Nemaha County KS Archives History - Businesses .....Nemaha County Medical Directory 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher February 24, 2009, 10:45 pm NEMAHA COUNTY BERN MEYER, GRANT-B. '68, Mo. Cent. Med. Col., St. Joseph '96. L. Kan. '02. CENTRALIA BROWN, JAS. HEARST-B. '65, Ohio. Med. Col. of Ohio, Cincinnati '85. L. Kan. '01. TOWNSEND, CHARLES REES-B. '70, Kan. Univ. Louisville, Med. Dept. '94; Jefferson Med. Col., Phila. '95. L. Kan. '01. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. GOFF Bouse, William G.-B. '76, W. Va. Kan. Med. Col., Topeka '06. L. Kan. '06. Corwin, Luther A.-B. '60. Univ. Med. Col., Kan. City, Mo. '90. L. Kan. '01. KELLY Fitzgerald, David H.-B. '53, Pa. Keokuk Med. Col. '81. L. Kan. '01. SABETHA Deaver, Henry Jackson-B. '66, Ohio. Starling Med. Col., Columbus '92. L. Kan. '01. 923 1/2 Main St. DILLINGHAM, WILLIAM ROY-B. '83, Kan. Univ. Med. Col., Kan. City, Mo. '08. L. Kan. '08. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Haynes, Arthur H.-B. '92, Kan. Washington Univ. Med. Sch., St. Louis '17. L. Kan. '18. HAYNES, WILLARD A.-B. '52, Mass. N. Y. Univ. Med. Col. '81. L. Kan. '01. Murdock, Samuel, Sr.-B. '41, Ind. Col. of Phys. and Surg., Keokuk '76. L. Kan. '01, Surgery. 1015 Main. St. MURDOCK, SAMUEL, JR.-B. '72, Mo. Kan. City Med Col. '93. L. Kan. '01. Surgery. 1015 Main St. Ross, Albert S.-B. '61. Lincoln Med. Col., Neb. '96. L. Kan. '01. Ophthalmology. Rucker, Clemens-B. '83, Bohemia. Ensworth Med. Col., St. Joseph '05. L. Kan. '05. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. SLOSSON, EMILY BROOKE-B. '51, Ohio. Woman's 'Med. Col. of Pa., Phila. '75. L. Kan. '01. Eleventh and Main Sts. Tolle, Cecil E.-B. '85, Ohio. Univ. of Kan. Sch. Med. '07. L. Kan. '07. WRIGHTMAN, FREDERICK EFNER-B. '92. Washington Univ. Med. Sch., St. Louis '17. L. Kan. '17. SENECA Brewer, Albert M.-B. '70. Ky. Sch. of Med., Louisville '98. L. Kan. '04. ILES, U. G.-B. '64, Ind. Rush Med. Col. '88. L. Kan. '01. Electro-Therapeutics. Piper, Dorus H.-B. '79. Kan. Kan. Med. Col., Topeka '07. L. Kan. '07. WETMORE GRAHAM, GUT S.-B. '72. Central Med. Col., St. Joseph '99. L. Kan. '01. Ophthalmology. GRAHAM, JOHN W.-B. '46. Northwestern Med. Col., St. Joseph '83. L. Kan. '01. Additional Comments: Explanation of listing: Under the name of the town, each Registered Doctor is listed. On the first line is the Doctor's name, B. (born) year and state or country. The next line or lines give information about the Doctor's education, year L. (licensed) to practice medicine in KS, and may also include a street address. Members of the KS Medical Society are shown in CAPITAL letters. Not all Doctors provided all of the requested information [sigh] Extracted from: Kansas Medical Directory A List of the Registered Physicians and Surgeons of Kansas, arranged by Counties and Alphabetically. Also the Medical Practice Act, Board of Medical Registration and Examination, State Board of Health, County and City Health Officers and the Hospitals of the State of Kansas. PUBLISHED BY The Kansas Medical Society TOPEKA, KANSAS 1921 BAUER PRINTING CO., TOPEKA Copywrighted [sic] 1921 The Kansas Medical Society File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb