School: HALF WAY SCHOOL ----------------------------------- Submitted for Archives by: Sandi Gorin December 27, 2000 ---------------------------------- HALF WAY SCHOOL This school was on the first floor with a Masonic lodge on the 2nd floor, built around the turn of the centurey. When other schools closed, this school increased in attendance. J F RICHARDS gave land in 1940 for the school and the old school was sold to the lodge. Early trustees included G F STONE, Charley COLE, R E OLIVER, C J COLE, J W COLE and W H SMITH. The school closed in 1958 at consolidation. Early teachers included: A C BOUCHER, Vertie NICHOLS, Sadie GREEN, W DODSON, Lettie B GUY, Maggie CARTER, George TINSLEY, Vera MEADORS, Evelyn B MEREEDITH, Nadine McREYNOLDS SPENCER, Nellie R LAMBERT, Pearlis W PRUITT, "Doc" HOLLAND, Herbert EASTER, Vera FRENCH, Drayton MEREDITH, Naomi B SPENCER, Willie DOWNING, Leona H BARBER, Gladys H POWELL, Mary COOK, Alma OGLES, Kathleen W SUTHERLAND, Mildred W HACKER, Bessie H MOREHEAD. The class of 1919 photo shows Chloe PRUITT SPENCER as teacher and the following students: Ernest ALLEN, Genie Murl ALLEN, Ganard GREATHOUSE, Golden AYERS, Gladys AYERS, Russell WILLOUGHBY, Cecil HOLLAND, Eric BRUCE, Edward PAYTON, Forest PAYTON, Charlie WATKINS, Nina PRUITT, Estell ALLEN, Willie Lee SMITH, Irene SMITH, Daisy HOWARD, Elsie Mar HOWARD, Mazie WILLOUGHBY, Inist THACKER, Christine WILLOUGHBY, Kimble WILLOUGHBY, Veva HUFFINGTON, Frances HUFFINGTON, Erue WILLOUGHBY, Nellie G GOODRUM, Versie May GOODRUM, Marie AYERS, Vessie AYERS, Willie G BELLER, Frances RICHARDS, Leo ALLEN, Lawrence HOWARD, Sherman PRUITT, Freley ALLEN, Aubrey COOKSEY, Walter MIZE, Maurine CALLAHAN, Ruby WILLOUGHBY, Haskal MIZE, Mary Lee COLE, Esty BELLER, Allie HOWARD, Clyde RICHARDS, Cloysie WATKINS, Kay PRUITT, Mandy BELLER, Earline MIZE, Mon Lee WILLOUGHBY, Inez PRUITT, Idel COLE, Ruth RICHARDS, Garland HOWARD, Otis PEARSON, Greek SMITH, Lula Belle ALLEN, Raymond SMITH, Umbrey EDDY, Edit HOWARDS, Vera CALLAHAN, Clara SMITH, Forest WILLOUGHBY, Classie PRUITT, Mack KELSEY, Nola ALLEN, Fonvil SMITH, Elvis ALLEN, Walter KELSEY, Myrtle WILLOUGHBY, Nelson SMITH, Ala GARDNER. The class of 1958-59 (last year) shows Mildred Williams HACKER and Naomi BUCHANAN SPENCER as teachers and the following students: Anna MATTHEWS, Dawn Price MAYS, Tommy WATSON, John GILLOCK, Donna Sue SPENCER JOHNSON, Bertha BROWN REYNOLDS, Judy HOWARD GRAVES, Virginia VAUGHN, Ronnie MATTHEWS, Gary STONE, Cynthia JONES WALL, Patricia LAW GADDIS, Norris WAGONER, Alice BROWN MYERS, Marcella MILLER COOK, Janetta RAILEY CARVER, Fred SPENCER, Nancy YATES THOMAS, Barbara GILLOCK DRIVER, Teresa BLANKENSHIP, Dana Kay ENGLAND, Buel GRAY, David BROWN, Charles HAMMOCK, Jane COOKSEY, Kenneth SMITH, Joe C. THACKER, Bobby SMITH, Joanna Guy TABOR, Linda STONE MANTLO, Margaret GILLOCK GRAY, Brenda HOWARD FORSHEE, Sharon HOLLAND, Donnie BELLER, Gordon PRICE, Donald BROWN, Ann WIX HURT, Anita COOKSEY, Gloria WHEAT WHITE, Kathy DINWIDDIE SPENCER, Wilda WATKINS LINDSEY, Lynda HOWARD, Bobby PEARSON, Billy TOWE, Sue WATKINS GHEIS, Carolyn MATTHEWS CONNER, Ruvine CORNWELL WATSON, Loretta LIVINGSTON JENKINS, Jeanette WAGONER MOSS, Eva Nell COOPER ORR, Herbert GILLOCK, Jerry LANDERS, Larry SPENCER, Jane COUNTS GARMON, Regina PRICE PHILLIPS, Deloris MARCUM HUNTER, Amerilus CORNWELL PRUITT and a little boy in the window - Michael JONES. **************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genelaogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. *****************************************************************************