Pratt County KS Archives Obituaries.....Johnson, Hattie M. Allen February 8, 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby February 7, 2020, 5:10 am Pratt Daily Tribune (Pratt, KS) Mon Feb 9, 1920 pg 1 Mrs. Hattie Johnson, wife of Lafe Johnson, died yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Fraizer. Mrs. Johnson came here about a week ago from Thomas, New Mexico, for the purpose of taking medical treatment. She was in poor health, and soon took the influenza, the end following after only a few days. Mr. Johnson was sent for but was only able to reach here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson formerly lived near Coats, and are well known by many Pratt county people, all of whom will regret to learn of her death. Funeral services have not yet been arranged. --------------- The Pratt Republican Mon Feb 9, 1920 pg 1 A Sad Death Mrs. A. L. Johnson of Sedan New Mexico, who arrived in town about one week ago to visit her sister, Mrs. J. E. Fraizer, died this morning at 3:30 at the Fraizer apartment. Mrs. Johnson was taken sick with the flu and the disease developed into a dangerous form from which she never rallied. Her husband was notified of her sickness and reached the sick bed of his wife yesterday morning. The funeral services ill be held at her old home in Coats Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. --------------- Pratt Daily Tribune (Pratt, KS) Wed Feb 11, 1920 pg 1 Funeral of Mrs. Johnson The funeral of Mrs. Lafe Johnson of Clayton, New Mexico, was held this afternoon at Coats, conducted by Rev. Geo. W. Wise, pastor of the Baptist church of this city. A short funeral service was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Fraizer, before the procession started for Coats. ---------------- The Pratt Union Thur Feb 12, 1920 pg 6 DEATH OF MRS. JOHNSON Mrs. A. L. Johnson of near Coats came to Pratt recently to take treatment from a physician and staying at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Fraizer. She became worse and passed away Monday morning at 3:30 o'clock. The funeral services were held Wednesday at 2:30 at Coats. The death of Mrs. Johnson recalls the sad story of the death of her parents in Barber county a few years ago when the father was killed outright by a cyclone and the mother injured so badly that she died soon after. Mr. Blankenship, an uncle of the girls took Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Fraizer and they made that their home until they grew to womanhood. Many friends sympathize with Mr. Johnson and the other relatives. Additional Comments: 1920 Sedan, Union, New Mexico A L Johnson 45 OH PA PA Hattie M Johnson 40 KS KS KS --------------- The Supply Republican (Supply, OK) Thur Aug 19, 1915 Mr. McCloud, who practiced medicine at May for several years, but is now located at Hutchinson, KS., was here yesterday visiting his old friend M. W. Phillips. ------------------ The Pratt Republican Thur Apr 18, 1912 pg 10 Miss Hattie Allen was married last Monday to Dr. McCloud of May, Oklahoma. Her many friends in Coats wish her happiness. ------------------ The Pratt Republican Thur Apr 4, 1912 pg 12 Miss Hattie Allen left Wednesday morning for Woodward, Oklahoma where she may locate. ---------------- The Pratt Republican Thur Aug 17, 1911 pg 10 From the Coats Courant Miss Hattie Allen was taken to the hospital in Hutchinson last Thursday to be treated. ------------------ 1910 Grant, Pratt Ks James E Frasure 38 IA IA IA machinist automobile shop Olive B Fraisure 35 KS TX TX Beaulah M Fraisure 15 KS IA KS Harm A Fraisure 8 KS IA KS [Hiram] Hattie M Allen 30 KS TX TX Teacher ------------------ The Pratt Republican Thur Sep 17, 1908 pg 12 Miss Hattie Allen is slowly recovering from an attack of Inflammatory rheumatism. She has been bedfast for several weeks but was able to be moved down to James Frazier's last Sunday. ------------------ Medicine Lodge Cresset Fri Jun 9, 1905 pg 5 Miss Hattie Allen returned from her claim in Oklahoma May 22nd and will spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Frazier. ---------------------- Barber County Index (Medicine Lodge,KS) Wed Feb 17, 1904 pg 8 Our school which was suspended a short time on account of the critical illness of Mrs. Frazier's sister, Miss Hattie Allen, is under progress again. ---------------------- 1900 Turkey Creek, Barber, KS 29-James E Frazier 28 Jul 1871 IA IN IN farmer married 7 years Olive Frazier 25 Dec 1875 KS TX TX Ollie Allen Beulah M Frazier 5 Dec 1894 KS IA KS Albert Frazier 14 Jul 1885 KS IA IA nephew 31-Harriet Allen 21 Feb 1879 KS TX TX sister in law teacher at school 1885 Kansas STATE census Sun City, Barber, KS M E Allen 34 Ark Texas stock raiser William Allen 15 KS Olie Allen 10 KS Hattie Allen 5 KS 1880 Spring Valley, Cherokee, Kansas Benj B. Allen 36 TX TN TN Myram E. Allen 27 Ark Ark Ark William C. Allen 11 KS TX Ark Mary B. Allen 5 KS TX Ark <--Olive B. Allen Hattie M. Allen 5/12 KS TX Ark b. January Submitter is not related and has no further information File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.7 Kb