Russell-Ford-Ellis County KS Archives News.....Arrest of Henry BAUER, alias "Dutch Henry" June 21, 1876 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cic. Stetter November 4, 2007, 10:38 am Hays Sentinel, Hays City, Ellis County, Kansas June 21, 1876 Russell, Kan., June 13, 1876. J. G. WEAKLY, Esq., Sheriff of Russell County, received a dispatch from Dodge City on Monday evening to arrest one Henry BAUER, alias "Dutch Henry," who was then supposed to be on his way here with stolen animals of the equine species in his charge. Sure enough, this notorious character paid us a visit this morning, and was soon after confronted by the sheriff, who, with one hand on his shoulder and a revolver pointing at his head, exclaimed: "You are my prisoner!" Quicker than a flash of lightning, "Dutch Henry" brought his left hand down on the sheriff's revolver, partially succeeded in drawing his own revolver, when one David AUER, taking in the situation at a glance, seized his right arm; even then "Dutch Henry" was trying to bring his revolver to bear on the sheriff without drawing it from its holster, when as he still refused to surrender, the sheriff stabbed him in the left side just below the heart, making a dangerous but not necessarily fatal wound. He now lies at the Court House under guard, who will take every precaution to see that he does not escape. At time of writing he looks more like a corpse than a live man. In the scuffle, incidental to his arrest, Mr. AUER received a bad cut in his left arm, making a very painful but not serious wound. "Dutch Henry's" revolver, as shown your correspondent, is a murderous looking weapon, of one-half inch bore, Colt's patent. The animals consisted of two horses and two mules were recovered. June 13, 11:30 P. M.--An attempt was made a few minutes ago to assassinate "Dutch Henry," as he lay wounded in "his little bed" at the sheriff's office. Some four or five shots were fired, none of which took effect; the prisoner took it very cooly. He has improved rapidly to-day, and the friends of Judge Lynch are afraid he will escape punishment. J. G. W. --Ellsworth Reporter Additional Comments: Source: Hays Sentinel, Hays City, Ellis County, Kansas; Wednesday, June 21, 1876; Volume 3 No. 17, page 1 column 6. Microfilm available at Hays Public Library; filmed 1960 by/for Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb