COUNCIL GROVE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND FACULTY - 1918 This file is an alphabetical index to the "REVEILLE - A product of the Senior Class of Council Grove, Kansas, High School 1918" (High School Annual) Pages 12-34, Index created by Kenneth G. Thomas, ( Copyright, 1997, Kenneth G. Thomas. All rights reserved. --------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Class Page ALEXANDER, Eva Freshman 34 ALEXANDER, Martha Freshman 34 ALLEN, Alberta Sophomore 30 ALLEN, Earl Junior 27 ALLEN, Willis Senior 16 AXE, Leonard Junior 26 BARBER, Goldia Senior 16 BARBER, William Junior 25 BARNETT, Paul Freshman 34 BARTH, Lawrence Junior 26 BARTH, Nelson Senior 19 BEAN, Velma Sophomore 30 BICKER, Ross Sophomore 30 BLACK, Cordyon Freshman 33 BLOCK, Fern Sophomore 31 BOLTON, Philip Senior 21 BORMAN, Ina Sophomore 31 BOSCH, Effie Sophomore 31 BOWMAN, Beulah Senior 19 BOYER, Nellie Senior 21 BROWN, C. O. Faculty (Music) 13 BUCHMAN, Mary Freshman 33 BURTON, Ernest Junior 27 CAMPBELL, Dorothy Junior 26 CARR, Adelle Freshman 33 CARR, Ruth Sophomore 31 CHASE, Mignon Junior 27 CHRISTENSON, Alice Freshman 33 CHRISTENSON, Frank Senior 20 CLYBORNE, Dorothy Freshman 33 CONNOLLY, Elizabeth Junior 27 CORBIN, Dale Junior 27 CORBIN, Ersil Junior 28 COREY, Eula Senior 19 COUNTRYMAN, Mildred Sophomore 30 CROSS, Farie Freshman 34 DAVIS, Ted Freshman 33 DAVIS, Thelma Senior 18 DEHOFF, Ruth Senior 17 DREESE, Velva Senior 20 DRIGGS, Lorenze Sophomore 31 EASTMAN, Elna Sophomore 30 EASUM, Evelyn Freshman 34 EASUM, Irene Senior 16 EDEN, Mary Freshman 34 EDWARDS, Gladys Sophomore 31 EVANS, Edith Senior 20 FAULCONER, Erma Freshman 33 FINNEY, Laura Sophomore 31 FREDENBURG, Neosha Sophomore 30 FULLER, Luella Senior (Transferred Out) 22 FUNK, Cletys Sophomore 30 FUNK, Roy Senior 21 FURNEY, Harley Senior 18 GALLOWAY, Nellie Freshman 33 GILMAN, Gordon Junior 28 GRAFT, Loy Sophomore 31 GREEN, Everett Senior 16 HANSON, Clara Freshman 34 HANSON, Edith Freshman 34 HARDER, Elizabeth Senior 18 HATHAWAY, Edna Sophomore 31 HAYDON, Ruby Sophomore 30 HEBRANK, Albert Junior 28 HEBRANK, Nora Freshman 34 HILLS, Goldia Senior 26 HILLS, Iva Sophomore 30 HOTCHKISS, Allen Sophomore 30 HOWARD,Hazel Faculty (Domestic Sci) 13 HUFF, Ethelyn Freshman 33 JAILLITE, Majohrea Senior 17 JOHNSON, Kahlie Junior 27 JOHNSTON, Thelma Sophomore 30 KARNES, Veron Freshman 34 KEYS, Hester Freshman 34 KIRKPATRICK, Guy Sophomore 30 KIRKPATRICK, Jean Sophomore 30 KNEELAND, Mildred Junior 28 KNEELAND, Ruth Junior 26 LEE, Lola Sophomore 30 LEWIS, Ila Senior 18 LOCKMAN, C. M. Faculty (Commercial) 12 LOGUE, Ruth Senior 18 LUESING, Margueritte Senior 17 LYNN, Ella Freshman 33 MADDUX, Erma Senior 20 METCALFE, Kittie Sophomore 30 METZGER, Gladys Junior 26 METZGER, Mildred Freshman 34 MILLER, Edith Senior 19 MILLER, Mildred Freshman 34 MYERS, Herbert Junior 25 McCONNELL, Edith Facuty (English) 12 McNEIL, Henry Freshman 33 NOTT, Murial Sophomore 30 OLSON, Lillian Sophomore 31 PEMBERTON, Roy Senior 20 PHILLIPS, Ruth Freshman 33 PITSENBERGER, Lyman Freshman 34 PORTER, Ruth Freshman 34 PORTER, Ruth E. Sophomore 31 PULLINS, Keith Junior 26 REES, Lenore Senior 16 RICHTER, Erma Freshman 33 ROBBINS, Lauren Sophomore 30 ROBERTS, Jessie Junior 27 ROOT, Ellsworth Junior 25 ROUSE, Lillian Senior 17 RUMERY, Glen Senior 17 SANDVICK, Alva Senior 21 SANDVICK, Nera Sophomore 31 SCHOOF, Glen Junior 26 SCOTT, Byron Sophomore 31 SCOTT, Olin Junior 25 SCOTT, Stella Sophomore 31 SKINNER, Leonard Sophomore 30 SMITH, Theodore Junior 28 SNOW, Helen Freshman 34 SORENSON, Jessie Freshman 33 SPRINGER, Errol Sophomore 31 SPRINGER, Lois Senior 19 STENGER, Florence Freshman 34 STRIEBY, Myrle Junior 25 TAYLOR, Harold Junior 28 TAYLOR, Lucille Junior 28 THOMAS, Preston Junior 28 THOMPSON, Lenore Faculty (Language) 12 VANMETER, Thomas Freshman 34 VAN PETTEN, Harry O. Faculty (Science) 13 VIAR, Lillian Junior 28 WELLS, Ned Junior 26 WELSH, William Freshman 33 WINGFIELD, Mabel Senior 21 WOOD, Ralph Freshman 34 ZINN, Cecil Sophomore 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. ---------------------------------------------------------------------