Marshall County KS Archives Obituaries.....Shaughnessy, Ellen February 14, 1886 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Crystal Schulte November 18, 2006, 8:55 am Axtell Anchor, Friday, February 19, 1886 Died - At her home in St. Bridget, on Sunday Morning, February 14th, Mrs. Ellen Shaughnessy, aged 56 years. Mrs. Shaugnessy was a native of the Parish of Kilroran Co., Galway, Ireland. her maiden name was Ellen Ryan. She came to this country in 1849, and was married to Michael Saugnessy at Madison, ind., in 1852. they came to Marshall county in 1858, and located at St. Bridget where she continued to live until her death. She leaves seven children to mourn her loss, three sons and four daughters., who with their father have the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Shaughnessy was a loving and faithful wife, a kind mother and a true friend. Her generous hospitality was proverbial. Possessed of an abundance of this world's goods which her own energy and good management had assisted materially in accumulating, she was ever ready to assist those in need and there never was a more cheerful giver. Naturally of a happy, cheerful disposition, she spread light and sunshine around her. She spared no pains to make home pleasant for her children -- all her thoughts were of them and for them. She lived to see most of them raised and provided for as she had long prayed and when this came about she said she could depart without a murmur. All that human aid, medical skill, a loving husband, devoted children and hosts of kind, sympathizing friends could do to soothe her pains and comfort her was done. With true Christian fortitude she bore patiently the great sufferings which the fell disease, cancer of the stomach inflicts. It had been gnawing her vitals for the past eight years. She retained her mental faculties to the last and said but a shot time before her death that she was willing to die and did not desire to live longer. She died with an assured hope that her departure from this life would be the beginning of another whose joys are eternal and unspeakable. All that was mortal of Mrs. Shaughnssy was followed to St. Bridget church, on February 17th, by the largest concourse of sympathizing friends and neighbors that had ever assembled there. After a solemn requiem high mass, the remains were born to the church yard, adjoining her old home, where in a beautiful metalic coffin, moistened by loving tears, they were laid to rest till the judgment day. Peace to her ashes. Additional Comments: All the misspellings of Shaughnessy were copied directly from the obituary. Correct spelling is Shaughnessy. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb