Logan County KS Archives News.....Proceedings of the Ministerial Association of Ellsworth District, Northwest Kansas Conference, Oakley, Kansas; October 1890 October 17, 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ks/ksfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cic. Stetter TimeTraveler303@aol.com November 24, 2007, 10:14 pm The Oakley GRAPHIC, Oakley, Kansas; October 17, 1890 October 17, 1890 MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the Ministerial Association of the Ellsworth district, Northwest Kansas Conference, held at Oakley, Kan., October 14, 15 and 16, 1890. Fifteen ministers were present and were entertained by the following citizens: By J. H. CLARK--Rev. M. M. STOLZ, presiding elder, and T. J. H. TAGGART, Hays. By H. F. GIESSLER--W. A. SAVILLE, Ellis and W. R. LEIGH, Sharon Springs. By Mrs. Wm. WILLSON--Wm. NASH and wife, Winona. By N. G. KING--J. W. BLUNDON, Kanopolis. By Dr. WINSLOW--J. C. DANA and wife, Goodland. By Mr. BLOSSOM--B. F. ROGERS, Walker. By H. ROBBINS--R. B. BEATY, Wilson, and John HOGAN, Brewster. By Rev. GLICK--J. F. CLARK, Russell Springs. By Wm. WYSCARVER--A. D. BECKHART, Hill City, and O. N. MAXON, WaKeeney, who roomed at L. A. FISHER's. By S. S. ARN--J. W. MANNERS, Shields. By Mrs. I. HURD--F. N. COX, Bunker Hill. The subjects discussed are as follows: "Should Women Be Licensed to Preach?"--J. W. BLUNDON. "Relation of Education to Christianity"--J. F. CLARK. "Romanism"--A Symposium. 1. "The Aims of Romanism on Our Government"--R. B. BEATY. 2. "How May We Meet and Defeat Those Aims?"--O. N. MAXON. 3. "Destiny of the Roman Hierarchy"--J. C. DANA. "Extemporaneous Preaching"--B. F. ROGERS. "Pastoral Visiting"--F. N. COX. "Road to Ministerial Success"--Wm. NASH. "The Minister's Place in Politics"--A. D. BECKHART. "What Benefit Will the M. E. Church Receive from the Revision of the Presbyterian Creed?"--T. J. TAGGART. "To What Extent Are We Departing from the Pulpit Customs of Our Fathers?"--O. N. MAXON. "The Degree of Inspiration of the Bible"--W. A. SAVILLE. "The Work of the Holy Spirit"--John HOGAN. Rev. A. D. BECKHART preached an able sermon Tuesday evening. Wednesday evening was devoted to the temperance cause, the audience being addressed by Revs. BLUNDON, MAXON, STOLZ, BECKHART and COX. Thursday evening closed with sacrament of the Lord's supper; sermon by Rev. BECKHART and altar service. Several were at the altar for prayers and there is a deep interest manifested. The people of Oakley will long remember this association. Resolutions of thanks were offered to the citizens of Oakley for their kindly hospitality by a rising vote of the association. Come again, Brethren. Meetings will continue at the church each evening this week and next. You are invited to attend. G. M. GLICK, Pastor M. E. Church. _______________ CARD OF THANKS. I wish to return thanks inexpressible to the citizens of Oakley and vicinity for the kindly manner in which they have aided me in entertaining ministers and otherwise helping to make the recent Ministerial Association a grand success. G. M. GLICK, Pastor M. E. Church. _______________ Source: The Oakley GRAPHIC, Oakley, Logan County, Kansas; Friday, October 17, 1890; Volume I No. 47, page 8 column 4. Microfilm available at Oakley Public Library; filmed by/for Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ks/logan/newspapers/proceedi287nw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ksfiles/ File size: 3.8 Kb