1840 FEDERAL CENSUS INDEX TO ONLINE IMAGES, ALLEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY Copyright 2001 by Joan Ackermann Renfrow (jrenfrow@swbell.net) ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net *********************************************************************** The numbers in this index are the sheet numbers of the 1840 Federal Census of Allen County, Kentucky (for example, index page 0056a is sheet number 0056a). The handwritten census pages themselves can be found on-line in the USGenWeb Archives at http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/allen/census/1840 (for example, page 0056a will be found at http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/allen/census/1840/0056a.gif ). Notes: * All abbreviations were made by the original census enumerator, not by the transcriber. * When the transcriber was in doubt of the handwriting, a "?" was put in place. * Many of the names that appear in this index appear to be phonically spelled by the census enumerator. The names were then typed exactly as originally written. The transcriber has made no attempts at correcting mis-spellings. IT IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED THAT RESEARCHERS LOOK FOR ALL VARIATIONS OF SPELLINGS. Surname, Given Name, page # ? John S 0044a ?iming Elisha 0073a Abbs Jeremiah 0054a Absher Berryman 0047a Absher Mary 0045a Absher Nancy 0045a Agar Jesse R 0058a Agee Saml 0063a Alexander Andrew 0071a Alexander Ang C 0046a Alexander Jas M 0066a Alexander Jno G 0054a Alexander Mark 0054a Alexander Matthew 0066a Alexander Mayben 0066a Alexander Silas 0066a Alexander Washington 0066a Allen Jas R 0058a Allen Lee 0046a Allen Luke P 0055a Allen Thos C 0044a Allen Wm 0058a Allen Wm 0060a Anderson Ann 0049a Anderson Ben 0049a Anderson Catherine 0055a Anderson Frances 0060a Anderson Geo 0076a Anderson James 0065a Anderson John 0055a Anderson John 0063a Anderson Johnathan 0047a Anderson Joseph 0049a Anderson Joseph 0060a Anderson Mark 0064a Anderson Peter 0064a Anderson Peter W 0053a Anderson Rob C 0049a Anderson Rob G 0058a Anderson Sampson 0055a Anderson Samuel 0078a Anthony Elizabeth 0047a Anthony Geo 0045a Anthony Henry S 0046a Anthony Joseph 0044a Ashford Henry 0069a Ashford John 0069a Ashford Thos 0069a Ashley Thomas 0077a Aspley Sam 0060a Atwood James 0053a Atwood Jett 0061a Atwood John 0058a Atwood Lovel 0059a Austin Chas 0072a Austin John 0074a Austin Willis 0063a Austin Wm 0045a Ayres John 0070a Ayres Thos 0062a Baker John W 0064a Barber John 0072a Barber Lewis 0072a Barker Martha 0044a Barnes Joseph 0055a Barton Caleb 0078a Bartow Joseph H 0056a Bass Jeremiah 0078a Baugh John 0074a Baush Davis 0066a Bayliss Margarett 0051a Bayliss Mary Ann 0051a Beard Isaac 0057a Behalor Saml 0053a Beheler Jacob 0072a Benedick Lindsy 0078a Benedict Ben 0053a Benedict John 0074a Bennett James 0055a Bennett Joseph 0046a Bennett Thos 0055a Benson Edward 0047a Benton Wm 0051a Berry Eph 0046a Berry Jas A 0078a Berry Sarah 0067a Beven(?) Tarleton 0044a Billingsley J D 0051a Bishop Sam 0074a Blackburn Jas 0050a Blackburn Rob 0050a Blackburn Wm 0053a Blankinship Elijah 0066a Bonaker Gabl 0061a Borders David 0047a Borders Elizabeth 0048a Borders John 0048a Borders Wm 0048a Boren James 0044a Boucher Isaac 0047a Boucher John 0047a Boucher Peter 0075a Boyd Frances 0069a Boyd Lemuel 0074a Bracken Wm 0079a Bridge Zachariah 0067a Bridges Samuel 0066a Bridges Thos J 0062a Bright Geo 0075a Bright Mary 0070a Briley John N 0053a Brinson Moses 0076a Bronson Johnathan 0076a Brooks John 0078a Brooks Martin 0046a Browet Anderson 0078a Brown Allen 0071a Brown Alseg 0046a Brown Ben F 0062a Brown Burton 0062a Brown Drury D 0062a Brown Henry 0053a Brown Henry J 0046a Brown Joel 0072a Brown John H 0078a Brown Wiley 0071a Brown Willis 0072a Brownt Andrew 0067a Brownt James 0067a Brunson Rhd 0069a Buckhanan J J 0068a Buckhannen Joshua 0061a Buckhanon Wm 0078a Burley Ben 0068a Burris Rachel 0048a Burton Byrd 0058a Burton John 0045a Burton Mary 0070a Burton Thos S 0062a Burton Willis 0053a Cagle Lenard 0076a Cagle Lindsy 0071a Cain Isaac 0048a Caldwell Sol 0049a Camer Richard 0066a Campton Abraim 0062a Carber Joseph 0077a Carlock Geo 0060a Carpenter F A 0060a Carpenter James 0044a Carpenter Richd 0052a Carpenter Saml 0079a Carruth H C 0065a Carruth Thos 0073a Carter Joseph 0078a Cassady Alfred 0070a Cassady Jeremiah 0075a Center Levi 0066a Center Starling 0066a Chambers Fred M 0052a Chapman James 0051a Christie Jas M 0050a Clark Elliot 0053a Clark Jacques 0047a Clark John 0079a Clark Rhoda 0070a Cline Adam 0047a Cline Mitchell 0045a Clybon Barbary 0066a Clybon Meradith 0049a Cobb Lebbeus 0065a Cockerille James 0060a Cockerille Johnson J 0063a Cockerille Wm 0063a Cockrhan Humphry 0055a Cockrille J V 0059a Colbert Elijah 0073a Colbert Geo 0048a Colbert John 0067a Colbert Levi 0072a Colbert Rob W 0047a Colbert Tho 0045a Colbert Valentine 0078a Cole Abram 0049a Cole James 0048a Cole Jas S 0049a Cole Jno 0071a Cole John 0054a Cole Margaret 0054a Cole Wm 0071a Cole Zacheus 0049a Coleman Thos 0060a Coleman Wm 0051a Collins Henry 0062a Colman Jno 0059a Colman Wm 0062a Combs Thos 0076a Conner Elisha 0074a Conner Wm 0078a Conter Willis 0066a Conway Rob 0067a Cook Gray 0071a Cook Green 0071a Cook Sion 0071a Cooke Jacob 0072a Cooksey Nancy 0063a Cooper Jas 0059a Cooper John 0056a Cooper Sterling 0074a Cooper Wm 0054a Corder Ben R 0060a Corder Josiah B 0071a Corder Nancy 0060a Cornwell Berryman 0057a Cornwell E W 0050a Cornwell Peter 0053a Cornwell Phebe 0060a Cornwell Sarah 0074a Corruth John 0046a Corruth Mark 0045a Costellow Wm 0062a Costelow Alexd 0055a Cowden W S H 0067a Crow John W 0056a Crow Joseph 0055a Crowder Sarah 0075a Crunnells John M 0055a Culp David 0074a Cusenberry Danl 0061a Cusenberry Harrison 0062a Cusenberry Jas 0068a D???she Elizabeth 0068a Dalton Danl 0054a Dalton Jas 0049a Dalton Thos 0045a Dalton Wm 0055a Davies Jas M 0045a Davis John 0070a Davis Johnathan 0063a Dawkins Henry 0078a Day Jacob 0076a Deberry Allen 0044a Deering Ben 0060a Deering John 0056a Deering Willis 0059a Deering Wm 0056a Deering Wm 0056a Deering Wm D 0068a Derrington Jas H 0064a Derrington Mills 0045a Derrington Wilkins 0050a Devashe Danl 0069a Dewit A C 0065a Dickerson Nancy 0067a Dickerson W 0068a Dickson Ben 0047a Dinwiddie Alexd 0045a Divine A 0071a Dixon Wm 0051a Dixson John 0064a Dobbs Henry S 0052a Dobbs John 0055a Dodson Assenit 0057a Dodson Delilah M 0053a Dodson Joseph F 0057a Dodson Wm 0053a Donus Wm M 0047a Douglass Andw 0072a Douglass Larkin 0051a Dowden Lucy 0067a Dowell John 0045a Downing Ben 0074a Doyle Wm 0058a Draw Anthony 0065a Duckett Joseph 0074a Duffer Wm 0060a Duncan Ashley 0055a Duncan Oliver 0050a Dunn Margaret 0073a Dunnahoe John H 0046a Durham Jas 0052a Durham Joseph 0063a Durham Robt 0061a Durkum John 0064a Dye Carroll 0051a Dye James 0051a Dyson David 0067a Dyson John 0063a Dyson Wm C 0073a Eddy Geo 0044a Edmonds Richard W 0065a Edmonds Saml 0061a Edoms Job 0072a Ellis Jas 0072a Eplin John 0066a Ervin Dory 0073a Eubank Aaron T 0044a Eubank Johnathan 0044a Evans Boyle 0049a Evans James B 0065a Evans W F 0065a Fagg Zach C 0047a Farley Jos 0077a Farrington Charity 0054a Ferguson Hugh 0044a Ferguson Matthew 0053a Ferguson Wm G 0061a Fikes Malachi 0048a Finney Henry 0076a Fishback John 0046a Fitzpatrick Wm 0067a Fletcher Gwyn 0074a Follis Geo 0048a Follis R S 0064a Forbate Francis 0076a Ford Richd S 0049a Foster Geo B 0077a Foster Iradell W 0048a Foster Price 0077a Foster R J 0065a Frances Joel M 0067a Francis Jas A 0058a Frost Eli 0056a Frost Joseph 0046a Frost Wm 0056a Fursher Mary 0054a Fursher Sol 0054a Gaines Jno F 0076a Garmon Adam 0066a Garrison Calvin 0059a Garrison Eli D 0065a Garrison John M 0049a Gatewood Fletchr 0053a Gibson Elizabeth 0069a Gibson Randolph 0051a Gillian James 0047a Gilmore Jno 0071a Godley Elizabeth 0077a Godley Jesse S 0077a Goodman Drusilla 0074a Goodman Jacob 0074a Goodnight Isaac 0051a Goppage Danl 0053a Graves David 0047a Graves Fred 0047a Grayham Ellis 0076a Green Robt W 0076a Griffin John 0078a Griffin Rhd 0069a Griggs A 0065a Griggs W M 0065a Griggs Wm 0065a Grough Jms H 0053a Guest Jas 0069a Gumon H P 0079a Guy Ben 0053a Guy John 0057a Guy Mathes 0057a Guy Saml 0057a Guy William 0057a Guy Wm Jr 0057a H????? Ed 0068a Hagan Arthur 0074a Hagans Campbell 0064a Hagins Lin 0046a Haines Chrisr 0069a Haines John 0069a Haines Sam 0069a Halter Asa 0078a Halter Asbey 0076a Halter Levina 0078a Halter Michael 0078a Halter Saml 0062a Hamet Anderson 0061a Hamet Diana 0068a Hamet James 0068a Hamet Wm 0068a Hamett W G 0072a Hamm Jas 0055a Hamm Langston 0057a Hamm Wm 0053a Hancock Chs 0047a Hannah Wm 0060a Hardcastle R N 0056a Harlan F D W 0078a Harman John 0052a Harmin Mardicai 0058a Harmon Aden 0057a Harrell Raby 0044a Harris Amos 0049a Harris David 0048a Harris David 0050a Harris Joel H 0049a Harris John 0055a Harris Rob 0047a Harris Wm 0060a Harrison Andrew 0047a Harrison Thos 0047a Harrison William 0044a Harrison Willis 0046a Harston Saml 0077a Hart Elizabeth 0050a Harvey A A 0065a Harvey Chs F 0065a Hatler E A 0079a Hatler Wm 0079a Hawkins Thos 0059a Hecter Frederick 0058a Hector Geo F 0056a Hector Jas W 0065a Heffington Jas A 0070a Henderson Jno 0054a Henson Richd 0051a Hickerson Kider 0045a Hickman Anthony G 0075a Hickman Jesse L 0068a Hickman John 0058a Hickman Matthew 0063a Hicks Abel 0047a Hicks Jesse 0050a Hicks Nathaniel 0050a Hide Wiley 0075a Hill Ann 0071a Hill Isaac 0058a Hill John 0045a Himmins Jas S 0052a Himmins Saml 0052a Hinton Elijah 0045a Hinton Geo 0075a Hinton Hilloman 0071a Hinton James 0048a Hinton Jeremiah 0048a Hinton Jeremiah Sr 0048a Hinton John 0052a Hinton Matthew 0061a Hinton Obediah 0055a Hinton Temperance 0052a Hinton Uriah 0049a Hinton Walker 0064a Hogans John 0052a Hogg Cyrus 0067a Holder Edward 0066a Holder John 0066a Holder Margaret 0066a Holemen John B 0044a Holladay Levi 0050a Holland Wm 0051a Hollaway Henrietta 0056a Holliman David 0044a Holloway Henry M 0060a Hood Pleasant 0045a Hood Rebecka 0078a Hoodman Jagan 0076a Hopson Elizabeth 0075a Hopson Thos 0062a Horn Thos 0051a Horton Emanuel 0054a Howard Spotwood 0045a Howell Jas 0072a Howells Wm 0062a Hughes Elizabeth 0074a Hughes James 0057a Hughes James 0061a Hughes John P 0074a Hughes Meredith 0064a Hughes Thompson 0074a Hunt James 0051a Hunt John 0044a Hunt Riley 0044a Huntaman Henry 0057a Hunteman Peter 0048a Hurston Thos 0059a Hurston William 0053a Huson Lazarius 0067a Jackson Ben 0052a Jackson Ben 0052a Jackson Green 0052a Jackson Jourdan 0052a Jackson Saml 0064a Jackson Willis 0052a Jackson Wm 0078a Jackson Wm 0078a Jamison Achilles 0077a Jenkins Danl K 0054a Jent David 0072a Jent Jesse 0067a Jent Thos H 0072a Johnson Ben C 0054a Johnson Chs 0076a Johnson John 0057a Johnson William 0073a Johnston Henry 0072a Johnston Henry 0076a Johnston John 0057a Johnston Matthew 0072a Johnston Rob 0063a Jones Ambrose 0049a Jones James 0045a Jones Johnathan 0049a Justice Ez 0046a Justice Garritt 0050a Justice Wm 0045a Kelly John 0073a Kelsey Margaret 0074a Kelsey Saml 0074a Kennedy David 0046a Killey John 0055a Lacefield Wm 0048a Lamb Alex 0050a Lamb Wm 0050a Lee Abel 0071a Lee Isaac 0073a Lee Isaac 0075a Lee Richd 0057a Lee Robt 0074a Lee Stephen D 0072a Lee Tobiah 0056a Legrand H B 0077a Legrand Henry 0077a Legrand Joel 0060a Lewis Geo 0059a Lewis Saml 0044a Lewis William 0044a Lightfoot John 0051a Lindsay Rachel 0055a Linn John 0076a Lisle Thomas 0046a Lloyd Jas 0059a Lloyd Robert 0054a Lloyd Stephen 0054a Loafman Wm 0068a Lodge Thos J 0070a Logan Jacob 0055a Logan Rob S 0053a Logan Wash 0053a Logan Young 0046a Long Ben 0062a Long Jas H 0058a Long Nelson 0064a Long Rob M 0046a Long Wm 0067a Loveless B C 0044a Loveless Jas C 0052a Loveless Saml 0051a Lovell Wm 0048a Lyles Jas M 0055a Lyles John 0056a Lynch Frederick C 0075a Lynn Moses 0062a Maberry Jeremiah 0073a Maddox Wm 0072a Manly Obadiah 0056a Mansfield Alex 0056a Mansfield G W 0065a Mansfield Wm 0065a Marcman Wm 0055a Maror?? Armstead 0064a Marrerum Elisha 0054a Marrions Pheriba 0073a Marshall John C 0065a Martin Enock 0064a Martin James 0055a Martin Jas W 0064a Martin Joseph 0050a Martin Pleasant 0056a Maryard Jno 0074a Mason Joseph 0052a Mayhew Alexd 0045a Mayhew Henry 0050a Mayhew James 0079a Mayhew James Sr 0049a Mayhew Jas C 0046a Mayhew Justin 0079a Mayhew Laces 0050a Mayhew Moses 0046a Mayhew Nancy 0064a Mayhew R S 0061a Mayhew Resin A 0048a Mayhew Woodford 0049a Mayhew Zachariah 0044a McAdams Wm 0059a McCallister Jas 0061a McChristie Jas 0050a McClure Manly 0066a McClure Pleasant 0071a McFarland Martha 0068a McGuire Geo 0069a McGuire Josiah 0063a McGuire Mary 0063a McGuire Obadiah 0057a McGuire Squire 0069a McIlroy Jas 0064a McIlroy Wm B 0047a McIntire Johnathan 0066a McReynolds Anderson 0064a McReynolds James 0064a McReynolds Rob 0064a McReynolds Wiley 0071a Meader Jesse 0054a Meader Louis W 0050a Meadow Pleasant 0073a Meredith Armstead 0058a Merellith T A 0062a Merritt Elizabeth 0067a Merritt Stephen 0068a Mifflin Preston 0045a Mifflin Steward 0045a Miller Saml 0070a Miller Wm 0064a Mitchell Geo 0053a Mitchell H S 0052a Mitchell Mary 0072a Mitchell Willis 0056a Mitchell Willis 0061a Mitchell Wm 0055a Moody Martin 0060a Moore Alsten 0066a Moore Garland 0046a Moore Jas W 0076a Moore Mary H 0079a Moore Thos 0067a Morehead Raleigh 0062a Morehead Tho J 0076a Morgan Jesse 0059a Morgan Reliance 0068a Morris Jane 0048a Morrison James 0058a Motley Frances 0058a Motley Henry 0075a Motley James 0075a Motley John 0075a Motley John M 0058a Motley Matthew 0075a Motley Matthew 0075a Motley Patty 0075a Motley Thos 0071a Motley Zach 0070a Mulligan Jas C 0065a Myers Danl 0048a Myers David 0048a Myers Wm J 0078a Myre Williamson 0063a Nanney John H 0046a Napper Thomas 0054a Nappis Jubal 0063a Neal Ben F 0077a Neal Moses 0056a Neal Wm 0056a Newman And 0059a Nichols John 0070a Nichols W 0059a Nichols Wm 0053a Noel Lucy 0064a North Matthew R 0059a North Thomas 0058a Oar Nancy 0074a Odell Wm 0049a Ogle John 0044a Oliphant Danl S 0061a Oliphant Jas 0068a Oliphant Wm 0067a Oliver James 0053a Oliver Price 0070a Oliver T J 0076a Oliver Thos W 0058a Oliver Washington 0076a Oliver Wm 0071a Oliver Wm D 0070a O'Neal John 0048a Owen Obadiah 0057a Owens Abraim 0063a Oxford Danl 0051a Oxford Saml 0045a Oxford Thos R 0052a Paris Rob H 0065a Parker Ed 0075a Parker Thos 0073a Patton Nancy 0077a Payne David 0073a Payton Berry 0078a Payton John 0078a Payton Wm 0061a Pearson John R 0063a Pep Oswald N 0069a Perdue Jesse 0072a Perdue Jos 0069a Perkins Thos 0079a Petcock Thos 0074a Piland Henry 0066a Pilant Thos 0063a Pinson Josiah F 0061a Pinson Ruth 0070a Pitchford Arange D 0063a Pitchford Cyrus 0066a Pitchford Daniel 0066a Pitchford Eli 0066a Pitchford Fleming 0066a Pitchfore Daniel 0046a Poe Ben 0052a Poe Bennett 0073a Poe Johnston 0047a Poe Wm Jr 0073a Poe Wm Sr 0073a Pope N K 0059a Pope Saml 0048a Porter Danson S 0061a Porter David A 0053a Porter Uriah 0060a Porter Wm R 0060a Pritchet Elisha 0053a Pruit Alfred 0047a Pruit Wm 0047a Pruitt Abram 0060a Pruitt Jesse 0063a Pruitt Moses 0057a Pruitt Obed 0063a Pruitt Robt 0069a Pulley Rachel 0069a Pulliam Ben 0077a Pulliam Henry 0069a Pulliam Joseph 0046a Pulliam Rob 0046a Pulliam Wm 0062a Ragan Jas 0073a Ramsy John 0072a Ransom Jas 0068a Rather Jas 0050a Ray Wm 0061a Read Chas D 0062a Read Frances A 0070a Read Geo D 0061a Read James 0070a Read Robt C 0062a Realy John 0060a Realy Philip 0060a Realy Philip 0061a Reeves Eleanor 0055a Reeves Levi 0062a Renfrow John 0067a Reynolds Nat 0076a Rice Cary 0052a Rice Wm 0067a Richards Hiram 0057a Richards Sam 0049a Richards Washington 0057a Richards Wm 0064a Richey Wm 0058a Richey Wm 0059a Richman Thos 0058a Rigsby Henry J 0070a Rigsby Jas 0075a Rigsby Jno 0075a Rigsby John B 0059a Rigsby R G 0075a Rinick Peyton 0075a Ritchey Alexd 0065a Ritchey Andrew J 0067a Ritchey John 0069a Ritchey Saml 0061a Ritchey Solm L 0077a Ritchey Thos 0077a Roads E D F 0062a Roads Saml J 0062a Roberson Jordan 0060a Roberson Mary 0060a Robertson Elizabeth 0061a Rogers Henry Jr 0064a Rogers Henry Sr 0064a Rogers John 0072a Rose Cynthia 0070a Rourk Asa 0073a Rourk Hiram 0073a Rourk Thos 0073a Rusks Jas 0071a Russell Mary 0051a Russell Wm 0051a S??y Joseph R 0073a Sanders Hez 0075a Sanders Isaac 0074a Sanders John G 0074a Sarver John 0049a Sarver Wyat 0049a Satterfield Henry 0059a Satterfield Wm 0076a Seamster Greenberry 0058a Seamster John 0077a Sears Austin 0053a Sears Henry 0069a Sears Henry 0077a Sears Saml 0078a Sears Thos 0066a Sears William 0077a Segraves Johnathan 0070a Segraves Mary 0062a Segraves Sarah 0060a Segraves Thos 0060a Senter Gilford 0072a Shaw David M 0073a Shaw Jas 0072a Shaw Wm 0073a Sherry John 0051a Sherry Reubin 0052a Shickels Saml 0062a Shields Elijah 0051a Shields Thos 0075a Shikels Peter 0069a Short Dicy 0073a Siddons John S 0078a Siddows Jas S 0073a Sikes Jesse 0059a Simpson Rob 0061a Simpson Robt 0065a Slay Thos 0055a Smith Caswell 0070a Smith Francis 0070a Smith Henry 0071a Smith Jos S 0070a Smith Lyia 0059a Smith Mary 0063a Smith Obediah 0060a Smith Sanford 0060a Smith Sarah 0071a Smith Wm H 0057a Snow John D 0049a Snow Wm O 0048a Soster Wm 0054a Spann Nathan L 0052a Spann Neomy 0045a Spears Thompson 0054a Spears Wm W 0048a Spencer John 0077a Spencer Sol 0057a Spencer Thos 0057a Spencer Wm 0061a Spencer Wm 0077a Spillman Bethnel 0061a Spillman Has H 0065a Spillman John 0063a Spillman Rob 0068a Spillman Saml 0059a Spillman Thos 0068a Spillman William 0061a Stamps Chs 0050a Stamps James 0059a Stamps Lucy 0055a Stamps Timothy 0050a Stark Festus 0077a Stark James 0076a Stark Lucy 0077a Stark Sarah 0077a Statin Joseph 0067a Stedge Miles C 0059a Stephens Robt 0069a Stephens Thomas 0069a Stephens Thos 0069a Stewart Wm 0051a Stinson Burdit 0072a Stinson Lovel 0073a Stinson Wm 0073a Stone John 0068a Stone Wm H 0067a Stoval Nancy 0070a Stovall Bartholonew 0076a Stovall Danl 0076a Stovall Geo 0070a Stovall Geo 0075a Stovall Jas 0075a Strait Briggs 0058a Strait Gray B 0058a Strait Jno 0052a Strait Joel 0075a Strait Wm 0058a Strait Wm L 0075a Strait Wright 0058a Street David 0046a Street H H 0047a Stuart Alexd 0063a Stuart David 0071a Stuart Elizabeth 0066a Stuart Jas 0063a Stuart Wm R 0067a Stubblefield Sarah 0051a Sulser Hardin 0074a Sutton Oliver 0047a Sutton Thos 0059a Swearingen Lemuel 0065a Sykes William 0067a Taber George 0070a Taber Isaac 0070a Taber John 0078a Tael Barsheba 0054a Taylor John 0050a Thacker Edward 0063a Thaxton Hannah 0056a Thaxton Z B 0068a Thomas Daniel 0050a Thomas Huden 0059a Thomas Isham 0058a Thomas John 0047a Thomas John 0050a Thomas Sarah 0054a Thomas Stephen 0050a Thomas Walter 0062a Thompson Sarah 0052a Tiffany Walter 0046a Tilley Prashal 0047a Tinsley Elijah 0068a Tinsley John 0077a Tinsley Mary 0077a Tinsley Moses 0068a Tinsley Thos 0061a Tinsley Thos 0068a Tinsley Wm 0068a Tinsly Isaac 0056a Todd Hugh 0076a Todd Robt 0076a Tow Reubin 0067a Tra???? Samuel H 0073a Tracy Isaac 0062a Tracy James 0072a Tracy Jas 0071a Tracy Jos 0072a Tracy Michael 0072a Travelstead Wm Sr 0045a Travelsted Abram 0045a Travelsted Anthy 0044a Travelsted Fred 0048a Travelsted John 0044a Travelsted John Sr 0045a Travelsted Saml 0044a Travelsted Solomon 0048a Travelsted William 0044a Tribble J R 0065a Trotten M Cray 0048a Trump John 0077a Turley Jas 0068a Vanders Wm 0075a Vanover Cornelius 0051a Vanover Henry 0072a Vanvell John 0052a Varvell John 0056a Venable John 0052a Venable Joseph 0056a Venable Presley 0053a Vennable James 0057a Vennable Joseph 0076a Vennable Larkin J 0076a Wade Bartley 0062a Wade David 0059a Wade Henry 0073a Wade John 0050a Wadkins Alexd 0055a Wadkins Jas 0056a Wadkins Jerome 0055a Wadkins John 0051a Waggal Geo 0046a Waggal Wm 0049a Wagganer Martha 0050a Waggenor Williamson 0045a Waggoner David 0057a Waggoner Edmund 0049a Waggoner George 0057a Waggoner Martha 0048a Walden John 0046a Walker A S 0065a Walker David 0044a Walker Ithamy 0048a Walker Wm 0045a Walton John 0055a Walton Nimrod 0049a Warnin Zeck 0074a Watts Aaron 0061a Watts Judith 0063a Weatherspoon H 0071a Weatherspoon Sam 0071a Weaver James 0070a Weaver Joel 0075a Weaver John 0075a Weaver Parshal 0060a Weaver Wm 0058a Weaver Wm 0071a Webb Enock R 0052a Welch Amasa 0057a Welch P E 0057a Welch Simeon F 0049a Welch Thos 0064a Whetings(?) John G 0078a White Ben 0078a White Benj 0068a White Wm 0053a Whitlow Jesse W 0064a Whitlow John 0071a Whitney Jeremiah 0077a Whitney John 0063a Whitney S W 0069a Whitney Sam 0069a Whitney Saml 0059a Whitney Uriah 0067a Whitt James 0066a Whitt John 0064a Widdons Wm 0078a Wilbon W 0070a Wildman Jonah 0058a Williams Asbury G 0062a Williams Elisha 0054a Williams Geo Wm 0056a Williams Henry 0077a Williams James 0044a Williams John 0067a Williams Langston 0056a Williams Martin 0070a Williams Mary A 0054a Williams Ralph 0057a Williams Rhe T 0061a Williams Thos T 0056a Williams Wyat 0053a Williamson John 0069a Williamson Nancy 0064a Willis J P 0070a Willis Saml 0049a Willoughby Danl 0064a Willoughby Hiram B 0059a Willoughby Vincent 0071a Willoughby Wm 0071a Wilmot E 0068a Wilson Amanda 0054a Wilson Ashley 0054a Wilson Ben 0050a Wilson Ben P 0047a Wilson Geo 0065a Wilson Geo M 0054a Wiskware Elijah G 0061a Witcher C D 0074a Witherspoon Major 0056a Wolf Henry 0077a Wolf Jacob 0054a Wolf James 0054a Woodcock Henry 0067a Woods Mary 0069a Woodwick G B 0059a Wooley Alfred 0063a Wooley Basil 0066a Worden Francis 0068a Worden Jas 0056a Worden John 0068a Wright Elizabeth 0052a Wright Griffin 0052a Wright Jas H 0051a Wright Jesse 0051a Wright John 0050a Wright Philip 0044a Wright Rob A 0063a Wright Washington 0050a Wright Wm 0051a York James 0076a Young James 0058a Young Joshua 0069a