NEWSPAPERS: Topeka Daily Capital - 1924 Dontated by: Susie Hastings July 06, 2002 See copyright notice at end of file. =========================================== Source: Topeka Daily Capital 8-22-1924 p.14 KSHS T-251 Meriden Send items for this column to P. O. Box 36 or phone Meriden 45. Mrs. Paul MOSER and daughter, Ulista Jean, and son, Paul, Jr., of Topeka came Tuesday afternoon for a three weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant McLUCAS. Paul has gone to New York on a business trip for the Warren M. Crosby Dry Goods store, where has [sic] is employed. While in the East, he will visit his uncle, John LYNCH, and his cousin Tony LYNCH, and family at Fairbanks, Pa. The LYNCH family were residents of Meriden for many years. The Shawnee County Pomona Grange met Tuesday with the Muddy Creek Grange for their annual picnic in the grove on the Seals School grounds. About 100 persons gathered for the big feast at noon and many more came afterward for the program which was given out of doors under the shade trees. O. F. WHITNEY of the Indian Creek Grange and Master of Pomona was in charge. Mrs. Doris YORK, lady assistant steward of the state Grange, gave a couple of readings. Addresses were given by J. B. McMULLEN, state master, and W. W. Deal of Idaho, who is the national Grange chaplain and also master of the state Grange of Idaho. A short talk was given by Link NELSWANGER of Silver Lake, who is the Republican candidate for state representative from his district. He represents the Prairie Grange. W. L. LEAVERTON, county deputy of Jefferson county, represented the Pleasant View Grange of his county. There were two Granges from Jefferson county represented, the Pleasant View and the Mt. Pleasant, and eight of Shawnee county, namely: Wakarusa, Berryton, Oak, Indian Creek, Shawnee, Muddy Creek, Prairie and Highland Park. Mrs. S. V. ALLEN entertained a company of little people Monday afternoon in honor of the birthday anniversaries of her small sons, Junior and Otto WADE. Mrs. ALLEN was assisted by Mrs. L. E. RAY and Miss Grace BROWN. Guests were: Chloe ANDERSON, Verdabel GAY, Gilbert and William RIDDLE, Lucille BROWN, Gerald STANLEY, Florence and Mary Katherine GREEN, Lawrence and Eugene CROWLEY, Gerladine PRESTON, Verna BROWN, Betty and Jack ADAMS, Donald RAY, Clarence GATES and Berylene SKEET. Grownups from out of town attending were: Mrs. A. A. ALLEN of Williamstown, and Mr. and Mrs. SKEET of Lawrence, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy GATES and sons, Gordon and Kenneth, of Herrington, came Tuesday evening for a few days visit with his brother, the Rev.. Guy GATES, and his sister, Mrs. Ed LANGSTON, and their families. They came her from Topeka, where they visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George [the rest is missing] =================================================== Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archive Project ( and by the KSGenWeb Archive Project USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.