Miami County KS Archives Obituaries.....HECHT, Susanna SURBER October 18, 1923 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jim Laird March 2, 2010, 10:10 pm The Osawatomie Graphic, Miami County, Thursday, October 25, 1923 Death of Mrs. Hecht. Susanna SURBER, was born April 18, 1867 near Beagle, Kansas, and there grew to womanhood. In December 1911 she was married to J.W. HECHT in Kansas City, Kans. They first lived in King county, MO., and later came back to Paola, where she resided at the time of her death. On October 7th she left her home for a visit to relatives in Kansas City and Lees Summit, Mo. Enjoying good health and a pleasant visit until six o'clock Tuesday morning of the second week, it was a very great shock to relatives and friends to here she had had a stroke of apoplexy and from this she never regained consciousness, passing away October 18, 1923, thus being 56 years and six months of age at the time of her death. There are left to survive Mrs. Heckt, her husband, J.W. Hecht, three step sons, J.L. Hecht, of Lees Summit, Mo., at whose home she died; Will of Pleasanton and Charles of Milwaukee. Also three brothers, S.D. SURBER, of Fontana, George of Ottawa and James of Fredonia; two sisters, Mrs. Mary ATHERTON of Ottawa and Mrs. Maude MORRELL of Kansas City, Mo., besides hosts of othe relatives and friends. Wherever she went she made friends. Her sons, though know when she married Mr. Hecht, always called her "Mother" and what could speak any stronger of their love and respect for her. She lived a quiet unassuming life, being a good neighbor, kind friends and a true loving wife. The funeral services were held at the Christian church in Paola, of which church she was a member and interment wa sin Beagle cemetery Sunday. Her work on this earth was done and she was called home to join the loving ones gone before. Additional Comments: KS-Footsteps, rms File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb