Stanton County KSArchives - Stanton County Cemetery, O - Z Surnames ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Oz ************************************************ Stanton County Cemetery Stanton County, Kansas ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== O'Bryan Donald Eugene Dec. 1, 1949 Jun. 13, 1979 11-43-11 1st. Lt. Us Army Vietnam M: Judy K. Aug 13, 1967 O'Bryan Helen (Pizel) . Oct. 7, 1916 . 6-30-5 Same Stone As Lester O'Bryan Jared Allen Apr. 29, 1973 Dec. 19, 1994 11-43-12 Son Matthew Born Feb 3, 1993 O'Bryan Judy (Herron) K Dec. 2, 1949 . 11-43-10 M: Donald Aug 13, 1967 Children Stacy, Jared Same Stone As Donald O'Bryan Lester . . . 6-30-4 Same Stone As Helen Umg O'Donnell Russell . Dec. 9, 1917 Feb. 5, 2005 . . Olivas Aaron Michael Sep. 16, 1991 Dec. 24, 1992 11-37-4 Our Son" Owen Ida (Wartman) Mae Jan. 17, 1913 Apr. 19, 1938 7-20-1 Daughter Of F.A. Wartman ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Partida Consuelo . Jan. 7, 1924 Oct. 25, 1982 11-38-9 Madre Partida Tomas . Mar. 7, 1930 Feb. 5, 1993 11-38-8 Padre Pauls Irvin M Jun. 21, 1928 Aug. 26, 1985 11-31-2 Same Stone As Rosella "Jesus Said He That Believeth In Me...." Pauls Rosella (Martens) S Feb. 12, 1935 . 1-31-1 Same Stone As Irvin Pearce Ellen Caroline Aug. 8, 1855 May. 25, 1937 5-17-2 . Pearce Florence (Womble) Maude . . 5-14-2 Same Stone As J. Luther Pearce Fannie (Milburn) E Feb. 21, 1903 Mar. 3, 1980 11-33-9 Our Loving Mother And Grandmother" Pearce Jan . Mar. 14, 1963 Oct. 27, 1997 11-34-4 . Pearce J Luther . . 5-14-3 Same Stone As Maude Pearce Kate . Aug. 30, 1893 Aug. 15, 1979 10-26-1 . Pearce Lois Janette Mar. 14, 1963 Oct. 27, 1990 11-34-4 On Earth In Heaven" To Our Jan Pearce Lucille . . . 5-14-1 Daughter Pearce Willard R Apr. 9, 1886 Jul. 19, 1968 10-26-2 . Pearson Bessie Maude . . 6-53-1 . Pearson Orlin Dewayne . . 6-53-2 . Peck Alice Lenore Nov. 23, 1903 Feb. 20, 1988 11-17-12 In God's Care" Same Stone As Lonnie Peery Ernest . Apr. 17, 1869 Jun. 28, 1947 5-55-1 . Peery Laura M May 21, 1879 Dec. 27, 1969 5-55-2 . Peery Vincent Ashby Jul. 30, 1906 Feb. 9, 1995 5-55-3 . Peterson Candice Jean Jul. 18, 1950 Oct. 27, 1962 9-13-3 Same Family Stone As Charles R. & J. Pauline Footstone Peterson Charles Ralph Dec. 14, 1948 Dec. 14, 1948 6-24-1 . Peterson Charles R. . . 9-13-5 M: Aug 16, 1942 J. Pauline Same Stone Peterson J Pauline . . 9-13-4 Same Stone As Charles R. & Candice Peterson Michael James Jul. 28, 1945 Apr. 15, 1987 8-16-5 Husband Of Sally Father Of: Brant & Brian Phillips Jake . . . 8-31-3 No Stone Phillips William K Sep. 16, 1900 Jul. 6, 1968 8-31-4 Pvt. Engineers Wwii Pitts Helen . Jan. 19, 1918 Jul. 29, 1985 11-11-12 . Pizel Alma . . . 6-30-2 Same Stone As William Pizel William J . . 6-30-1 Same Stone As Alma Plummer Andrea Shannon Jan. 12, 1960 Aug. 9, 1991 7-57-1 Footstone Plummer Bonnie D Loura . . 7-57-5 . Plummer Jeanette (Martin) Pauline Jul. 3, 1903 Jan. 14, 1990 7-57-2 . Plummer Paul Eugene Nov. 5, 1899 Feb. 14, 1974 7-57-3 . Plummer Samuel L May. 13, 1933 Jun. 13, 1970 7-57-4 Footstone Plummer Warren W Mar. 26, 1903 Sep. 26, 1964 10-60-1 . Pointer Merle . Jul. 18, 1907 Nov. 8, 1919 6-25-1 . Porter Charles Jr. A . . 8-52-4 Flight Instructor 308th Aafftd Wwii Footstone Porter Glen I . . 11-46-4 Brother Porter Hobert . . . 7-44-2 Same Stone As Millie Porter Millie . . . 7-44-1 Same Stone As Hobert Porter Ronny Dee . . 8-52-5 Footstone Porter Wanita (Myers) G . . 8-52-3 Footstone Posey Leola P Aug. 3, 1892 Sep. 11,1986 5-33-2 M: William July 6, 1913 Same Stone Posey William S Nov. 25, 1888 May. 25, 1941 5-33-1 Same Stone As Leola Potter Arthur L . . 6-51-2 . Potter Harry E. . . 6-51-3 . Potter Stella M . . 6-51-1 . Privett Jimmy . Dec. 10, 1975 Dec. 10, 1975 9-45-2 No Marker Pullins Frank . . . 8-7-5 Same Stone As Opal Pullins Opal . . . 8-7-4 Same Stone As Frank Puyear Linda Lou Dec. 20, 1941 . 10-37-3 Footstone "Earth Hath No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal" Puyear Ophelya . Aug. 7, 1899 Nov. 19, 1974 10-37-2 Eastern Star Footstone M: Oct 8, 1921 Puyear Walter Raleigh May 19, 1897 May. 27, 1967 10-37-1 Ks Cpl 1 Co. Depot Brig Wwi Footstone "His Life Has Left A ..." ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Ralstin Alverta Elene Jan. 0, 1946 Jan. 0, 1946 7-27-3 . Ralstin Freeman H Apr. 24, 1895 Sep. 17, 1945 7-27-1 . Ralstin Mary . Jan. 25, 1906 Apr. 1, 1973 7-27-2 . Ramirez Isabel . Jun. 25, 1986 Jun. 26, 1986 11-27-12 Newborn Ramirez Alby (Infant) . Sep. 25, 1992 Sep. 25, 1992 11-22-7 . Ramsay Alfred . May. 14, 1904 May. 5, 1988 10-3-2 M: Gladys July 28, 1925 Same Stone Ramsay Coralee "Corky" A Mar. 31, 1940 . 10-3-4 Same Stone As Curtis Maiden Name Marshall Ramsay Curtis A Sept. 23, 1940 Dec. 12, 1989 10-3-3 M: Coralee Aug 5, 1962 Children Marylee, Kerilyn Ramsay Gladys (Edmisson) . Sept. 25, 1904 Dec. 22, 1982 10-3-1 Same Stone As Alfred Raney Carl "Tag" Edward Jun., 18, 1927 Jan. 17, 1989 8-6-5 . Reece Michael Vernon Nov. 24, 1961 Oct. 31, 1982 8-44-4 Bt3 Us Navy "Beloved Son & Brother" Reynolds Carol Louise May. 10, 1934 Jun. 24, 1934 8-11-5 . Reynolds Chas . . . 8-20-2 Corpl. Co. A 71 A. Inf. Reynolds James B Mar. 27, 1858 . 8-20-3 Same Stone As Sadie Reynolds Maria . . . 8-20-1 . Reynolds Sadie (Aller) L May. 6, 1875 . 8-20-4 Same Stone As James Rhinehart Mary "Peggy' Alice Jun. 4, 1904 Jul. 16, 1978 9-50-4 M: July 29, 1923 Rhinehart Owen "Dutch" . Nov. 26, 1902 Sep. 23, 1986 9-50-5 Same Stone As Mary Richard Donnie Lynn . May. 1, 1951 8-38-4 Footstone Son Of H & L Richard Homer B Oct. 11, 1901 Nov 10 1990 8-38-2 Footstone Richard Lucille R Mar. 25, 1907 . 8-38-3 Footstone Richard Mary A. Jun. 1922 Jun. 1922 6-34-1 . Roark Luella G . . 9-19-1 Mother Roark Waldo W . . 9-19-2 Father Rocha Twins" . Apr. 1995 Apr. 1995 11-7-12 . Rodriguez Ernest S Aug. 14, 1959 Dec. 19, 1980 11-35-11 . Rodriguez Rosario S Sep. 29, 1942 May. 12, 1990 11-35-10 Mom Rogers Richard Dean . . 9-49-4 Pvt. Us Army Vietnam Rorick Gary Don . . 9-28-5 Farmer Son Rorick Lana Melane Mar. 29, 1969 Mar. 31, 1969 9-29-1 Littlest Angel" Rorick Lanny . Jul. 11, 1950 Jul. 11, 1950 7-37-5 Son Of Elmer & Carmen Rorick Leander "Lee" Dewitt Aug. 14, 1858 Jul. 6, 1934 5-8-1 Same Stone As Sarah Rorick Sarah (Falkingham) Ann May 14, 1866 Feb. 2, 1956 5-8-2 Same Stone As Leander Rorick Vera (Fleming) J . . 9-28-2 Mother Same Stone As Wesley Rorick Wesley D . . 9-28-1 Father M: Feb 19, 1913 Ross Violet May Apr. 1, 1907 Jul. 25, 1907 8-10-5 . Rourk Oran C May 30, 1897 May. 6, 1981 5-33-5 Cga In Circle Rousset Refugio J Oct. 26, 1893 Oct. 23, 1983 11-31-8 You Live In Our Hearts" Ruth Verle Elwood May. 9, 1911 May. 31, 1972 10-21-2 Mason Same Stone As Vila "Each Toll Is Laid Aside" Ruth Vila (Dimitt) Alene Jul. 26, 1914 . 10-21-1 Eastern Star Same Stone As Verle ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Sainlar Donald Robert Jun. 3, 1953 Jul. 25, 1982 8-49-2 . Sainler Joyce (Ellis) Arlene Nov. 12, 1918 . 8-49-3 Arrowhead Picture On Stone Sanchez Beatriz . . . 11-36-2 Same Stone As Ernesto Sanchez Domingo F Jan. 16, 1947 Sep. 1, 1981 11-30-7 M: Mary; August 22, 1970 Sanchez Ernesto . Nov. 7, 1917 Sept. 20, 1995 11-36-3 . Sanchez Mary . Apr. 15, 1943 . 11-30-8 M: Domingo; August 22, 1970 Santoya Gloria G Oct. 2, 1982 Oct. 2, 1982 11-6-8 Our Precious Baby" Saylor Roland J. Apr. 2, 1905 Jan. 7, 1994 8-32-3 . Scheferkort Linda Marie . . 11-31-9 Our Angel" Scheferkort William James Apr. 17, 1926 Apr. 30, 1988 11-31-10 Husband Cross With Rosary Schreck Quinn Renay Nov. 14, 1963 Nov. 15, 1963 9-33-3 . Schroeder Gracie L . . 5-27-1 . Schroeder Louis A . . 5-27-2 . Schweizer Lavina (Wooley) C Apr. 2, 1932 Feb. 20, 1996 11-40-1 M: Nov 30, 1946--Children Linda, Peggy, John,Clifford, Joetta Schweizer Ralph Sr. Clifford Jan. 1, 1922 Oct. 2, 1982 11-40-2 Rest Of Children: Cecilia, Tony Same Stone As Lavina Schweizer Ralph Jr. Clifford Jun. 16, 1954 Sep. 25, 1979 11-40-4 . Scott Buell . Oct. 16, 1886 Dec. 11, 1975 6-24-4 Same Stone As Lotta Scott Buford . Jan. 1, 1920 Oct. 4, 1988 11-34-8 Dad Scott Glenda (Posey) E Oct 11, 915 . 5-33-3 M: Ray March 2, 1940 Same Stone Scott Lotta . Jun. 13, 1892 Jun. 11, 1971 6-24-3 Same Stone As Buell Scott Ray . Apr. 29, 1911 Nov. 10, 1987 5-33-4 Same Stone As Glenda Scrivner Marie (Hoffman) . Nov. 1, 1903 Apr. 26, 1993 10-69-1 . Scrivner Robert "Bob" M Aug. 29, 1931 Mar. 29, 1990 11-38-2 Footstone Ssgt. Us Marine Korea Scrivner Ruby (Mckedy) L Apr. 18, 1933 . 11-38-1 M: Robert Nov 25, 1954 Children: Curtis, Bobbie, Terri, Betty Jo Scrivner Wesley "Sim" S Feb. 20, 1968 Sep. 17, 1968 10-69-2 Ks Pvt. Us Marine Corp Footstone Seyb Bernice (Lusk) L Jan. 13, 1920 . 9-9-2 Same Stone As Thomas F. Seyb Laurence C Jan. 9, 1911 Jan. 23, 1993 9-9-5 M: Martha A Seyb Martha (Letkeman) A Oct. 15, 1909 May. 31, 1991 9-9-4 M: Aug 12, 1936 Laurence Seyb Samuel . Feb. 9, 1959 Feb. 9, 1959 9-9-1 Our Baby Samuel Seyb" Seyb Thomas F Jan. 7, 1916 Nov. 7, 1991 9-9-3 M: May 15, 1942 Bernice Footstone Lt. Us Navy Wwii Shaw Faye . . . 8 No Stone Shaw J. Frank . . 9-12-2 Sasme Stone As L Faye Shaw Jacob L May 21, 1852 Nov. 22, 1940 8-31-1 Same Stone As Laura Shaw L. Faye . . 9-12-3 Same Stone As J. Frank Shaw Laura Josephine Feb. 4, 1861 Nov. 4, 1934 8-32-2 Same Stone As Jacob Shelite Wilma L May. 14, 1928 May. 14, 1928 9-33-4 . Shellenberger Evaline . . . 7-24-4 Same Stone As John Shellenberger James R . . 7-24-2 . Shellenberger John M . . 7-24-3 Same Stone As Evaline Shellenberger Paul M . . 7-24-1 Gone But Not Forgotten" Shepard Cecil C Feb. 2, 1914 Apr. 1, 1987 8-40-4 Same Stone As Thelma Shepard Charles Amos Sep. 25, 1887 Aug. 1958 7-26-3 Same Stone As Maggie Shepard Charles Roger Oct. 27, 1938 Jun. 21, 1953 8-40-3 . Shepard Faleta (Parker) Marshiell Aug. 16, 1921 . 7-35-1 M: Virgil Jan 1, 1941 Same Stone Shepard Maggie (Ralston) Wichita Mar. 11, 1890 Oct. 18, 1947 7-26-4 Same Stone As Charles Shepard Rosemary M Jul. 9, 1929 Jul. 9, 1929 7-26-5 Baby Shepard Thelma C Jun. 11, 1915 Dec. 11, 1952 8-40-5 Same Stone As Cecil Shepard Virgil Amos Jan. 14, 1921 . 7-35-2 Same Stone As Faleta Sheppard Leslie Danielle Oct. , 1987 Oct. 5, 1987 11-1-11 . Sherwood Alvin E Aug. 11, 1867 Oct. 13,1940 8-39-3 . Sherwood Jim "Baby" . Sep. 22, 1924 Aug. 1, 1925 8-39-1 Baby Son Of A.L. & Laura Sherwood Lois D Jul. 17, 1938 Oct. 19, 1938 8-39-4 . Sherwood Olive M Aug. 30, 1876 Dec. 5, 1935 8-39-2 . Shironaka Fracia . Feb. 1, 1929 . 10-75-1 Same Stone As Herbert Footstone Shironaka Herbert . Apr. 21, 1930 Jul. 26, 1976 70-75-2 Same Stone As Fracia Footstone Shore Ione (Herrick) . May 17, 1916 . 11-5-5 Parents Of: Eugene, Glen, Harold, Carmen Same Stone As John Shore John Glenwood Aug. 30, 1914 Feb. 4, 1981 11-5-6 Same Stone As Ione Shore Randall Ray Mar. 21, 1958 Jan. 21, 2006 . S/O Eugene and Janet Raney Shore Short John Jr. Scott Dec. 9, 1966 . 9-4-5 Son Of John & Darlene Short Simpson Floyd M Jun. 4, 1904 Jan. 4, 1972 10-20-2 Dad Sipes Luella M. Sept 26 1912 . 4-13-4 Same Stone As Glenn Sipes Glenn R. May. 5, 1908 Jun. 7, 1994 4-13-5 M: Luella June 11, 1935 Skutte Austra . Jul. 30, 1908 Feb. 19. 1972 10-21-4 Same Stone As Otto "Love Can Never Lose Its Own" Skutte Otto . Apr. 9, 1907 . 10-21-5 Same Stone As Austra Smith Charles Arthur Apr. 14, 1910 Oct. 24, 1969 10-41-2 M: Mary T. Dec 9 1931-32 Degree Mason Footstone Smith Elizabeth . . . 10-23-4 Mother Maiden Name Hargrove Smith Ida (Worthington) M . . 5-41-1 . Smith Kester L Mar. 6, 1911 Aug. 31, 1985 11-8-5 Same Stone As Orrin Smith Mary T Mar. 2, 1912 . 10-41-1 Eastern Star--Same Stone As Charles Smith Octavia "Tavy" R Feb. 21, 1921 . 5-40-3 Eastern Star Same Stone As Walter R. Smith Orrin N Jun. 1, 1904 Aug. 16, 1985 11-8-6 Same Stone As Kester Smith Richard L Jun. 9, 1943 Jul. 6, 1943 5-40-2 . Smith Robert G . . 5-41-5 . Smith Robert O . . 5-41-4 . Smith Robert Mylo Oct. 22, 1916 Nov. 6, 1982 9 No Stone Smith Stanton M. Jun. 25,1909 Aug. 30, 1992 5-41-2 Us Army Wwii Smith Walter "Buzz" R Sep. 29, 1917 Oct. 31, 1989 5-40-4 Same Stone As Octavia Smoot Mary J Oct. 17, 1881 Mar. 26, 1957 8-32-1 Same Stone As Wade H. Smoot Wade H Apr. 26, 1877 Jul. 11, 1967 8-32-2 Same Stone As Mary J. Smyrl Charlie . Jun. 4, 1906 Oct. 13, 1981 11-1-1 . Snell Flora (Cox) E Dec. 19, 1895 Mar. 5, 1990 10-46-1 Mother Together 50 Years Same Stone As Frank Snell Frank A Dec. 23, 1893 Jul. 29, 1969 10-46-2 Father Same Stone As Flora Snell Tryggvi Vance Dec. 12, 1983 Dec. 12, 1983 10-46-5 Son Of Robert & Susan Snider Gertrude S . . 6-47-4 Same Stone As Leo Snider Leo C . . 6-47-5 Same Stone As Gertrude Snyder Lorraine (Dye) . Jul. 14, 1933 Apr. 23, 1995 10-50-3 . Solter Edith G Feb. 1, 1896 Mar. 21, 1977 10-44-4 Same Stone As Harry Ministers Of The Gospel Solter Harry L Dec. 16, 1891 May. 9, 1975 10-44-5 Cook Us Army Wwi Footstone Same Stone As Edith G Sosa Juana D . . 8-14-4 Mother Speck Leota (Ray) . Aug. 30, 1907 Jan. 25, 1990 10-52-2 Big Family Stone M:Richard Nov. 30, 1925 Children: Carmen Ray Speck Richard Marion Apr. 21, 1902 Oct. 14, 1967 10-52-3 Same Stone Rest Of Children Marion Lee Spires Joseph Blanchard . . 6-16-4 Son Of Of Joseph & Abigail Footstone Spires Mary Ellen . . 6-16-3 Dau. Of Maggie & George L. Same Footstone St. John Jim . Sep. 3, 1909 Jul. 26, 1973 6-58-2 Tec 5 Us Army Wwii Mechanic Footstone-Son St. John Josie . . . 6-58-4 Mother St. John Roy M . . 6-58-5 Father Stahl R.T. . . . 6-45-1 . Staker Carl C Jan. 13, 1909 Sep. 11, 1974 10-55-2 M: Retta June 21, 1931 Same Stone As Retta Staker Retta Lorraine Mar. 5, 1911 . 10-55-1 Sane Stone As Carl Stallings Ronald Wayne Oct. 9, 1965 Oct. 10, 1965 9-45-1 Son Of Jerry & Shirley Stallings Stanton Bryce Alan May. 12, 1960 Aug. 15, 1995 11-38-5 . Stanton Helen (Singley) . . . 10-74-2 M: Lester Aug 12, 1925 Stanton Lester . . . 10-74-1 F2 Us Navy Wwi Mason Stanton Rodney Lynn Mar. 19, 1950 Aug. 20, 1986 11-43-3 Hm3 Us Navy Vietnam Stanton Tamara (Jones) Sue Nov. 16, 1964 Aug. 15, 1995 4-29-5 . Stanton Tommy . . . 11-38-6 . Stegman Mattie M Jan. 5, 1922 Jun. 13, 1970 10-20-5 . Stephenson Brook Allen Nov. 13, 1986 Mar. 13, 1990 6-60-2 Son Of Carroll & Kyla; Grandson Of Troy & Beth Sadler, Erie Stephenson Stepp Harley Irene Dec. 19, 1898 Aug. 25, 1958 7-16-4 Unmarked Cement Stone Stepp Lowell 'Johnny' G Sep. 28, 1944 Sep. 10, 1959 7-16-3 . Stewart Hobart V Jun. 10, 1921 Apr. 19, 1985 9-47-4 Big Family Stone: "Lo, I Am With You.." Mason Footstone Stewart Leona B . . 7-49-1 Mother Stewart Lillie J Dec. 25, 1899 Mar. 14, 1993 9-47-2 Family Stone; "Lo, I Am With You.." Eastern Star Footsone Stewart Majorie (Barlow) L Apr. 4, 1926 . 9-47-5 Same Stone As Lillie Stewart Virgil C Mar. 18, 1900 Dec. 29, 1963 9-47-1 Same Stone As Hobert Stoltz Max A Sep.2, 1877 Jul. 1, 1953 5-29-5 Same Stone As Zelma Stoltz Zelma A Jan. 25, 1902 Oct. 25, 1974 5-29-4 Same Stone As Max Storey Clarence E . . 6-40-3 Pvt. Us Army Wwii Storey Claud W . . 6-40-5 . Storey Verna M . . 6-40-4 . Stuckman Gladys (Storey) Marie Jun. 13, 1931 Nov. 8, 1969 10-22-5 Mother Stultz Tommy Joe Sept. 25, 1943 Sept. 7, 1996 7-6-5 . Summer George Harris Nov. 25, 1933 Jul. 27, 1955 9-2-3 . Summer Lenora (Broyles . Aug. 28, 1914 . 9-2-5 M; Oct 24, 1930 Same Stone As Paul Summer Paul . Dec. 12, 1907 Jun. 27, 1981 9-2-4 Same Stone As Lenora Summer "Baby" . Jan. 30, 1959 Jan. 30, 1959 9-1-2 Baby Daughter Of Eugene & Norma Svoboda Letha . . Nov. 29, 1999 . Age 89 ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Tallman Earl E . . 9-48-2 Husband Taylor David Sr. Randolph Feb. 22, 1912 Dec. 23, 1976 10-76-2 M: Edna Nov 21, 1936 Same Stone Taylor Edna Lucille Jun. 7, 1919 Feb. 3, 1990 10-76-1 Same Stone As David Terry Twins" . . . 8-54-2 No Stone Thompson Halcie H Sep. 5, 1905 Jul. 26, 1995 5-22-4 Same Stone As Henry Thompson Henry W Jun. 16, 1878 Oct. 19, 1974 5-22-5 Same Stone As Halcie Thrush George R . . 5-19-3 International Union Operators Equipment Thrush Gladys . . . 5-54-2 Same Stone As Wesley Thrush Patrica Jean Oct. 31, 1934 Aug. 20, 1935 5-19-1 . Thrush Wesley M . . 5-54-1 Same Stone As Gladys Toole Howard Oliver Oct. 18, 1905 May. 28, 1975 10-6-5 Father Children: Narrie, Oliver, Micheal Footstone Same As Leone Toole Leone (Starks) . Aug. 28, 1923 Dec. 17, 1990 10-6-4 Mother Same As Howard Footstone "To Live In Hearts...." Trostle Bernice (Mcclellan) I Jul. 13, 1908 Dec. 1, 1996 9-21-3 Same Stone As Raymond Trostle Raymond H Oct. 10, 1905 Feb. 14, 1991 9-21-4 M: May 27, 1931 Bernice Same Stone Troutman Grant D Jul. 4, 1900 Dec. 3, 1969 10-29-4 Footstone Troutman Mike . Sep. 2, 1943 Dec. 3, 1969 10-32-1 Ks Pfc Us Army Footstone Troutman Verda E Dec. 4, 1906 Jan. 12, 1972 10-29-5 Footstone Tucker Constance J Aug. 12, 1951 Aug. 13, 1951 8-27-2 Same Lot As Velma Irene Tucker Herman . . . 8-27-4 Same Stone As Luella Tucker Herman, Jr. Lawrence Nov. 18, 1922 Sep. 26, 2005 . S/O Herman Lawrence Sr. and Luella Warren Tucker Tucker Kenneth R Nov. 29, 1926 Mar. 21, 1989 11-23-5 M: Naomi Feb 28, 1950 Flt Footstone Cpl. Us Army Wwii Tucker Larry . Oct. 30, 1952 Oct. 29, 1955 8-13-5 . Tucker Luella . . . 8-27-3 Same Stone As Herman Tucker Noami M Feb, 28, 1930 . 11-23-6 Same Stone As Kenneth Tucker Stan . Jun. 23, 1951 Apr. 18, 1961 8-13-4 . Tucker Velma Irene Apr. 12, 1914 Jul. 25, 1920 8-27-1 Dau. Of Herman & Luella---Same Lot As Constance J. Tucker Wendell O Jan. 22, 1927 May. 21, 1977 8-13-3 . Tuggle Milas "Mike" W Mar. 29, 1906 Mar. 1, 1995 7-55-5 M: May 12, 1945 Same Stone As Ruby Tuggle Ruby (Hilty) S Apr. 11, 1916 . 7-55-4 Same Stone As Milas ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Ulery Cleo C . . 5-12-1 Son Of Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Ulery Footstone Ulery Ida (Rennie) L . . 5-12-3 Mother Wife Of Robert Ulery Ulery Robert W . . 5-12-2 Father Footstone ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Van Borst Vernon . . . . In Old Section, Died Of Dust Pneumonia About 13 Years Old Van Cleve Levi J. Jun. 8, 1894 Jul. 26, 1943 6-48-5 . Van Hooser Earl Sr. Allen . . 10-7-3 Father Van Hooser Mary Joan . . 10-7-4 Mother Vanarsdal Goldia Bell Jun. 16, 1894 Sep. 12, 1977 10-15-4 Same Stone As James Vanarsdal James Estell Feb. 8, 1894 Feb. 28, 1971 10-15-5 In. Pvt. Engineers Wwi Footstone Same Stone As Goldia Van Egmond Don L Jan. 6, 1960 Jan. 6, 1960 7-38-1 Budded On Earth To Bloom In Heaven" Vanmeter Charles E . . 5-36-2 Same Stone As Laura Vanmeter Laura E . . 5-36-1 Same Stone As Charles Von Hemel Alta (Watson) Beatrice Jan. 1 1917 Nov. 23, 1990 11-31-6 M:Augusta Sept 21, 1932 Their Picture On Stone Von Hemel Augusta "Buck" Ross Feb. 18, 1914 Apr. 24, 1991 11-31-5 Same Stone As Alta Von Hemel Baby" . . . 7-38-1 No Stone Von Hemel Bessie L . . 7-38-4 . Von Hemel Billy . Jun. 13, 1919 Oct. 18, 1981 7-38-3 . Von Hemel Henry . May. 29, 1908 May. 28, 1989 11-26-2 Same Stone As Lois P Von Hemel Lois P . . 11-26-1 Same Stone As Henry Von Hemel Peat . . . 7-38-2 . ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Walker Bessie . . . 5-10-3 . Walker Donna (Shorter) M.E. Aug. 23, 1932 . 6-59-5 M: Sep 14, 1949 Travis Same Stone Walker Emma L Dec. 21, 1904 . 9-34-1 Wife- Mother Same Stone As Forrest Walker Forrest O Sep. 8, 1901 Dec. 1, 1961 9-34-2 Husband- Father Same Stone As Emma Walker Travis H Sept. 8, 1928 Oct. 17, 1992 6-59-4 Same Stone As Donna Walker William M . . 5-10-2 . Wallace Seymore Albert . . 5-13-2 . Walters Lurie . . . 7-5-5 Son Of T.C. & Margaret Footstone Warnock Calvin I Feb. 24, 1940 Jan. 23, 1964 9-44-1 M: Jun 8, 1958 Darlene Parents Of: Natasha, Winelda, Dallas Warnock Darline . . . 9-44-2 . Wartman Calvin D . . 7-19-4 . Wartman Cortland C. Mar. 10, 1909 Jul. 21, 1965 9-19-5 . Wartman Emily Agartha Sep. 13, 1916 . 4-4-4 M: Nov 17, 1935 Eastern Star/Rebekah Lodge Bench Wartman Fred E. Mar 4, 1877 Nov. 26, 1960 7-20-3 Husband-Father Same Stone As Pearl Mae Wartman J A Jan 10, 1839 Sep. 15, 1911 7-19-1 . Wartman Jane Emery Jan 26, 1849 Nov. 5, 1905 7-19-2 Wife Of J.A. Born Ontario Canado Wartman John Steele . Jan. 14, 1986 4-4-5 M: Nov 17, 1935 Shriners Bench Ioof Same As Emily A Wartman Pearl Mae June 18, 1881 Feb. 5, 1980 7-20-2 Wife Mother Same Stone As Fred Watson Chlorene (Watkins) B Sep. 12, 1914 Apr. 6, 1991 11-33-1 Daughter Same Stone As Josephene & Ross Watson Josephine . Mar. 21, 1896 Jun. 13, 1990 11-33-2 M: Ross Dec 25, 1912 Same Stone As Chlorene & Ross Watson Minnie L Nov. 17, 1928 . 11-32-8 . Watson Ross Q Aug. 27, 1890 May 22, 1982 11-33-3 Same Stone As Josephine & Chlorene Watson Ross Jr. . Aug. 29, 1921 Apr. 15, 1986 11-32-7 Sgt. Us Army Wwii Footstone Webb Esther Bessie Sep. 15, 1885 Jul. 6, 1966 8-40-2 Same Stone As James C. Webb Etta M . . 7-59-5 Mother Webb Huldah M . . 9-8-4 Same Stone As James L. Webb James C Sep. 18, 1894 Apr. 29, 1976 8-40-1 Same Stone As Esther B. Webb James L . . 9-8-5 Same Stone As Huldah M. Whaley Rachel Kae . Jan. 9, 2000 . Infant Wheeler Leslie "L.G." G Mar. 16, 1886 Sep. 25, 1973 10-31-1 The World Has Lost A Very Special Person" Whipple Earl E . . 7-36-2 Same Stone As Irma E. Whipple Irma F . . 7-36-3 Same Stone As Earl Whipple Joe H . . 7-36-5 At Rest In Peace Whitley Don 'Mike" . Nov. 8, 1932 . 11-10-12 Same Stone As Phyllis Whitley Phyllis A Nov. 19, 1938 . 11-10-11 Same Stone As Don Whittington Auburn E Oct. 12, 1902 Nov. 16, 1969 10-65-2 Father Reverend "Holding Forth The Word Of Life" Same As Meda Whittington Meda W May. 24, 1909 . 10-65-1 Mother Same Stone As Auburn Wiens Betty (Hargrove) . Nov. 14, 1933 Sep. 21, 1985 10-23-3 M: Bob Feb 18, 1953 Children: Teresa, Jim, Randy, Sam Wile Mcclelan . . . 8-60-1 . Wilkerson Alma Ruth Jan. 7, 1917 Jul. 27, 1970 10-33-4 Mother Same Stone As William "For Me To Live In Christ" Wilkerson Alvin "Bud" Emery Aug. 9, 1933 Jul. 16, 1996 11-41-9 M: Jan. 23, 1954 Wilkerson Charles "Chuck" C Apr. 28, 1908 Feb. 15, 1991 11-41-5 Same Stone As Nellie Wilkerson Clifford L Sep. 22, 1961 Sep. 23, 1979 11-41-10 Son Wilkerson Clyde W . . 5-25-2 M: April 8, 1906 Same Stone As Flora Wilkerson Donice Shirley . . 11-41-8 . Wilkerson Flora M . . 5-25-3 Same Stone As Clyde Wilkerson Glen . Apr. 23, 1919 . 11-26-6 Parents Of Maxine, Darrel, Gary Same Stone As Hazel Wilkerson Hazel . Apr. 20, 1921 Jan. 12, 1996 11-26-5 M: Glen Jul 3, 1938 Same Stone As Glen Wilkerson Lois M . . 10-33-1 Same Stone As Ronald Wilkerson Lydell L Nov. 14, 1936 Dec. 1, 1936 5-25-5 . Wilkerson Nellie . May. 10, 1912 Apr. 10, 1991 11-41-4 Same Stone As Charles Wilkerson Ronald M . . 10-33-2 Same Stone As Lois "I Have Fought A Good Fight" Wilkerson Roy C Jan. 23, 1910 Jan. 9, 1982 11-24-2 M: 1931 Same Stone As Vera Wilkerson Vera E Feb. 10, 1915 . 11-24-1 Same Stone As Roy Wilkerson William "Buck" Myrl Apr. 13, 1915 Jan. 13, 1988 10-33-5 Father Same Stone As Alma Williams Annie Lou May. 25, 193 May. 28, 1969 10-11-3 Wife Of Thomas A. Williams Cecil C May. 16, 1918 Dec.30, 1937 7-25-1 Same Stone As Leroy R. Williams Clayetta Jean Oct. 29, 1930 Sep. 18, 1940 5-35-2 . Williams Daniel . Jul. 22, 1861 Dec. 22, 1896 7-18-4 Same Stone As Solomon Williams Dora E Dec. 6, 1885 Feb. 10, 1931 8-14-2 Handmade Sandstone Badly Damaged Williams Elizabeth . Nov. 18, 1905 Apr. 11, 1996 5-35-3 M: Richard C. Nov 18, 1924 Williams Elizabeth C Jan. 10, 1861 Dec, 21, 1927 7-23-5 . Williams Elmer E Jun. 15, 1911 Feb. 26, 1988 7-23-1 . Williams Ira William Sep. 21, 1909 Oct. 22, 1985 7-23-3 Pfc Us Army Wwii Cross & Circle Williams Leander E Sep. 12, 1881 Mar. 26, 1919 7-23-4 Same Stone As Elizabeth C. Williams Leroy R Feb. 2, 1913 Aug. 4, 1914 7-25-2 Same Stone As Cecil C. Williams Richard C Aug. 27, 1896 Jun. 21, 1979 5-35-4 M: Elizabeth Nov 18, 1924 Pvt. Us Army Wwi Williams Solomon . Jul. 22, 1852 Jun. 23, 1891 7-18-3 Same Stone As Daniel Williamson James A . . 6-45-3 Same Stone As Mary C. Williamson Mary C . . 6-45-4 Same Stone As James Wilshusen Edward C Jun. 13, 1906 Apr. 23, 1968 5-7-5 Sgt. 511 Air Svc Sq Aaf Wwi Wilshusen Florence . . . 5-7-1 Same Stone As John Wilshusen Frank John July 6, 1891 Sept. 10, 1961 5-7-3 Pfc Us Army Wwi Wilshusen Frederick F Mar. 21, 1894 Sep. 8, 1967 5-7-4 Pfc Co. C 10 Ammo Train Wwi Wilshusen John . . . 5-7-2 Same Stone As Florence Wilson Charles D . . 5-31-2 . Wilson Cora Lonie Feb. 10, 1887 Aug. 3, 1967 7-32-3 Mother Wilson Crit Pirtle . . 9-15-1 Father-Footstone Same Stone As Edward Ray Wilson Edgar . May. 31, 1922 May. 31, 1922 6-27-2 . Wilson Edith Lonie May. 25, 1922 Jul. 15, 1923 7-32-1 Daughter Of Leonard & Lonie Wilson Edna . Feb. 24, 1911 Jun. 3, 1997 9-15-2 . Wilson Edward Ray . . 9-15-3 Son Footstone Same Stone As Crit Pirtle Wilson Elsie Mae . . 9-2-2 Wife Same Stone As Virgil L. Wilson Gerald Lee . . 5-31-5 Same Stone As Crit Pirtle Son Footstone Wilson James E . . 8-21-5 . Wilson Leonard A . . 7-32-2 Father Wilson Mary Ellen Sep. 26, 1942 Sep. 26, 1942 5-38-1 Daughter Of Richard & Marjorie Wilson Wilson Mary B . . 5-31-1 . Wilson Richard A Mar. 1, 1921 Jun. 2, 1995 5-38-1 Cpl. Us Army Wwii Wilson Sanford S Jul. 23, 1865 Apr. 5, 1935 7-32-5 . Wilson Virgil L . . 9-2-1 Husband Same Stone As Elsie Mae Winchell Ernest Lee Mar. 7. 1908 Jun. 30, 1911 6-14-5 Son Of C.A. & Alice J. Windmill Emery G Nov. 13, 1907 Jun. 6, 1995 10-67-5 Father Windmill Jewell I May. 1, 1911 Jul. 15, 1972 10-67-4 Mother Winfrey Marvin Dale Sep. 12. 1933 Oct. 16, 1934 5-25-1 Son Of Pearl & Fay Winfrey Mary Faye Oct. 16, 1912 Feb. 6, 1959 5-25-3 . Winger Bessie Helen Feb. 14, 1897 . 8-36-4 M: Clarence Earl Aug 29, 1918 Winger Charles R Feb. 9, 1892 Jul. 20, 1974 8-37-4 M: Deetta Jun 20, 1915 Ioof Winger Clarence Earl Oct. 1, 1894 Feb. 19, 1971 8-36-5 M: Bessie Helen Aug. 29, 1918 Winger Deetta (Moore) . Oct. 20, 1896 Feb. 19, 1984 8-37-3 M: Charles R June 20, 1915 Same Stone As Charles Winger Edwin "Ed" Lee Nov. 1, 1955 Jun. 24, 1993 8-36-1 M: June 3, 1978 Teresa Father Of: Margaret, Elizabeth And Clara Winger Frederick Dale . . 8-34-1 Footstone Winger Nellie (Padget) R. May. 25, 1909 Aug. 18, 1997 8-15-3 . Winger Walter D . . 8-15-4 M: Nellie June 12, 1949 Wise Betty (Posey) Jean Nov. 27, 1930 Dec. 30, 1984 11-39-12 Mother "Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit" Wise Billy "Bill" Gene Apr. 10, 1930 Aug. 15, 1993 11-39-11 Father Same Stone As Betty Wise Patsy (Hale) E Aug. 29, 1928 . 5-52-2 Mother Of Richard, Clayetta, Patsy Jo, Nancy Wolfe Belle . . . 6-23-2 Mother Wolfe John . . . 6-23-3 Father Woody Allice E Feb. 14, 1863 Nov. 30, 1887 7-13-2 Same Stone As Homer Woody H. Orvie . . 7-13-5 Brother Woody Homer . Nov. 3, 1884 Mar. 27, 1887 7-13-3 Same Stone As Allice Woody James W Sep. 21, 1857 Apr. 21, 1887 7-13-4 . Woolery Floyd E Mar. 5, 1915 Jun. 27, 1988 11-16-7 Our Children: Vida, Lois, Wanda Same Stone As Lillian Woolery Lillian A Sep. 22, 1919 . 11-16-8 Same Stone As Floyd Wright Curtis C. Dec. 17, 1955 Jan. 28, 1975 10-42-1 Son Of Gayle And Mary Wright Wright Glen A Aug. 14, 1896 Sep. 19, 1975 10-42-5 M: Nellie V. Nov 29, 1917 Wright Ivan J Sep/ 15, 1918 Apr. 7, 1991 11-23-10 Beloved Father And Grandfather Wright Nellie V Apr. 29, 1897 Feb. 21, 1991 10-42-4 M: Glen Nov. 29, 1917 ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Yeager Sandra Lynn Nov. 24, 1967 Feb. 12, 1971 9-22-1 Daughter Of Jc & Katherine Yinger Finley . Aug. 17, 1855 Dec. 15, 1921 6-35-1 Same Stone As Frances Yinger Frances Ellen Dec. 19, 1857 Jun. 16, 1922 6-35-2 Sames Stone As Finley Yinger John Abrams Aug. 26, 1898 Jun. 28, 1987 6-35-5 . York Clara Edith Jul. 19, 1902 Dec. 22, 1952 8-53-4 Mother York Dorothea (Bass) . Apr. 15, 1927 . 8-12-4 Same Stone As Milo York Glenwood Y May. 1, 1900 Dec. 13, 1977 8-53-5 Father York Milo "Pete" Gale Feb. 13, 1930 Jun. 24, 1996 8-12-5 Same Stone As Dorothea Young Arthur Wesley Sep. 29, 1886 Jun. 9, 1969 10-45-1 Father Tx. Cwt Us Navy Wwi Footstone ============================================================================================================================================================================================== LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE BORN DIED LOCATION COMMENTS ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Zweygardt Melva (Wilson) Linda . . 7-32-4 .