Military Records KS Archives Civil War Veteran Database (Surnames RED through SUT) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: John A. Jackson July 23, 2007 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== NAME UNIT/STATE STATE CEMETERY CITY COUNTY PLACE OF BIRTH BORN DIED AGE AT DEATH ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Redfield, Richard R. Co. K, 177th OH. Infantry OH. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen Redmond, James Co. B, 49th OH. Infantry OH. Graceland Burlington Coffey Reed, Austin Co. C, 63rd OH. Infantry OH. Graceland Burlington Coffey May 21, 1845 Nov. 14, 1908 Reed, Jesse G. Co. E, 12th KS. Infantry KS. Altoona Altoona Wilson Reed, Miles Co. A, 3rd MI. Cavalry MI. Sunset Manhattan Riley Reed, Reuben V. Co. F, 71st ILL. Infantry ILL. Elmwood Chanute Neosho July 6, 1820 June 29, 1895 Reed, William Co. E, 152nd IND. Infantry IND. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Reed, William A. Co. K, 126th N. Y. Infantry N. Y. Maple Grove Wichita Sedgwick Canandaigua, N. Y. March 4, 1844 Feb. 2, 1908 Rees, David M. Co. H, 4th IA. Infantry IA. Memorial Lawn Emporia Lyon Oct. 9, 1836 Sept. 11, 1918 Reese, L. A. Co. G, 4th U. S. Cavalry UNK. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho Reid, Alexander L. Co. D, 168th OH. Infantry OH. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Dec. 27, 1887 Reid, Daniel Co. B, 73rd ILL. Infantry ILL. Mount Pleasant Altamont Labette 1834 1905 Reimert, John Co. D, 12th PA. Infantry PA. Iola Iola Allen 1841 1898 Remington, George L. Co. C, 21st N. Y. Infantry N. Y. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Lancaster, N. Y. May 24, 1835 Apr. 12, 1895 Renfro, John M. Co. A, 9th ILL. Cavalry ILL. Douglass Douglass Butler Requa, E. N. 3rd MO. VOL. Cavalry, C. S. A. MO. Sunny Side Caney Montgomery 1838 1927 Reves, C, A. Union Veteran Unknown UNK. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson Dec. 1848 Mar. 1927 Reynolds, Adrian Co. A, 10th KS. Infantry KS. Greenwood Sedan Chautauqua Reynolds, Charles Co. B, 44th U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Reynolds, Clarkson 16th KS. Cavalry KS. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas 1828 1911 Reynolds, George Co. D, 79th U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Reynolds, Joseph Union Veteran Unknown UNK. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson Oct. 12, 1876 Reynolds, Thomas W. Union Veteran Unknown UNK. East Hill Erie Neosho July 29, 1839 Oct. 8, 1927 Reynolds, William B. Co. G, 8th KS. Infantry KS. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Rhodes, Henry H. U. S. Navy Hope Ottawa Franklin Rice, Edwin A. Co. A, 32nd ILL. Infantry ILL. East Hill Erie Neosho May 17, 1841 Jan. 12, 1901 Rice, George D. Co. M, 9th KS. Cavalry KS. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen 1826 1899 Rice, John Co. F, 14th KS. Cavalry KS. Graceland Burlington Coffey 1843 1917 Rice, William H. Co. D, 63rd IND. Infantry IND. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson Sept. 16, 1846 Apr. 15, 1889 Richards, Benjamin Co. B, 95th OH. Infantry OH. Strong Township Strong City Chase Richards, James I. Co. F, 11th IND. Infantry IND. Weakley Wilson Co. Wilson Richards, William Co. K, 1st OH. Cavalry OH. Graceland Burlington Coffey 1842 1921 Richardson, Enoch Co. F, 27th IND. Infantry IND. East Hill Erie Neosho 1837 1899 Richardson, James Co. B, 14th KS. Cavalry KS. Woodland Mound City Linn Richardson, John Co. G, 140th IND. Infantry IND. Girard Girard Crawford 1830 1910 Richardson, Joseph W. Co. K, 23rd WI. Infantry WI. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Richardson, Judson Co. K, 119th ILL. Infantry ILL. Hope Ottawa Franklin Richardson, Robert N. Co. H, 14TH W. VA. Infantry W. VA. Altoona Altoona Wilson 1839 1914 75 Richel, Henry H. Co. K, 88th IND. Infantry IND. Robbins Montgomery Co. Montgomery Richmire, Charles C. Co. M, 2nd IA. Cavalry IA. Mount Pleasant Altamont Labette Apr. 22, 1910 Richmond, James F. Co. C, 10th W. VA. Infantry W. VA. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho May 29, 1846 Feb. 5, 1923 Ridgway, Loring E. Co. A, 5th KS. Cavalry KS. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Riley, Albert R. Co. I, 102nd ILL. Infantry ILL. Fairview Cherryvale Montgomery Riley, John Co. C, 8th KS. Infantry KS. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho Riley, William H. Co. E, 3rd W. VA. Cavalry W. VA. High Prairie Wilson Co. Wilson July 11, 1844 Mar. 16, 1899 Riner, Jacob Co. M, 9th ILL. Cavalry ILL. Oswego Oswego Labette 1827 1873 Ringhiesen, F. Co. F, 58th OH. Infantry OH. Lyndon Lyndon Osage Rist, Conrad F. Co. H, 142nd PA. Infantry PA. Burlingame Burlingame Osage Dec. 8, 1843 July 25, 1905 Ritchie, James T. Co. A, 137th OH. Infantry OH. Sunset Manhattan Riley Rizley, John H. Co. E, 1st MO. Cavalry MO. Beumont Beumont Butler Robb, Albert G. Co. E, 26th IND. Infantry IND. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley 1825 1917 Robb, Francis E. Co. F, 3rd IA. Cavalry IA. Girard Girard Crawford 1845 1919 Robb, Furman L. Co. E, 8th MO. Cavalry MO. Kincaid Kincaid Anderson Sept. 11, 1838 Aug. 13, 1910 Robbins, Benjamin Co. A, 145th IND. Infantry IND. Cedarvale Neosho Falls Woodson Robbins, Cary H. Co. A, 145th IND. Infantry IND. Cedarvale Neosho Falls Woodson Roberds, Elias Co. G, 11th OH. Infantry OH. Graceland Burlington Coffey Oct. 10, 1834 Apr. 1, 1918 Roberson, John M. Co. K, 124th ILL. Infantry ILL. Riverside Neosho Co. Neosho Roberts, Eli Co. H, 5th W. VA. Cavalry W. VA. Robbins Montgomery Co. Montgomery Feb. 16, 1826 Apr. 6, 1875 Roberts, Henry C. Co. K, 2nd MINN. Infantry MN. Bennington Bennington Ottawa Roberts, John L. Co. H, 117th IND. Infantry IND. Mount Moriah Neosho Co. Neosho Feb. 3, 1896 64Y, 9M, 18D Roberts, Milton Co. E, 14th KS. Cavalry KS. Robbins Montgomery Co. Montgomery Roberts, Orvilla Co. A, 3rd MO. Cavalry MO. Toronto Toronto Woodson Aug. 18, 1835 Jan. 9, 1904 Robertson, Francis M. Co. A, 11th MD. Inffantry MD. Coyville Coyville Wilson Nov. 19, 1841 Jan. 4, 1926 Robinson, Benjamin Co. D, 99th U. S. C. I. U. S. C. T. Cherokee Cherokee Crawford Robinson, Ebenezer B. Co. B, 1st MN. Infantry MN. Lyndon Lyndon Osage Robinson, George A. Co. K, 1st VT. Heavy Artillery VT. Cherokee Cherokee Crawford Robinson, Harmon Co. C, 59th U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Sunset Manhattan Riley Robinson, Jefferson Co. I, 52nd ILL. Infantry ILL. Sunset Manhattan Riley May 5, 1835 Nov. 28, 1903 Robinson, Job Co. F, Cass County MO. Home Guards MO. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Robinson, Joseph Co. B, 14th PA. Cavalry PA. Yates Center Yates Center Woodson Robinson, William Co. B, 2nd IND. Cavalry IND. Havana Havana Montgomery July 13, 1843 June 24, 1917 Robinson, William Union Veteran Unknown UNK. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson July 8, 1838 Jan. 26, 1908 Robinson, William E. 16th Indpt. Battery, OH. Light Artillery OH. Greenwood Sedan Chautauqua Oct. 15, 1846 Jan. 26, 1933 Robison, George W. Co. D, 33rd ILL. Infantry ILL. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho Feb. 9, 1842 Robison, Pearson Co. F, 149th IND. Infantry IND. Havana Havana Montgomery Nov. 28, 1833 July 9, 1912 78Y, 7M, 12D Rodgers, Robert Co. H, 47th ILL. Infantry ILL. Cherokee Cherokee Crawford 1647 1924 Rodgers, William K. Co. H, 8th ILL. Infantry ILL. Yates Center Yates Center Woodson 1837 1920 Rogers, Adrian L. Co. B, 129th IND. Infantry IND. Colony Colony Anderson 1844 1919 Rogers, Charles H. Co. H, 5th N. H. Infantry N. H. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Rogers, Elijah S. Co. M, 3rd MO. S. M. Cavalry MO. Thayer Thayer Neosho Rogers, John Co. G, 148th ILL. Cavalry ILL. Mount Olive Pittsburg Crawford Rogers, Warren Co. B, 64th ILL. Infantry ILL. Lone Elm Lone Elm Anderson Aug. 14, 1842 May 6, 1916 Roller, Addison Carrington's Battery, Army of North Virginia VA. Mount Pleasant Altamont Labette 1836 1909 Rolley, William Co. A, 1st ILL. Cavalry ILL. Twin Groves Severy Greenwood Romine, David C. Co. F, 72nd IND. MTD. Infantry IND. Burlingame Burlingame Osage 1844 1924 Romine, Samuel Co. A, 47th ILL. Infantry ILL. Bennington Bennington Ottawa 1844 1917 Root, Joseph Co. I, 8th IND. Infantry IND. Elk Falls Elk Falls Elk Rosa, Abraham Co. F, 8th KS. Infantry KS. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho 1806 1866 Rosa, Squire Co. F, 8th KS. Infantry KS. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho Rosebush, Oliver Union Veteran Unknown UNK. East Hill Erie Neosho July 4, 1832 March 16, 1912 Ross, Edwin R. Co. C, 83rd OH. Infantry OH. Highland Wichita Sedgwick 1835 1893 Ross, Jackson Co. E, 83rd U. S. C. Infantry U.S.C.T. Iola Iola Allen Ross, James Whitfield Co. F, 79th U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Woodland Mound City Linn Ross, John B. Co. F, 13th KS. Infantry KS. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Ross, John J. Co. H, 134th PA. Infantry PA. Yates Center Yates Center Woodson Dec. 28, 1825 Aug. 28, 1912 Ross, Robert W. Union Unknown UNK. Andover Andover Butler Mar. 10, 1846 Sept. 3, 1916 70Y, 5M, 24D Roush, James G. Co. E, 10th KS. Infantry KS. Iola Iola Allen Rowe, James M. Co. B, 115th IND. Infantry IND. Riverside Neosho Co. Neosho Rowland, Absalom Co. G, 22nd OH.Infantry OH. Greenwood Eureka Greenwood Rowley, Albert J. Co. M, 1st ILL. Light Artillery ILL. Fairview Cherryvale Montgomery Ruark, James E. Co. C, 136th ILL. Infantry ILL. Fairview Cherryvale Montgomery Apr. 7, 1845 Jan. 25, 1916 Ruldolph, Samuel K. Co. H, 36th IA. Infantry IA. Gridley Gridley Coffey Dec. 28, 1834 Rumsey, Dubois B. Co. F, 48th N. Y. Infantry N. Y. Greenwood Council Grove Morris Apr. 14, 1841 June 18, 1907 Russell, Ezra R. Co. I, 83rd ILL. Infantry ILL. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen 1840 1928 Russell, John 44th ILL. Infantry ILL. Charleston Greenwood Co. Greenwood Russell, Solomon Co. D, 14th PA. Infantry PA. Bennington Bennington Ottawa 1843 1928 Russell, Thomas Co. E, 9th KS. Cavalry KS. Iola Iola Allen Dec. 24, 1862 Russell, William J. Co. D, 88th ILL. Infantry ILL. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Sabin, Isaac L. Co. F, 102nd OH. Infantry OH. Bennington Bennington Ottawa 1845 1938 Sailing, William M. Co. G, 16th KS. Cavalry KS. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Sailors, Jacob S. Co. K, 1st IND. Heavy Artillery IND. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho 1840 1915 Salkeld, Thomas J. 2nd KS. Battery Light Artillery KS. Pleasant View Blue Mound Linn July 25, 1843 May 17, 1910 Sammer, Thomas Co. G, 5th KS. Cavalry KS. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas 1830 1914 Sample, George W. Co. F, 12th ILL. Cavalry ILL. Mount Moriah Neosho Co. Neosho July 1, 1837 June 11, 1912 Samples, Ezekiah Co. E, 85th ILL. Infantry ILL. Mount Olive Pittsburg Crawford Feb. 9, 1898 Sanders, James M. Co. K, 7th ILL. Infantry ILL. Baxter Springs Baxter Springs Cherokee 1847 1933 Sanders, John V. Co. H, 28th KY. Infantry KY. Memorial Lawn Emporia Lyon Sanders, Patrick C. Co. K, 62nd ILL. Infantry ILL. Pleasant View Blue Mound Linn June 18, 1896 55Y, 8M, 5D Sanders, Samuel Co. G, 12th KY. Cavalry KY. Greenwood Chanute Neosho March 1, 1821 May 12, 1903 Sands, Israel Co. A, 108th ILL. Infantry ILL. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley July 27, 1831 July 3, 1911 Sanford, Edward C. Co. A, 2nd WI. Infantry WI. Mount Pleasant Altamont Labette Mar. 12, 1836 Jan. 17, 1906 Sankey, Alexander Co. E, 88th OH. Infantry OH. Pleasant View Blue Mound Linn Dec. 1, 1819 Jan. 19, 1899 Sargeant, Reason T. Co. K, 8th IND. Infantry IND. Altoona Altoona Wilson Sawyer, Elam Lyman Co. G, 28th ILL. Infantry ILL. Harmony Mongomery Co. Montgomery Mar. 7, 1841 May 8, 1906 Scales, Anderson 79th U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Schaub, Henry J. Co. D, 37th IA. Infantry IA. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Nov. 28, 1886 Schmell, Louis F. Co. F, 185th OH. Infantry OH. City Cemetery Columbus Cherokee May 2, 1837 July 3, 1906 Schoepf, George B. Hatch's Indpt. Battalion, MI. Cavalry MI. Sunset Manhattan Riley Schuessler, John W. Co. F, 66th ILL. Infantry ILL. Lone Elm Lone Elm Anderson 1847 1921 Schultheis, Christian Co. E, 13th MI. Infantry MI. Fairview Cherryvale Montgomery Mar. 6, 1826 Apr. 13, 1914 Schurfeld, Henry Co. K, 21st MO. Infantry MO. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen 1840 1922 Scott, A. R. Union Veteran Unknown UNK. East Hill Erie Neosho Feb. 10, 1845 Jan. 31, 1910 Scott, Benjamin F. Co. K, 113th ILL. Infantry ILL. Graceland Burlington Coffey Feb. 21, 1844 June 20, 1925 Scott, Daniel H. Co. A, 23rd MO. Infantry MO. Iola Iola Allen Nov. 21, 1842 Nov. 16, 1911 Scott, David C. Co. H, 3rd IA. Infantry IA. Mulvane Mulvane Sumner Scott, Elisha BTRY L, 2nd MO. Light Artillery MO. Charleston Greenwood Co. Greenwood July 20, 1840 Jan. 6, 1901 Scott, Henry Clay Co. A, 23RD N. Y. Infantry N.Y. Burlingame Burlingame Osage East Smithfield, PA. April 17, 1831 Nov. 18, 1908 Scott, Howard M. Co. G, 16th KS. Cavalry KS. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Aug. 28, 1923 Scott, Ira Union Unknown UNK. Altoona Altoona Wilson Apr. 24, 1847 Nov. 4, 1914 67 Scott, Isaac Co. F, 180th OH. Infantry OH. Greenwood Council Grove Morris Oct. 12, 1834 Dec. 4, 1914 Scott, James Co. H, 5th KS. Cavalry KS. Robbins Montgomery Co. Montgomery Scott, James L. Co. D, 7th W. VA. Cavalry W. VA. Yates Center Yates Center Woodson 1845 Scott, Joseph Co. K, 130th ILL. Infantry ILL. Mount Pleasant Altamont Labette Feb. 28, 1905 77Y, 3M, 25D Scott, Joseph Co. F, 122nd U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Scott, Levi H. Co. H, 10th IND. Infantry IND. Graceland Burlington Coffey July 4, 1839 May 23, 1911 Scott, Samuel S. Co. L, 16th KS. Cavalry KS. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas 1844 1925 Scott, William W. Co. F, 5th KS. Cavalry KS. Graceland Burlington Coffey 1843 1911 Scranton, George T. Co. A, 119th ILL. Infantry ILL. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Mendon, ILL. Apr. 12, 1843 Jan. 25, 1914 Scudder, Joseph Co. K, 16th U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Topeka Topeka Shawnee 1842 1898 Scudder, Joseph S. Co. K, 65th N. Y. Infantry N. Y. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson Mar. 24, 1842 Nov. 26, 1916 Searing, Chauncey W, Co. H, 1st IND. Heavy Artillery IND. Burlingame Burlingame Osage Seibert, Daniel Union Veteran Unknown UNK. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho 1840 1920 Selanders, Thaddeus S. Co. I, 174th OH. Infantry OH. Cherry Mound Westphalia Anderson 1840 1900 Sell, James Co. B, 21st ILL. Infantry ILL. Buffalo Buffalo Wilson June 7, 1841 Dec. 16, 1878 Sellers, Shadrack M. Co. G, 18th PA. Cavalry PA. Paola Paola Miami 1822 1915 Seward, George W. Co. E, 32nd OH. VET. Infantry OH. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley 1837 1914 Shane, Charles R. Co. G, 33rd MO. Infantry MO. Mount Pleasant Altamont Labette Jan. 22, 1846 Apr. 21, 1920 Shannan, Thomas Co. D, 8th IA. Infantry IA. Leon Leon Butler Shannon, Henry Co. B, 11th IND. Infantry IND. Girard Girard Crawford Sharks, George Co. D, 12th U. S. C. Heavy Artillery U. S. C. T. Hope Ottawa Franklin Sharp, Isaac N. Co. C, 31st IND. Infantry IND. Greenwood Sedan Chautauqua Apr. 8, 1842 Nov. 6, 1926 Sharp, Peter C. Co. H, 121st N. Y. Infantry N. Y. Mount Olive Pittsburg Crawford Sharrock, John W. Co. G, 115th ILL. Infantry ILL. East Hill Erie Neosho Aug. 25, 1841 Dec. 14, 1924 Shasteen, Henry S. Co. F, 44th ILL. Infantry ILL. Woodland Mound City Linn Shaw, John Co. H, 56th OH. Infantry OH. Topeka Topeka Shawnee 1832 1886 Shaw, Nelson S. Co. I, 89th OH. Infantry OH. Maple Grove Wichita Sedgwick 1842 1922 Shaw, Warren Co. F, 11th OH. Infantry OH. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Portage Co., OH. Oct. 4, 1840 May 1, 1921 Shearer, James Co. G, 3rd TN. MTD. Infantry TN. Elmdale Osawatomie Miami March 17, 1847 Apr. 17, 1934 Shellhorn, William H. Union Veteran Unknown UNK. East Hill Erie Neosho Sept. 24, 1824 Jan. 24, 1893 Shemberger, Samuel Co. A, 21st IND. Infantry IND. Graceland Burlington Coffey Feb. 20, 1843 Apr. 23, 1912 Shenk, John Co. I, 100th ILL. Infantry ILL. Yates Center Yates Center Woodson 1842 1918 Sheperd, Lewis C. Co. A, 70th OH. Infantry OH. Centerville Bourbon Co. Bourbon 1842 1929 Shepherd, Henry M. Co. I, 50th ILL. Infantry ILL. Sunset Manhattan Riley Shepherd, John H. Co. F, 26th ILL. Infantry ILL. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas 1841 1910 Shepherd, Lewis C. Co. A, 70th OH. Infantry OH. Centerville Bourbon Co. Bourbon 1842 1929 Shepherd, William Co. I, 1st IA. Cavalry IA. Greenwood Sedan Chautauqua 1846 1927 Shepley, David L. 53rd IND. Infantry IND. Iola Iola Allen Sept. 10, 1842 Jan. 24, 1906 Sherbocker, Charles Co. G, 5th OH. Cavalry OH. Oswego Oswego Labette Sherbonaw, Frank Union Unknown UNK. Altoona Altoona Wilson Apr. 6, 1841 Mar. 2, 1905 63 Shields, John T. Co. B, 46th IND. Infantry IND. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen Aug. 18, 1838 July 1916 Shields, Thomas M. Co. E, 15th KS. Cavalry KS. Robbins Montgomery Co. Montgomery 1838 1914 Shinkle, William Co. F, 1st ILL. Cavalry ILL. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Shinn, Daniel H. Co. C, 21st IA. Infantry IA. Greenwood Council Grove Morris Shipley, Camden B. Co.A, 114th OH. Infantry OH. Graceland Burlington Coffey May 16, 1910 80Y, 10M, 7D Shipley, Josedic Co. D, 15th KS. Cavalry KS. Havana Havana Montgomery Shipley, Thomas E. Co. D, 15th KS. Cavalry KS. Havana Havana Montgomery Shirk, Joseph A. Lehman's Co., 103rd PA. Infantry PA. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Feb. 24, 1903 Shirk, Samuel G. Co. I, 25th OH. Infantry OH. Greenwood Sedan Chautauqua Mar. 7, 1841 Nov. 11, 1920 Shirley, Samuel R. Co. E, 38th ILL. Infantry ILL. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Shobe, Edward Co. F, 20th OH. Infantry OH. Graceland Burlington Coffey 1841 1929 Shoemaker, Dennis M. Co. E, 17th IND. Infantry IND. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Shoemaker, George W. Co. F, 21st OH. Infantry OH. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson Sept. 10, 1837 Feb. 20, 1920 Shore, Thomas B. Co. K, 11th KS. Cavalry KS. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Shotts, David T. Co. A, 18th OH. Infantry OH. Yates Center Yates Center Woodson 1843 1929 Shukers, John A. Co. B, 1st OH. Light Artillery OH. Greenwood Sedan Chautauqua Sept. 26, 1841 May 15, 1922 Shults, Peter W. Co. G, 126th ILL. Infantry ILL. Bennington Bennington Ottawa 1828 1891 Shumaker, Samuel S. U. S. Navy UNK. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas 1846 1949 Shumard, William T. Co. A, 7th OH. Cavalry OH. Girard Girard Crawford 1835 1927 Shunk, Daniel Co. B, 51st OH. Infantry OH. Fairview Cherryvale Montgomery 1845 1929 Shurtz, Jacob H. Co. G, 51st ILL. Infantry ILL. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Lyons, N. Y. Oct. 12, 1844 Aug. 9, 1911 Sidle, David M. Co. A, 194th OH. Infantry OH. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Sieber, Frederick Co. F, 137th ILL. Infantry ILL. Cherokee Cherokee Crawford Mar. 5, 1834 June 18, 1909 Sigler, William H. H. Co. D, 86th IND. Infantry IND. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Aug. 3, 1839 Sept. 23, 1915 Silcott, Robert F. Co. G, 3rd IA. Infantry IA. Mount Pleasant Altamont Labette Simonds, Lewis D. U. S. Navy Maple Grove Wichita Sedgwick Simpson, Florence L. Co. E, 5th PA. Heavy Artillery PA. Graceland Burlington Coffey Simpson, Henry Co. D, 111th U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Paola Paola Miami 1843 1927 Sims, Henry U. S. Navy Topeka Topeka Shawnee 1838 1898 Sims, James D. Co. F, 61st ILL. Infantry ILL. Iola Iola Allen 1843 1903 Sinclair, George Co. B, 32nd OH. Infantry OH. Kincaid Kincaid Anderson Feb. 24, 1829 Oct. 15, 1892 Sinclair, Thomas C. Co. G, 11th OH. Cavalry OH. Mulvane Mulvane Sumner Singleton, Adolphus Co. H, 21st MO. Infantry MO. Yates Center Yates Center Woodson 1839 1926 Sinkhorn, Wilbur F. Co. A, 4th KY. MTD. Infantry KY. Leon Leon Butler Sisson, Wilson C. Co. D, 13th IA. Infantry IA. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Siverd, Hugh H. Co. B, 1st OH. Cavalry OH. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Sizemore, George Co. B, 43rd U. S. C. Infantry U. S. C. T. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Skinner, Hiram G. Co. I, 52nd IND. Infantry IND. Paola Paola Miami Vernon, IND. 1844 1915 Slack, Wilber G. Co. D, 68th OH. Infantry OH. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Feb. 20, 1842 Feb. 18, 1908 Slaughter, George W. Co. A, 15th KS. Cavalry KS. Cherry Mound Westphalia Anderson Slaughter, Jonathan M. Cass County Home Guard, MO. Cavalry MO. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho Oct. 31, 1812 Oct. 23, 1889 Slaven, James C. 36th VA. Infantry, C. S. A. VA. Maple Grove Wichita Sedgwick 1831 1907 Sleeth, Addison Co. G, 52nd IND. Infantry IND. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen Apr. 29, 1842 Sept. 18, 1912 Sleeth, David M. Co. K, 74th OH. Infantry OH. Lyndon Lyndon Osage Londondery, OH. Dec. 17, 1843 Nov. 17, 1908 Small, Felix F. Co. H, 57th IND. Infantry IND. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Small, Francis M. Co. K, 147th OH. Infantry OH. Mount Olive Pittsburg Crawford Smith, Abijah Co. B, 72nd IND. Infantry IND. East Hill Erie Neosho Smith, Adolphus W. Co. B, 1st MD. Cavalry MD. Burlingame Burlingame Osage Oct. 18, 1835 Feb. 9, 1903 Smith, Andrew Co. D, 10th W. VA. Infantry W. VA. Burns Burns Marion Rock Bridge Co. VA. Nov. 9, 1838 Sept. 4, 1915 Smith, Bejamin F. Co. D, 73rd IND. Infantry IND. Highland Wichita Sedgwick Smith, Bond Co. I, 12th U. S. C. Heavy Artillery U. S. C. T. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Smith, Charles D. Co. F, 133rd IND. Infantry IND. East Hill Erie Neosho June 19, 1844 Apr. 10, 1909 Smith, E. W. Union Unknown UNK. Altoona Altoona Wilson Smith, Francis S. Co. D, 7th IA. Cavalry IA. Yates Center Yates Center Woodson Smith, Frank Co. A, 64th ILL. Infantry ILL. Thayer Thayer Neosho Smith, George Co. A, 6th IND. Infantry IND. Mount Olive Pittsburg Crawford Smith, George A. Co. E, 86th ILL. Infantry ILL. Colony Colony Anderson 1835 1919 Smith, George O. Co. F, 17th ILL. Infantry ILL. Altoona Altoona Wilson 1843 1922 Smith, Gilman D. Co. I, 8th ILL. Infantry ILL Altoona Altoona Wilson May 21, 1845 Aug. 23, 1920 75 Smith, Henry Co. M, 16th KS. Cavalry KS. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Smith, Henry D. Co. I, 10th KS. Infantry KS. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen 1845 1913 Smith, Horace H. Co. G, 25th ILL. Infantry ILL. Gridley Gridley Coffey Dec. 25, 1837 Nov. 14, 1906 Smith, Isaac R. Co. E, 7th W. VA. Infantry W. VA. Burns Burns Marion Lewis Co., W. VA. June 21, 1828 Sept. 28, 1902 Smith, Jackson C. Co. I, 60th IND. Infantry IND. Toronto Toronto Woodson Smith, Jacob M. Co. G, 6th W. VA. Infantry W. VA. Sunny Side Caney Montgomery Smith, James Co. A, 7th KS. Cavalry KS. Topeka Topeka Shawnee 1837 1914 Smith, James Co. G, 152nd ILL. Infantry ILL. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson Smith, James A. Co. F, 17th ILL. Infantry ILL. Girard Girard Crawford Smith, James C. Co. A, 24th MI. Infantry MI. Fairview Cherryvale Montgomery Smith, James C. Co. M, 5th KS. Cavalry KS. Toronto Toronto Woodson Smith, John Co. G, 3rd W. VA. Cavalry W. VA. Weakley Wilson Co. Wilson Smith, John J. Co. E, 135th OH. Infantry OH. Graceland Burlington Coffey Smith, John N. Co. E, 11th KS. Cavalry KS. Sunset Manhattan Riley Smith, John R. Co. E, 111th ILL. Infantry ILL. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley 1841 1925 Smith, John Riley Co. E, 111th ILL. Infantry ILL. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Smith, Joseph A. Co. F, 7th MN. Infantry MN. Douglass Douglass Butler Smith, Joseph D, Co. E, 176th N. Y. Infantry N. Y. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Apr. 21, 1906 Smith, Lawson 79th U. S. Cavalry Topeka Topeka Shawnee 1843 1899 Smith, Leander Co. B, 141st N.Y. Infantry N.Y. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Smith, Lewis Co. G, 14th KY. Cavlary KY. Mount Moriah Neosho Co. Neosho Nov. 3, 1843 Jan. 28, 1915 Smith, Martin V. B. Co. G, 7th KS. Cavalry KS. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery 1834 1912 Smith, Robert S. Co. C, 148th ILL. Infantry ILL. East Hill Erie Neosho Smith, William F. Co. E, 11th KY. Cavalry KY. Robbins Montgomery Co. Montgomery Smith, William R. Co. H, 3rd IA. Cavalry IA. Girard Girard Crawford 1838 1904 Snelbaker, Joseph Co. F, 4th OH. Infantry OH. Mulvane Mulvane Sumner 1842 1893 Snider, Perry H. Co. I, 83rd OH. Infantry OH. Greenwood Council Grove Morris Mar. 15, 1840 Mar. 16, 1927 Snively, Johnathan R. Co. H, 88th IND. Infantry IND. Highland Wichita Sedgwick 1844 1904 Snoddy, John T. 7th KS. Cavalry KS. Woodland Mound City Linn Snooks, Nathan K. Co. I, 2nd OH. Infantry OH. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Snyder, Daniel Co. C, 140th IND. Infantry IND. Moline Moline Elk Nov. 30, 1853 Dec. 24, 1912 Snyder, David Co. K, 150th ILL. Infantry ILL. Highland Park Pittsburg Crawford Snyder, Henry C. Co. K, 172nd PA. Infantry PA. Strong Township Strong City Chase July 6, 1844 May 4, 1905 Snyder, Henry H. Co. F, 74th IND. Infantry IND. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Marion Co., IND. March 14, 1844 Feb. 10, 1909 Snyder, Joshua W. Co. H, 47th IND. Infantry IND. East Hill Erie Neosho Snyder, Mark V. Co. H, 194th OH. Infantry OH. East Hill Erie Neosho Somers, Samuel W. Co. D, 8th IND. Cavalry IND. Memorial Lawn Emporia Lyon Oct. 1, 1841 Aug. 24, 1925 Somes, Charles E. Co. K, 12th MA. Infantry MA. Woodland Mound City Linn 1841 1927 Souders, James Co. F, 2nd MO. S. M. Cavalry MO. Burlingame Burlingame Osage 1841 1914 Soule, Samuel Union Veteran Unknown UNK. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas 1843 1916 Spangle, Lafayette J. Co. A, 29th IND. Infantry IND. Harrisonville Montgomery Co. Montgomery Sept. 28, 1842 Jan. 2, 1926 Sparks, Edwin C. Co. D, 152nd ILL. Infantry ILL. Hope Ottawa Franklin Sparks, Silas H. Co. K, 133rd PA. Infantry PA. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley 1838 1910 Speakman, Smith S. Co. H, 91st IND. Infantry IND. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen Boone Co., KY. Oct. 11, 1844 Apr. 22, 1907 Spears, Elijah Co. A, 99th IND. Infantry IND. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Speed, Richard Co. D, 1st KS. Infantry KS. Greenwood Sedan Chautauqua Sept. 8, 1831 Oct. 20, 1913 Spencer, James Co. E, 157th OH. Infantry OH. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Spencer, James M. Co. A, 45th OH. Infantry OH. Moran Moran Allen Oct. 1, 1831 Dec. 2, 1908 Sperry, John H. Co. I, 75th IND. Infantry IND. Thayer Thayer Neosho Nov. 18, 1841 Mar. 22, 1917 Spillard, William E. Co. B, 5th IND. Cavalry IND. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery June 10, 1840 Dec. 15, 1876 Splane, John M. Co. G, 9th KS. Cavalry KS. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Sprague, Lawrence Co. C, 7th W. VA. Cavalry W. VA. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Jan. 7, 1831 Sprankle, F. B. Co. G, 105th PA. Infantry PA. Toronto Toronto Woodson 1845 1928 Sprankle, Peter D. Co. E, 148th PA. Infantry PA. Toronto Toronto Woodson 1841 1923 Spriggs, Hiram Co. F, 11th KS. Cavalry KS. New Mt. Hope Galesburg Neosho Spring, Benjamin A. Co. K, 34th IND. Infantry IND. East Hill Erie Neosho Dec. 15, 1843 Feb. 24, 1930 Stacy, John L. Co. E, 12th ILL. Cavalry ILL. DeWitt Allen Co. Allen Stalter, David Co. F, 123rd OH. Infantry OH. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Standiford, Noah C. Co. B, 66th IND. Infantry IND. Burlingame Burlingame Osage Stanfield, Samuel Co. G, 154th OH. Infantry OH. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Aug. 14, 1946 May 16, 1908 Stanfield, William Co. G, 154th OH. Infantry OH. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Stanton, Charles W. Co. H, 114th ILL. Infantry ILL. Mount Olive Pittsburg Crawford Stanwood, William H. H. Co. A, 2nd KS. Cavalry KS. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Staples, W. Thomas Union Veteran Unknown UNK. East Hill Erie Neosho Nov. 13, 1846 Dec. 12, 1834 Starr, Elmer E. Co. A, 16th KS. Cavalry KS. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Sept. 6, 1870 Starr, Orlando S. Co. B, 3rd OH. Cavalry OH. Melvern Melvern Osage 1841 1915 Stearns, John H. Co. D, 5th KS. Cavalry KS. Woodland Mound City Linn Stebbins, Gardner B. Co. I, 7th OH. Cavalry OH. Greenwood Council Grove Morris Stebene, Joseph Co. E, 9th KS. Cavalry KS. Iola Iola Allen Steele, Thomas J. Co. G, 12th IND. Infantry IND. Kincaid Kincaid Anderson 1844 1923 Stephens, Joel C. Union Veteran Unknown UNK. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson 1839 1928 Stepp, George B. Co. G, 9th KS. Cavalry KS. Greenwood Chanute Neosho Stevens, Theodore K. Co. G, 122nd N. Y. Infantry N. Y. Greenwood Eureka Greenwood Stevenson, Theodore Z. Union Veteran Unknown UNK. East Hill Erie Neosho Sept. 13, 1840 Aug. 1, 1920 Stewart, George W. Co. D, 2nd IA. Cavalry IA. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas Stewart, James Co. C, 29th IA. Infantry IA. Hope Ottawa Franklin 1846 1931 Stewart, John M. 1st Reg. NE. VET. VOL. NE. Centerville Bourbon Co. Bourbon 1834 1877 Stewart, John M. Co. C, 1st NEB. Cavalry NE. Centerville Bourbon Co. Bourbon 1834 1877 Stewart, John W. Co. F, 8th IND. Cavalry IND. East Hill Erie Neosho Stewart, Samuel J. Co. H, 10th KS. Cavalry KS. Mount Hope Humboldt Allen March 3, 1833 Apr. 19, 1917 Stewart, William J. Co. A, 10th WI. Infantry WI. Elk Falls Elk Falls Elk Stickel, Isaiah Co. A, 2nd ILL. Cavalry ILL. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas 1830 1911 Stillwell, Joel Co. A, 112th ILL. Infantry ILL. Greenwood Eureka Greenwood 1845 1912 Stilson, A. R. Co. B, 19th OH. Infantry OH. Hope Ottawa Franklin Stine, Henry W. Co. A, 34th IND. Infantry IND. Mount Hope Independence Montgomery Wells Co., IND. Sept. 21, 1839 Feb. 10, 1923 Stinebaugh, George D. Co. H, 38th OH. Infantry OH. Hope Ottawa Franklin Aug. 13, 1840 March 4, 1912 Stivers, William B. Co. I, 150th ILL. Infantry ILL. Union-Graham Winfield Cowley Stoddard, Carlos L. Co. C, 42nd WI. Infantry WI. Iola Iola Allen Jan. 6, 1823 May 27, 1908 Stone, Aaron Co. D, 6th N. Y. Infantry N. Y. Bennington Bennington Ottawa Stone, John T. Co. C, 46th MO. Infantry MO. Elmwood Chanute Neosho Stoner, Michael G. Co. C, 146th ILL. Infantry ILL. Neodesha Neodesha Wilson Stonerock, David Co. E, 73rd OH. Infantry OH. Iola Iola Allen Stout, Henson L. Co. K, 6th W. VA. Infantry W. VA. Burlingame Burlingame Osage Jan. 13, 1827 Apr. 29, 1912 Stout, Jacob Union Unknown UNK. Altoona Altoona Wilson Oct. 20, 1877 Stout, Thomas Co. G, 147th IND. Infantry IND. Elk Falls Elk Falls Elk Henry Co., IND. Oct. 27. 1832 Nov. 13, 1911 Stout, Thomas W. Co. G, 92nd ILL. Infantry ILL. Lone Elm Lone Elm Anderson Strait, W. B. Co. A, 34th IA. Infantry IA. Baxter Springs Baxter Springs Cherokee Nov. 21, 1836 Strangland, E. C. Surgeon, 14th WI. Infantry WI Highland Wichita Sedgwick Jan. 11, 1837 Sept. 30, 1888 Stratoon, Joseph C. Co. E, 5th ILL. Cavalry ILL. Cedarvale Neosho Falls Woodson Trenton, N. J. Sept. 20, 1834 Aug. 3, 1909 Streeter, Hardy P. Co. H, 11th KS. Cavalry KS. Topeka Topeka Shawnee Strom, William B. Co. F, 3rd PA. Heavy Artillery PA. Melvern Melvern Osage Strong, Alvah Co. F, 1st NE. Cavalry NE. Sunset Manhattan Riley May 19, 1887 Strong, Austin D. Co.B, 182nd OH. Infantry OH. Waverly Waverly Coffey Stuart, William A. Co. B, 151st IND. Infantry IND. Mount Olive Pittsburg Crawford Stucker, John H. Co. A, 86th IND. Infantry IND. Andover Andover Butler Dec. 15, 1837 Oct. 12, 1915 77 Stuckey, Cornelius H. Co. B, 151st OH. Infantry OH. Gridley Gridley Coffey May 14, 1835 Jan. 20, 1917 Stump, John B. Q. M. , U. S. N. UNK. Oakwood Baldwin City Douglas 1834 1916 Stunk, George W. Co. E, 21st PA. Cavalry PA. Burlingame Burlingame Osage Nov. 25, 1846 Apr. 22, 1926 Sturdivan, John H. Co. E, 136th ILL. Infantry ILL. Gridley Gridley Coffey Jan. 22, 1843 Oct. 30, 1916 Sullivan, Harvey F. Co. K, 118th OH. Infantry OH. Mulvane Mulvane Sumner Sullivan, James W. Co. D, 136th ILL. Infantry ILL. Iola Iola Allen Feb. 28, 1841 Oct. 21, 1927 Sullivan, John B. Co. K, 18th WI. Infantry WI. Memorial Lawn Emporia Lyon Nov. 25, 1848 July 29, 1939 Summers, Elias Co. I, 75th IND. Infantry IND. Altoona Altoona Wilson Jan. 31, 1838 Apr. 27, 1918 Suter, Jacob Co. A, 44th ILL. Infantry ILL. Mount Olive Pittsburg Crawford