OBITUARY OF EMMA R. BARBER, MAY 10, 1929; In the COUNCIL GROVE REPUBLICAN. COUNCIL GROVE, KANSAS, MAY 11, 1929 Transcribed by Kenneth Thomas ( 24 May 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OBITUARY Mrs. Thomas Barber Emma Rosina Swingley was born April 21, 1845 at Mount Morris, Illinois. Departing from this life May 10, 1929, at the age of 84 years and 19 days. At an early age she came with her parents to Johnson County, Kansas. Here she grew to young womanhood, receiving her education in the public schools. Later she attended an academy in Baltimore, Maryland, making her home with her grandparents. She united with the Lutheran church in her early teens. On November 16, 1869 she was married to Thomas Barber. Together they came directly to Chase county to make their home. In 1874 Mr. and Mrs. Barber moved to the present farm home, where they shared all the privations and hardships of the early settlers, helping to care for the sick and comfort the sorrows of their early day neighbors. Mrs. Barber united with the Congregational church of Dunlap when it was first organized, being a regular attendant, a staunch supporter and worker. She transfered her membership to the Congregational church of Council Grove, Kansas, where she and Mr. Barber moved in 1911. When their health failed, they moved back to their first home to spend the remaining days with their daughter. Two children were born to this union, Dale, who passed away at the age of 17 and one daughter, now Mrs. F. W. Thomas, who, with her husband, sorrow at the loss of Mother. The father preceded her 21 months. Others who mourn this death are, three grandchildren, Preston B. Thomas, a grandchild, his wife, Cletys and their two little girls, great-granddaughters of the departed; Junior Thomas and Rosina Thomas, the other grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. C. L. Burke of Glendale, California; one brother (*NOTE* the remainder of the article is missing) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. -----------------------------------------------------------------------