Bath-Montgomery County KyArchives Military Records.....Goodpaster, James, Widow Etie July 20, 1926 Civilwar - Pension Captain Barber's Co. A KY Militia ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sarah Nesnow November 6, 2007, 5:29 pm Pension Application James Goodpaster –Widow Etie Goodpaster Civil War Widow’s Pension application 1552029 Abstract Declaration for Widow’s Pension a. Dated 20 July 1926, Bath County, KY b. Etie Goodpaster, born 15 February 1850 near Owingsville, Bath County, KY—widow of James Goodpaster Sr. c. Soldier enlisted 25 May 1865 at Flemingsburg, KY in Capt. Barber’s Company A, KY militia; discharged 4 November 1865; died 30 March 1919 at Owingsville, KY d. Widow was married 1 Dec 1875 as Etie Riddle by Reben Maxsey, near Owingsville, KY e. Widow signed by mark Transcript--all spellings as original Declaration for a Widow's pension Act of May 1, 1920 State of Kentucky, County of Bath, SS: On this the 20 day of July, 1926, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Etie Good paster, who makes the following declaration as an application for pension under the provisions of the act of Congress approved May 1, 1920. That she is 75 [65 marked through] years of age, that she was born February 15, 1850 at nere Owingsvill Bath Co Ky. That she is the widow of James Good paster Sr, who ENLISTED May 25, 1865, at Flemingsburg Ky., under the name James Good paster Sr, in Captin Barbers Co A as a privet in State militia and was honorably DISCHARGED novembr 4, 1865, having served ninety days or more, or was discharged for, or died in service of the United States of a disability incurred in the service in the line of duty, during the CIVIL WAR, and who DIED March 30, 1919, at Owingsvill Bath Co Ky. That he also served in not eny other servise And that, except as herein stated, said soldier (or sailor) was not employed in the military or naval service of the United States; THAT SHE WAS MARRIED to said soldier (or sailor) Dec 1 1875, under the name Etie Riddle, at nere Owingsvill, by Reben Maxsey; that she had not been previously married, that he had not been previously married; That neither she nor said soldier was ever married otherwise than as stated above. That she was NOT divorced from the soldier (or sailor) and that she has NOT remarried since his death; That the following are the ONLY children OF THE SOLDIER (or sailor) who are now living and are under sixteen years of age: [blank] That she did not serve in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States between April 6, 1917 and July 2, 1921, or at any time during said period. That no member of her family served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States between April 6, 1917 and July 2, 1921, or at any time during said period. That she has not heretofore applied for pension, the number of her former claim being [blank]; that said soldier (or sailor) was not a pensioner, the number of his pension certificate being [blank]. her Etie x Goodpaster mark Owingsvill Bath Cnty Kentucky Witnesses: Harrison McCarty, Mt. Sterling, Ky., R#2 Audra Fai Warren, Owingville Ky. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20 day of July, 1926, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing, including the words [blank] erased, and the words [blank] added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. Holt Warren Notry Public Owingsvill My commission expires July 5 1928 File at: This file has been created by a form at