offered by the editor of the GRAPHIC as the reason. This notice reprinted from the Winona Clipper is the first such notice printed in the GRAPHIC since before the 1890 elections. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ks/logan/newspapers/noticein299nw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ksfiles/ File size: 2.5 Kb